Chapter 523

"If you won't, why ask me?" LAN Yue steadies her mind. When she speaks, her delicate lips tremble slightly. She pinches her hands to make her look more calm.

Since Qi Yanjun can get in touch with this person, I am afraid he has found her whereabouts.

This group of people suddenly took her away, mostly to avoid Qi Yanjun, but also held her hostage.

This is strange. The willow eyebrows covered by black cloth wrinkled gently. LAN Yue thought that they had caught her because of the gratitude and resentment between the Gu family and the LAN family. But after waiting for a week, the other party did not start, but also used her to threaten Qi Yanjun.

Maybe from the beginning, she guessed wrong. These people didn't intend to start with her. Their ultimate goal was Qi Yanjun.

"You've been investigating for so long, isn't it just to know the answer?"

The slight sound of "Di" broke the silence of the room. If you hear me correctly, it should be the sound of the phone being hung up.

It seems that he has finished the dialogue with Qi Yanjun, and he has no intention to conceal his identity in front of her.

LAN Yueshu began to clench the five fingers into a fist. Since the other party is so calm, he should not have any intention to start with her in the short term. "So, do you admit that you have something to do with your family?"

Can you hear the rhythm of your voice.

"Well, you're right."

After about half a minute, LAN Yue couldn't respond to her cold reply. In addition, the other party's voice was facing a clear voice that could not be covered up. At most, she was only 18 or 9 years old, which always distracted her.

Is there only one young man left who can take charge of the overall situation?

She held her loose hand gently and strained her nerves. Because she had investigated these things, she was very clear that most of the people in the LAN family who were able to speak were executed, leaving only some old and weak women and children living under the care of ZF.

They didn't put the people back to the village until they were sure that there was no harm at all. At that time, it was no longer possible to care for the family. If there is no wrong guess, the young man beside him must have a very early status in the family. Moreover, most of his parents were sentenced in the judgment of that year, leaving him alone.

Like Gu An.

Although Gu An claims that her parents have been gone since childhood, it is not difficult to guess the reason for her hostility to the blue family.

LAN Yue raised the vigilance, lest the youth will start suddenly! Such a person is the most terrifying. He has nothing to consider.

"So, where are you going to go?" The windows in the car have not been opened. LAN Yue can't hear any wind and can't judge whether the car is still running.

"Don't worry, I won't move you for the time being."

The tone of youth is very cold. LAN Yue even doubts whether he is talking to himself. The tone is as cold as ice without any ups and downs.

She pursed her lips and said no more.

The elders who could speak up to the family were executed, and the rest were almost all carrying the hatred of their parents, and the confrontation with them only provoked them. Now she has only one person, and it's not good for her to annoy them.

Hearing that the teenager did not intend to continue to talk with her, LAN Yue closed her eyes and listened attentively to the movement around her. Maybe she could hear the clue of writing. Although her hands were not tied, she could not take the black cloth off her eyes at this time, or the people around her would not let her go.

I don't know how long I stayed in the car. LAN Yue felt some swelling pain in her head, and the breath in the carriage became dull.

She pinched the sweat in her palms, which should be the feeling before carsickness.

But she seldom gets carsick, and sometimes she doesn't feel tired even after staying in the car for three hours on the highway. In this way, they must have stayed in the car for a long time, which is beyond her physical endurance.

By this time, they had probably left the city and headed for another strange place.

These people did not talk to her, and after a break, they gave her some water and biscuits and ate them. During the period, someone has been watching, did not let her take off the things on her eyes.

Then they returned to the car, and before it was dark, they arrived at their destination.

"Come here!"

Not waiting for blue Yue to adjust, a rude voice exploded in the ear, her arm was also dragged, forced to drag forward. There was a rustling sound at the foot. LAN Yue was stunned. She rubbed her feet at will. She was surprised to find that there were some small stones on the ground, which were uneven and rubbed under the feet. If you were not careful, you would trip over.

"Is it all right here?"

"Yes, here it is! Let her in quickly. The young master is still waiting there

"Go in!"

Two different voices were talking behind her. LAN Yue didn't respond. When there was a person, she was pushed behind her and fell into a closed room.

