Chapter 538

"There's someone ahead."

LAN Jun did not answer her question, squinting a pair of eyes to look at the road ahead.

Someone? His tone made LAN Yue's heart thump and sink. Looking along his line of sight, he saw several figures by the dim yellow street lamp. The cautious cat hid behind the car on the road.

This is originally a residential area, and there is no public parking lot nearby. Almost all people park their cars on both sides of the road, extending from one side of the road to the other.

If LAN Jun hadn't reminded her, LAN Yue couldn't have found the figure behind the car.

She stepped back a few steps, blocking her view through the darkness of the alley, so that the people would not find her. If there is no wrong guess, those people should be home care people, all the way to follow her to come here.

"What are we going to do now?"

Blue Yue indicated that the people behind him could release their hands, and the cold wind in the evening was blowing cold enough to shiver. She tried to keep her voice down so that people over there would not find out.

"Go that way."

LAN Jun's face is a little ugly, micro side head signal her to step back, while staring at the opposite person.

There are only two of them now. If they are found, they will not escape.

Those people ambush beside LAN Yue's car, as if waiting for her to come out. If they have been hiding in the alley, it is hard to guarantee that those people will come this way.

The alley is not wide, and if they come this way, they will soon be caught.

LAN Yue understood the meaning, holding her breath, slowly moved towards the dark place of the alley, controlling the strength and not making a sound.

LAN Jun stood there and gave her the back.

Not far behind, there is a small branch road. There is no street lamp in it. It can only rely on the weak light in the residential building to maintain the lighting.

LAN Yue has been here several times, but has never been to this path.

Looking at the dark in the deep of the path, her pace is a little slow. After confirming that there is no ambush inside, she quickly steps in and makes a gesture towards LAN Jun to let him come over.

LAN Jun's eyesight is obviously very good, you can easily see her movements. The cat stepped back and ran around suddenly, pulling her hand to rush inside, "run, catch up!"

Almost in the moment of his action, LAN Yue saw the car on the side of the road quickly passed by several shadows and rushed towards this side!

Found out!

"This way!"

LAN Jun is obviously familiar with the terrain here and suddenly pulls her to the side.

There was no light. LAN Yue thought it was hitting the wall. Unexpectedly, a burst of wind swept through her ears, and they ran into a narrow dark lane.

The rough wall rubbed the arms on both sides, and I could feel that the clothes were about to be worn out. In the dark lane, there was a desolate smell. Fortunately, the foot was dry and there was no dirty water in the imagination.

The alley was probably abandoned for some time.

They run all the way. LAN Yue can't see the scenery in front of him. He can only follow LAN Jun and follow their footsteps. Maybe he didn't expect them to run here.

"You go up first."

LAN Jun stops and gives way to the side.

A close look, in front of is a two meter high wall, some of the wall stones protruded out. LAN Jun motioned her to step on it and run up.

Blue Yue wrapped up the clothes, along the blue Jun's action to borrow strength to go up.

When she was a child, she often followed Qi Yanjun to climb trees in the courtyard of Qi family. These actions were not too difficult for her. As long as she could step on the stone with a little force, she could put her hands on the top of the wall, and the light in front of her was suddenly bright.


LAN Yue whispered suspiciously, and instantly recognized that the yard in front of him was the old villa rented by LAN Jun before. She knew that she didn't say much when she went up the wall and chose a suitable place to jump down.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, he looked up and saw a strong figure climbing on the top of the wall and easily jumped down from it.

"Come in."

Blue Jun brush off the dust on his body, look at her, go straight to the door, from the flower plate under a key, lead her in.

Unavoidably, those who were chased behind found something strange. They didn't turn on the light, just turned on the lighting system of the mobile phone.

The windows in the house are closed, and there is a small yard outside. It is impossible for people outside to see the light inside.

See blue Jun nodded, she immediately relaxed, sitting next to the wall on the ground, on the light to watch a look, it has been more than eight o'clock, even after such a long time.

She came over more than six and was delayed for nearly two hours on the way.

"How do we get out?"

Although no one followed, the sound of footsteps was always there. Sooner or later, they would find out that they were hiding here.

This group of people are prepared, since we can find her whereabouts, we can also know that the blue family used to rent here.The other side is prepared to come, and they are unprepared, can not be careless.


LAN Jun also sat down against the wall, the cold light of the mobile phone fell on his face, which seemed a bit pale. As soon as his feet were flat on the ground, he frowned with pain, but the expression lasted only for a moment.

Waiting for blue Yue to look, his expression has been restored as before, took out the mobile phone and handed it to her, "the last information."

Hearing this, LAN Yue immediately remembered that when she met him in the restaurant, LAN Jun took her tablet and left in a hurry. She should have noticed something unusual and rushed to investigate.

"What did you find?"

Mouth so asked, she took the mobile phone, it has more detailed information about Gu Qing.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, but she soon responded.

Since Gu's and LAN's have a feud, they naturally have some understanding of each other. It's not surprising that Lan Jun can take these materials back. It's strange that he left in such a hurry that day?

Suddenly, she was stunned, "I told you that there was a black van parked outside. Did you know that someone was following me from then on?"


Blue Jun stuffy should sound, suddenly reach out to point to her still bright mobile phone.

LAN Yue subconsciously turned off the mobile phone, but LAN Jun raised her hand. She took her mobile phone and dialed a number. It was estimated that she wanted to find someone to help them.

The people outside have been around all the time. They can't leave.

Taking advantage of this time, blue Yue also gave Gu Qing's information to read, his face showed surprise.

Different from what she had imagined, she thought that after all her elders were executed one after another, the rest of her descendants would not be able to make great achievements. After all, at that time, ZF was still targeting them, and it was impossible for them to start again.

But Gu Qing is different. Gu Qing's parents went to live abroad with the old man in his family at a very early time. Gu Qing has not yet been born. Later, his parents left him abroad after the full moon.

His parents intended to bring their relatives who were still in China, but because of their identity, they stayed in China forever.

It can be seen that ZF would rather kill wrong than let go of the Gu family at that time. At that time, the LAN family and Qi family were also involved. No wonder he wanted to incite the LAN family and Qi family to kill each other after returning home.

It's all about revenge.

She turned off the files on her mobile phone and lowered her eyes heavily. It's just the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation, but Gu Qing can't let go. Even the blue family is looking for opportunities to find revenge on the Qi family.

To solve this matter thoroughly, unless it is proved that the original thing has nothing to do with Qi family.

But she spent so much time, almost every clue is related to Qi family, even before her father died, she also wanted her to revenge Qi family.

"Get ready. I'm leaving."

LAN Jun suddenly made a voice to interrupt her thinking.

He turned his head and saw that the boy beside him was trying to stand up. Just as he moved his legs, his eyebrows were tightly frowned.

"Are you hurt?"

LAN Yue is aware of the abnormal, along with her movement, LAN Jun's ankle is hanging in a strange posture, slightly touching the ground or lifting will feel pain.

LAN Yue immediately thought that he had just jumped down from the wall. At that time, the yard was too dark. Maybe LAN Jun accidentally twisted his foot and held up till now.

In his present situation, it is impossible for him to leave here easily. He will soon be overtaken by people outside.

This situation is very bad for them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!