Chapter 550

Leaving Qi's company, she went back to the villa. Qi Yanjun happened to be at home. LAN Yue gave the information to him.

Unexpectedly, he just turned a few pages and put it down. He held his chin and looked at her with one hand. "Little yue'er, you only care about these things recently, and you don't have time to pay attention to me."

"What do you want?" Blue Yue frowns, this person seldom asks for her, this time suddenly say so certainly is not simple.

"Tomorrow is the weekend. Will you go out with me?"

Qi Yanjun reached out and took her hand and put it in the palm to play.

LAN Yue wants to take his hand back, but his strength is a little big, she moved several times without pulling out her hand, so she gave up. Tomorrow, she had no other arrangement, but just looked at Qi Yanjun's smiling face, she was silent and pondered what he wanted to do.

But at this time, Yu Guangli suddenly captured a small figure, hiding behind the sofa, secretly looking at them. Blue Yue just looked at the past, the figure immediately hide, only half of the hairy head exposed.

Far away? Blue Yue doubt, just Qi Yan Jun also found behind the strange, she simply got up and walked over, "Xiuyuan, what are you doing?"

"Auntie?" Rong Xiuyuan didn't expect that she would come over. He trembled in surprise. Then he murmured, "no I just happened to come over here and heard my uncle and aunt going out to play I want to go with you, too. "

At last, he lowered his head and carefully looked at LAN Yue's expression for fear of being rejected.

Although Rong Xiuyuan lived a lot during this period of time, he also knew what things should not be done. Since Qi Yanjun chose to talk to LAN Yue privately, it means that he did not intend to take LAN Chen Hao with them.

But Rong Xiuyuan is a child after all. Tomorrow they don't have to go to school. When they hear that they can go out to play, they can't help but pay more attention, but they don't expect to be discovered by LAN Yue.

"You have to ask Uncle Qi about this question."

LAN Yue didn't know Qi Yanjun's plan at all. He led Rong Xiuyuan out of the sofa and asked him to ask.

The blue Chen Haoben some wriggle, dare not go forward, afraid will be scolded by Qi Yan Jun.

"Uncle Qi, can I go to play with you and my aunt?"


Qi Yanjun bent over with a smile and held Rong Xiuyuan up.

Rong Xiuyuan didn't respond to it. He was stunned for a few seconds and cheered with surprise on his face. He also said that he would tell LAN Chen Hao about this matter.

"Go ahead."

Qi Yanjun rubbed his head and watched him run away.

LAN Yue is a little strange. She thought Qi Yanjun had something urgent to tell her before she let her go out. Who knows, he even took the children with him. Is it really just to go out and play with her?

"Get ready and go out in the morning."

Qi Yanjun kneaded her long hair and went back to the room. After a while, he heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

She felt the residual temperature in her hair, and her cheeks turned red.

"Auntie, brother Haohao asked us to go there tomorrow." Rong Xiuyuan ran back excitedly and hugged her legs.

LAN Yue was nearly knocked down by him, barely holding his figure, "Auntie doesn't know, Xiuyuan, you and your brother go to bed early, we will go out tomorrow."


Let Xiuyuan glasses shine, quickly run back, pull blue Chen Hao back to the room.

Looking at his excited appearance, LAN Yue couldn't help feeling that she had not gone out with the children for a long time. Every day she had other things to do. No wonder they were excited.

Although I don't know what Qi Yanjun wants to do, it's a good mistake to remember if you can play with the children.

Seeing that it was not early, she did not intend to ask Qi Yanjun. She went back to her room, took a bath and went to bed.

The next day, he helped the children pack up and went to the biggest amusement park in the city with Qi Yanjun.

The amusement park is located on the edge of the suburbs, with less developed transportation, but it covers a large area. There are also some theme hotels nearby, which can attract many tourists every weekend.

LAN Yue still remembers that Rong Xiuyuan once told her that there were some students in the class. If they were here, he tried to suppress his emotions, but LAN Yue could still see that he was very eager to come to the amusement park.

