Chapter 552

"Miss LAN, here you are."

LAN Yue did not react. A bodyguard came over and led her to the kitchen. "Miss LAN, these are people who care for their family. After they wake up, they know that they have been framed by Zhang Ming. They think that we bribed Zhang Ming. They are not willing to say anything to us."

"Where's the banquet king?"

"Qi Shao is on the second floor."

"I'll go up and have a look."

LAN Yue nodded and went across the hall to the second floor.

During this period, those bound subordinates have been staring at her, and even some people deliberately spit at her, "bah" a insult to the blue family, mean.

The bodyguard on one side immediately came forward and yelled.

She frowned. This group of people probably hated that the LAN family and ZF had joined hands to deal with Gu's family and made them become homeless dogs. Today, they are still bewildered by this kind of abusive means.

They are not willing to believe that it is their companions who betray them.

But there is no way, they have been hostile to the blue family, would rather believe that they are lost to the enemy, also do not want to believe that the companion betrayed them.

Go to the front of the study, blue Yue gently knock on the door, there is no movement.

She subconsciously breathed and pushed the door open. At a glance, she saw Qi Yanjun sitting on the dark brown sofa last night, looking at a heavy book in her hand. She didn't seem to hear the door open.

In front of the floor glass window of the study, the young man looked out of the window with a gloomy face. The dark sky made his face even more ugly.

"Qi Yan Jun?"

Aware that the atmosphere in the study is not right, LAN Yue puts her feet softly to Qi Yanjun. When she sees the book in his hand, it turns out that the book in his hand is a masterpiece in English, and there are some notes under it.

She recognized the handwriting that she had seen last night, and the book should belong here.


Qi Yanjun stretched out his arms around her, let her sit on the sofa, "this is quite good-looking."

"What are you doing?" She was surprised and thought that Qi Yanjun would interrogate Gu Qing. After all, Gu Qing planned all the things in the past few days, but he was reading here.

"Master Gu doesn't want to say more. It happens that I have time today, so I'll wait here." With a smile in his eyes, "are you hungry?"

"Not bad."

She came here after breakfast in the hotel, and a driver took the child back to school this morning.

It's just -

the deep eyes looked at the young man who did not know when he turned around to look at him. When he opened his eyes, Gu Qing's facial features became more fierce, and a pair of cold eyes were staring at her.

She knew for a long time that all the people in the Gu family were hostile to LAN, so LAN Yue didn't feel too much when she was looked at by Gu Qing. However, Gu Qing was drugged by Zhang Ming last night and was in a coma for a whole night. She was interrogated by Qi Yanjun this morning. She should have never eaten anything.

Qi Yanjun also deliberately mentioned these things in front of her. He was deliberately wasting time with him.

There is no denying that this method is really good.

Because Gu Qing quickly moved his eyes away, went back to his desk, turned on the computer, controlled the mouse to slide a few times, but soon, he unscrewed his eyebrows and picked up his mobile phone as if to confirm something.

At the beginning, LAN Yue didn't know what he wanted to do. Until he picked up his mobile phone and wanted to talk to Guan Xiaoxiao, he found that the signal on the mobile phone was blocked and completely isolated from the outside world.

Finally, Qi Yanjun pressed a few times on her mobile phone, and her mobile phone had the signal.

But Gu Qing could only take a book from the shelf, and didn't intend to be soft. It seemed that she wanted to spend it with them.

At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the bodyguard took the prepared lunch from the hotel. The dishes with all kinds of colors, flavors and flavors can be said to have great lethality in this villa. Even if he tried to resist, LAN Yue could hear several "grunts".

Looking at Qi Yanjun, she didn't plan to take more measures.

In this way has been tossed to the evening, the home or no one is willing to speak.

"Will it continue tomorrow?"


Qi Yanjun took her to the car. As soon as she was seated, Li Yiyao came over. "Qi Shao, Zhang Ming has been sent to the police station. He has recruited everything, but they are all useless materials."

