Chapter 540

The smell of blood poured into her nose. LAN Yue was held by a pair of strong and powerful arms. She pulled her back and strode back. Suddenly, she heard a dull hum. A figure "ah" fell to the ground.

"Get him." The familiar voice sounded coldly from the top of the head.

LAN Yue looked up and saw Qi Yanjun standing in front of him. The weak light fell on his face. He looked very cold. What happened just now was too sudden. LAN Yue was just about to ask what happened. Suddenly, she felt sticky in her palm. Looking down, Qi Yanjun's shoulder was full of blood!

"Are you hurt?" She was surprised that the light was too dark to see anything clearly.

"It's just a little thing." Qi Yan Jun pressed her hand, and her thin lips lifted up slightly.

LAN Yue was shocked and was about to ask another question. A man came along, "Qi Shao, everyone has caught hold of it. The car is outside. You go to the hospital first. I'll deal with it here."


Qi Yan Jun nodded his head and went outside with his arms around LAN Yue.

After leaving the alley, the orange street light dispels the dim in front of her eyes. LAN Yue finds that several black cars suddenly stop on the road.

A cold wind came, and the wind was tinged with blood.

She turned her head and found that Qi Yanjun's face was a little pale. She was wearing a black coat, and her shoulder seemed to be wet. When she looked carefully, she seemed to want blood!

"Are you hurt?"

"Don't move. Go to the hospital first."

She wanted to check Qi Yanjun's wound, but he covered her hand and quickly stepped on the car. LAN Yue nervously brought the medicine box on the car and simply helped him stop the blood.

Taking off his clothes, he found that his wound was very deep, as if stabbed by a knife.

Remembering that she had just been in the alley, someone suddenly called out to her to be careful, but she had not seen clearly what was going on. Qi Yanjun pushed her away. Now, it should be someone who attacked her with a knife. Qi Yanjun arrived in time to shorten the knife for her.

The driver quickly arrived at the hospital, the doctor quickly helped Qi Yanjun examine the wound, bandage finished.

Although the knife stabbed very deep, but fortunately did not stab the key, as long as the wound can smoothly heal, there is no big obstacle.


Looking at the bandage on Qi Yanjun's shoulder, LAN Yue opened her mouth. Originally, she wanted to ask why he wanted to help her block the knife, but the voice did not gush out. She pursed her lips again and looked at Qi Yanjun with complicated eyes and moved her heart.

Last time she was taken away by Gu Qing's people, Qi Yanjun also kept looking for her, and almost reached some agreement with those people.

In fact This man is very concerned about her.

These questions need not be asked at all.

"Qi Shao, those people have been taken to the police station, but a few small minions, can not ask what useful words." Li Yiyao suddenly pushes the door and enters. He says this to his face. When he finishes, he sees LAN Yue sitting by the bed taking care of Qi Yanjun.

He frowned slightly. Seeing that Qi Yanjun did not respond, he continued, "the police are investigating their information. It may take some time. We will also search the surrounding area. Maybe their people are still nearby."

"The boy..." He glanced at LAN Yue with a slightly dignified look. "That teenager was also sent to the hospital. His leg was injured. The situation is a little serious. The doctor said that he would have an operation. Now he is in the process of operation."

"I'll go and have a look."

She immediately thought of LAN Jun, just want to go to have a look, but the wrist was pulled, looking back, Qi Yanjun took her hand.

"I'll go with you."

LAN Yue was shocked, but now there is no excuse to refuse.

Qi Yanjun and LAN Jun are in the hospital. Even if she doesn't take Qi Yanjun to the hospital, he can go by himself in a moment. LAN Jun doesn't like the people of Qi family. If she isn't around, she doesn't know what will happen to them.

"Go with me."

Blue Yue drooped his eyes, now there is no room for rejection.

According to Li Yiyao's words, LAN Jun was in surgery. When he was found, the wound on his leg had already cracked, and the bandage was full of blood. Even his shoes were soaked through. He was forcibly brought over by Qi Yanjun's men.