It's just that amusement parks are so popular that they often have to book tickets several months in advance, but they may not be able to buy them.

LAN Yue tried to buy tickets. As a result, all the pre-sale tickets within three months were sold out. She was afraid that Rong Xiuyuan would be disappointed, so she didn't tell him.

Seeing Qi Yanjun successfully took them into the amusement park, LAN Yue was very surprised, "when did you buy the ticket?"

"Guess." Qi Yan Jun came over and winked at her vaguely.

She frowned and avoided, for fear that the man would do something out of the ordinary. The two children were still watching.

"Mom, let's go over there and have a look."

The dress pendulum was pulled suddenly, blue Yue lowers head to see blue Chen Hao stretch out hand to point to the direction of Ferris wheel.This Ferris wheel is very famous in the city. It is often seen in news programs, and once became the landmark building of amusement park.

LAN Yue often sees this Ferris wheel on the Internet.

But there is still a long line ahead. It is estimated that they will have to wait a long time for their turn.

LAN Yue is in a bit of a dilemma. Since last night, Rong Xiuyuan has been looking forward to today's itinerary. Knowing that he is going to come to the amusement park today, he cheers for a long time and arranges a lot of itineraries.

But I'm afraid they'll have to waste a whole day in line.

"This way."

Qi Yanjun took her hand and suddenly went to the side.

Blue Yue has not responded, from a distance to see several staff waiting respectfully over there.

See them come forward, immediately take them to the ferris wheel, directly boarded.

LAN Yue is a little surprised, but when she sees Qi Yanjun's expression, she suddenly feels relieved. He should have arranged it for a long time. No wonder she will bring them here.

"What's that place over there?"

The ferris wheel went up to the highest place. When she looked out, she saw a sparse building outside the amusement park. It looked like some self built villas.

The location of the amusement park is relatively remote. Seeing these houses all of a sudden, LAN Yue is surprised.

"Auntie, I know!"

Rong Xiuyuan raised his hand to answer the question, "there is a house. I heard from my classmates that there are people living there. They can come to the amusement park to play every day. That's great."

Hearing this childish words, LAN Yue couldn't help rubbing his head and motioning for Rong Xiuyuan to sit down.

If there is no wrong guess, there should be the houses of the local villagers. However, each house is far away from each other. It looks strange.

At the ferris wheel down, they went to play a few mobile games, most of the games, LAN Yue did not dare to try, had to sit down and watch Qi Yanjun take them there.

It was not until the afternoon that the children felt tired. Rong Xiuyuan had fallen asleep in Qi Yanjun's arms.

"Haohao, there is a hotel over there. Let's go and have a rest first."

Seeing that Lan Chen Hao is also rubbing his eyes beside him, LAN Yue knows that he is stubborn, and most of the time he won't express his emotions with Qi Yanjun, so he takes the initiative to ask him.

Blue Chen Hao also played all day, physical strength already overdraw.

It's still early spring. The weather is warm and cold, but his bangs are wet with sweat. It can be seen that he has a good time, but he is not willing to talk to Qi Yanjun more.

Seeing LAN Yue talking to him, he nodded his head vaguely and yawned.

The ticket for the amusement park has already included hotel rooms, but it is only a single room. Qi Yanjun has replaced it with a senior suite so that the children can have a good rest.

After settling them down, Qi Yanjun said he would take her downstairs to have dinner, and asked the waiter to come and watch.

"Where are you taking me?"

Out of the room, she felt something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Outside the amusement park."

Qi Yanjun draws up the arc of smiling, holding her hand into the elevator.

When he got to the lobby, before he had time to speak, he saw Li Yiyao with several people waiting beside him.

"Qiyao looked down at them, and there was a good arrangement."

"It's arranged. It's over now."

"I see, Qi Shao."

Li Yiyao responded and took a look at her before leaving.

LAN Yue is a little strange. There is a dignified look in her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!