With that, he handed over a book, which was all about Zhang Ming's notes.

LAN Yue takes a look at it. It's really useless information. I think it's because Zhang Minggen can't get Gu Qing's trust, and Gu Qing won't tell him important things.

Zhang Ming is probably a mess in the kitchen, so he can smoothly in the tea.

"It's up to the Li team to deal with it. We can handle it as we can."

"I see."

Li Yiyao nodded and left.

The driver directly sent them back to the villa. Rong Xiuyuan excitedly rushed over and told her about the amusement park. Unfortunately, he was very tired that day, and there were a lot of mobile games that he didn't have time to play."Let's go back next time."

"Is it really possible?" Rong Xiuyuan's eyes suddenly burst into starlight.

LAN Yue nodded.

"Good!" Let Xiuyuan exultation, hurry back to tell blue Chen Hao this matter.

Although blue Chen Hao did not show too obvious, but also can see his eyes bright a lot, and Rong Xiuyuan whispered the interesting stories in the amusement park.

Seeing the children so happy, LAN Yue's lips raised slightly and did not disturb them.

In the next few days, Qi Yanjun would go to Gu's side, and she would occasionally follow her. However, after several days, Gu's family was still unwilling to say anything. Several people had been emaciated by hunger, but still refused to say a word.

Li Yiyao and his family had no way to force them. After all, only they knew the information. Even if they searched all the documents in the villa, they could not find any useful evidence. If they went on like this, they would have to let go the family members, and they could not have been trapped in them all the time.

"What should I do now?"

"Miss LAN, maybe you can ask Mr. LAN Zhen to come over."

"Why?" LAN Yue looks at Li Yiyao suspiciously.

"Mr. LAN and they used to be rivals. We can say that they are the people who know them best. Let Mr. LAN come here, and things may progress." Li Yiyao said, showing her mobile phone, "today is the fifth day. If we drag on, things will become more and more serious. What's more, the people inside have not eaten for five days. If they just drink water, they can only hold on for a few more days. If people are killed, things will be difficult to deal with. "

"I understand."

In fact, Li Yiyao's words are also reasonable. The Qi family does not cover the sky with one hand. If there is any accident to the family members, all public opinions will point to the Qi family, and the police should have a reasonable explanation.

She called LAN Zhen and asked him to come over.

As expected, as expected, the people who care for the family saw LAN Zhen and showed more hostility on their faces, but they still refused to say more.

"It's no wonder that there are such ghosts in Gu's family. It's no wonder that they can't make it to this point." LAN Zhen listened to Zhang Ming's story, his expression was slightly heavy, "OK, I'll handle this matter. I also want to know what happened in those years."

He took a look at Qi Yanjun.

So far, there is no sufficient evidence to prove the direct relationship between the blue family's encirclement and the Qi family, but it is also impossible to prove that they are innocent.

"I'll trouble Mr. LAN."

Qi Yanjun seems to be unable to see his eyes, personally stood up to give LAN Zhen a cup of tea.

Blue Zhen eyebrows a pick, looked at blue Yue there, see her unconscious just withdraw sight, look deep took this cup of tea.

After chatting with LAN Zhen, they went back to the villa and had a night's rest. The next day, they received a phone call from LAN Zhen saying that they finally opened their mouth,

"Uncle LAN, what did you say to them? How could they speak so easily? "

"It's nothing. It's not a big deal. Come here first."

LAN Yue hears the speech and goes with Qi Yanjun. As soon as they meet, LAN Zhen takes out a stack of yellow edge materials and puts them on the desktop, indicating that they can see it.

"These are the evidence of Gu's crimes. At that time, Gu's influence was very wide. Not only were there weapons, but also some senior officials in ZF. As time went on, they became more and more conspicuous. They often made trouble in the city and robbed women. They also did a lot of these things. They made people die several times and were forced down. "

"It happened that one of my uncles was in charge of these things. After my uncle died, the information was saved." , the fastest update of the webnovel!