The doctor examined him and found that there were sawdust residues in his wound. If he did not come out in time, it would cause secondary infection of the wound. The doctor had to operate to remove the sawdust from the wound.

The wound is very small, plus sawdust is also very small, to deal with clean is not easy.

They waited outside for more than half an hour before the operation was over, but LAN Jun did not wake up from anesthesia.

Hearing the doctor say that his injury is not serious, LAN Yue is relieved. After all, LAN Jun was injured to help her. Without her, LAN Jun could easily avoid those people. Moreover, LAN Jun is one of her remaining relatives, and she does not want the other party to be injured.

It's just --

Yu Guang looks at the man beside him. LAN Yue is a little annoyed. He has already known about LAN Jun, and if she doesn't explain LAN Jun's identity clearly, it's not suitable.Even if he had known these things for a long time, she never confessed with Qi Yanjun.

"Go back to rest first."

The waist is suddenly caressed, she is surprised to turn back on Qi Yan Jun's calm eyes, see her look to also raise lips to smile.

Because of the blood loss, his lips were pale, inexplicably some heartache.

Qi Yanjun blocked a knife for her, but she refused to say anything. She didn't trust him after all. She always felt that as long as she said something about the blue family, Qi Yanjun would take action. However, up to now, he still did not do anything. Maybe she was too thoughtful.

"Are you not going to ask me?" She asked.

"Ask you what?"

Qi Yan Jun raised his eyebrows and looked calm.

Just arrived at the lip of the explanation was interrupted by his expression, blue Yue drooped his eyes to accompany him back to the room, thinking about whether to tell the truth, after all, it is also related to LAN Jun, not what she wants to say.

"Little yue'er, sleep with me for a while." Qi Yanjun photographed the empty seat beside the bed.

His arm was stabbed, the doctor carefully considered, let him stay in the hospital for observation, can go back tomorrow.

Although the ward is not big, but in addition to a hospital bed, there is a sofa next to it.

"No, I sleep over there."

She really doesn't want to sleep with Qi Yanjun at this time. This man will hug her. She just wants to think about things clearly now. What's more, Qi Yanjun still has injuries on his arm, and the hospital bed is so big that she can easily press on Qi Yanjun and aggravate his injury.

Not waiting for the response of the people in bed, LAN Yue went to the sofa, weighed the size, found that just can sleep one person, and just took the blanket nurse took over to cover it as a quilt, make do with can also sleep one night.

After struggling for such a long time, LAN Yue felt tired just after lying down.

She yawned, forced to ignore Qi Yanjun, with burning eyes, said "good night" and turned off the light to sleep.

It was quiet all around, and she could hear the man's even and powerful breathing sound, which did not seem to be asleep at all. Moreover, the line of sight fixed on her body did not disappear.

She tried to ignore it, but she was soon distracted from sleep and did not dare to open her eyes for fear of being seen by Qi Yanjun.

In this case, she dozed off and was woken up the next day by a nurse to remind her that breakfast was ready.

"Miss Qi LAN, you can wait for him this morning. By the way, the patients in ward 108 have woken up. You can visit at any time

The nurse explained the matter well, put down the washing utensils and went out.

LAN Yue rubbed her head, which was slightly swollen and painful because of her long sleep. Looking at the wall clock, it was more than 11 o'clock, and she had slept so long.

After washing, she ate some breakfast, went to LAN Jun's ward, knocked on the door and found him sitting on the hospital bed looking at his mobile phone.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked up and saw that it was LAN Yue. He was not surprised at all.

"The doctor said you'd better observe your wound for a few days to avoid infection." Blue Yue is not polite, pull a chair to sit on the edge of the bed, "last night is Qi family people will you to the hospital, I believe you have already known."

"Yes." LAN Jun frowned and took the mobile phone away.

Blue Yue shallow drink, "Gu family sent those people were also caught by them, I believe this matter will be dealt with soon, next, what do you plan to do?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!