Foot was stepped out of the "Ding Dong Dong" footstep sound, like stepping on the rusty iron. Even at the tip of the nose, there was a smell of rust in the air."Close the door quickly!"

With a loud bang, the rusty smell in the air suddenly got into her nose. She coughed and covered her nose with pain. At the same time, she took off the black cloth from her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the dust all over the sky.

She quickly retreated to the corner and waved the black cloth in her hand to her eyes to remove the dust.

But here is not ventilated, the dust in the air did not disappear for a long time. LAN Yue stood in the corner, covered his mouth and looked up. Through the dust, he saw a square window. Unfortunately, the glass was closed.

She coughed stiffly and looked around. Unfortunately, her sight was blocked by dust, and she could only see the darkness ahead. She touched the wall behind her, and rust was immediately on her fingertips.

If she guessed correctly, it should be a large iron container.

What do these people want to do with her here? Blue Yue covered the black cloth on his face and went to the corner on the other side. It was far away from the door, and the dust could not float to this side.

The environment is so closed that she can't hear anything outside. After waiting for a long time, the dust finally disappeared. However, the light inside was too dark. It could only be seen that the ground was covered with iron sheets. It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

Also do not know when the other party will release her, blue Yue chose a relatively clean place to sit down and rest.

After staying in the car for almost a whole day, her body couldn't bear it. She just sat down and fell asleep. When she woke up, she just saw the window on top of her head. It was dark outside.

Fortunately, the wrist watch on her hand was not taken off. When she raised her hand, she saw that the hour hand pointed to more than eight o'clock.

She has been sleeping from six o'clock to now. She only drank some mineral water and biscuits on the highway, which has been digested by now, and her stomach is empty and throbbing.

Bang Dang!

Just thinking of this, the iron door in front of her was pushed open suddenly. A dazzling white light pierced the darkness and penetrated into the pupil, which made her eyes tear. She subconsciously raised her hand to cover it.

"There she is, young master."

By the light, you can see two figures standing at the door. The man with the flashlight pointed this way, and then they walked this way, trampling on the abandoned land on the ground.

What are they doing? LAN Yue tries to sit up from the ground vigilantly. However, as soon as he has an action, he has a numbness on his legs and nearly falls to the ground.

Probably because it's been on the ground for too long.

"What else can I do for you?"

Seeing that the other side has already come to the front, LAN Yue tries to endure the discomfort of her legs and stands up next to the wall. A dazzling light flashed in front of her eyes, and she turned cold. "If you want to lock me here on purpose, you don't need to come here for inspection. There's almost no chance of this kind of escape. "

She glanced at the small window above her eyes. There was a small gap in the corner from which the air could barely flow into the room.

If people want to leave here, it is impossible for people outside to find out immediately.

Not to mention the dust here, you can't even breathe carelessly. LAN Yue just stayed here for a few hours, and felt that her throat was dry and uncomfortable. When she spoke, her throat was tense, and she could feel the pain with a little strength.

And there was no place to rest, no food or water. She was dizzy in the car for a long time, and it was impossible for her to leave here. See these people are not at ease to come to check, toss a afternoon of anger all rushed up.

"What's the noise? Aren't we sending you water?" The strong man yelled at her angrily. After that, he looked cautiously at the people beside him. He was relieved to see that the other side didn't speak.

The distance between the two sides is not far away. LAN Yue can hear the man's subtle sigh and see his small movements. Obviously, the person in charge is not him.

But because the light of the torch has been stuck in her eyes, she can't see the two faces clearly. I think the other side is also intentional.

They cover up all the way, just don't want her to see them. She doesn't want to argue with them too much. She sits back with the wall. This place has been cleaned up by her, and the ash layer is less than other places.

As she sat down, the man in front of her also quickly flashed the flashlight over and followed her all the way. She was stabbed to tears and held up her hand.

"Leave the things and go out."

The cold voice of the boy broke the deadlock.

LAN Yue looked up suspiciously and saw him take the flashlight from the man's hand, turn it off, squat down and put a bottle of clean mineral water on the ground, "let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

LAN Yue narrowed her stinging eyes, because it was too dark here. Even if she turned off the flashlight, she didn't know what the teenager looked like. She only felt a sense of oppression from the other side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!