Chapter 554

He must not want him to leave at this time, and the relationship between her and Qi Yanjun has changed a lot. If she left at this time, she would not be willing to leave

"Haohao, why do you think of this all of a sudden?"

"I'm at school today Come on, it's nothing, mom. Have you prepared any desserts Blue Chen Hao suddenly pulled off the topic, crossed her to the refrigerator, took out the pudding that had been prepared in the afternoon from inside, also called Rong Xiuyuan to eat, successfully interrupted her questioning.

She also just faintly hears blue Chen Hao mention school, but don't know this matter has what relation with school concretely.

The two children finished the dessert and went to the garden to play with the dog. LAN Yue wanted to take advantage of this time to call LAN Chenhao's teacher and ask what happened in the school.

But as soon as she got up the microphone, she heard the children's laughter coming from outside the garden. The afternoon sun happened to fall on their faces. Both of them had grown taller. LAN Chenhao, especially LAN Chenhao, was going to primary school in a while. He knew how to deal with his own affairs.

As a mother, she does not want to know her children through school and teachers.

Perhaps, she is more patient, blue Chen Hao is willing to tell her thing.

Dinner time, blue Yue specially let blue Chen Hao go to the kitchen to help, patiently asked him what happened in the school.

Blue Chen Hao is not willing to say at first, but after a while, he hung his head again, "I heard something about my mother in school today, they all said, grandma, they don't like you, everyone knows."

"Who does everyone mean?"

“……” Blue Chen Hao this time did not reply, pinched in the palm of the green vegetables are almost cut off.

LAN Yue is stunned.

Just as the maid came in to help, blue Chen Hao pulled an excuse to run, blue Yue has not even responded.

"Miss LAN, what happened?" Asked the maid suspiciously.


LAN Yue is absent-minded to put the things on the kitchen table well, but all that emerges in front of him is the expression of LAN Chen Hao just gritting his teeth, and his heart is throbbing with pain.

She had known for a long time that LAN Chenhao was full of hostility to Qi family because of Yunfang's attitude towards her. However, since they moved out, they seldom saw Yunfang again. LAN Chenhao's mood became more stable.

Just did not expect, the original outside world is also secretly concerned about her and Yunfang contact.

Qihaochen and their home are seldom concerned, and qihaochen's family has nothing to do with them, and they have nothing to do with them Go and say.

Blue Chen Hao again so calm, also can't stand peer's whispering, these words listen to more, naturally more dissatisfied.

"Haohao, my mother won't mention the matter of moving. Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to school. These things need to be explained clearly

"How to explain it?"

"Mom will find a way, and then you will cooperate with me."

"Yes?" Blue Chen Hao frowned and hesitated for a while before nodding to promise, and Qi Yan Jun like Phoenix eyes are full of doubt.

LAN Yue didn't explain to him more and told him to prepare dinner together.

Rong Xiuyuan was waiting outside, not knowing what they said.

The next morning, she personally sent them to the school. Rong Xiuyuan's classroom was in another teaching building. LAN Yue sent him to the school first, and then took LAN Chenhao to his classroom.

Standing at the door, blue Chen Hao is not willing to come in, the eyebrow of delicate show is tight.

"Haohao, go in. Mom is watching you outside. You have to know that most rumors are false. They will deliberately choose some words you don't want to listen to. All you have to do is to be silent. You don't need to argue with them, and you can't take their words to heart. As long as you know that these words are false, that's OK. "

"But some of what they said is true." Blue Chen Hao black face.

LAN Yue sighed, and had expected that some things would not be written off easily. LAN Chen Hao is not a child of two or three years old. He has a good memory and can even clearly remember what they experienced in foreign countries.

She rubbed the child's head, "Haohao, mother knows what you are thinking. You want to get out of here, don't want to hear people say something you don't like to hear, do you? "

Blue Chen Hao did not nod also did not shake head, just hum a voice.

"But Haohao, you should know that no matter where we go, you will meet new friends and new environment. You must get used to different voices to distinguish the truth from the false. If your mother promises you everything, you will lose the opportunity to learn. "

“……” Blue Chen Hao's eyes flickered a few times.

Blue Yue is about to say more, he took the lead to nod his head, "Mom, I understand what you mean, I go first.""Go."

See the child's face did not tangle, blue Yue will smile, standing outside to watch him go in.

She didn't go to the teacher's office until the bell rang in the hallway and asked for the contact numbers of several parents.

At first glance, I found that almost all of them had cooperative relations with Qi family, and they would visit occasionally on weekdays. No wonder we could know the contradiction between her and Yunfang.

She asked herself that she had been tolerant to Yunfang again and again. As long as the other party was not too excessive, she would not pay attention to her. It's just that Yunfang has been targeting her for a long time, and no matter how to avoid it, some people will try to get some news.

She did not intend to go directly to these people and shut them up. What's more, they were too many to be stopped by her own efforts.

After saying goodbye to the teacher, she took the list and gave it to Qilin. By the way, she chatted with Qilin about the family.

"I know what you said. I'll take care of it as soon as possible." Qi Lin looked dignified and looked at the list with some gloom in his eyes.

Blue Chen Hao is his only grandson, grandson in the school by this treatment, his mood naturally will not be good.

When he heard that the person who cared for his family had been found and was still locked in the villa, he nodded thoughtfully, "since the banquet king said that he would handle this matter well, I would not intervene. If the home side is willing to admit that they do everything, it is the best

"To tell you the truth, it was only after the old man was unconscious that I remembered the incident more than ten years ago. Many details were not clear, and I was misunderstood by LAN gang and his family for so long. If they would like, I would like to let our two families sit down and have a good talk, and Haohao Hao should also go to have a look."

"Well, I'll remember that."

After seeing Qi Lin's expression, LAN Yue drops her eyes.

Although on the surface is to let blue Chen Hao follow in the past, but she is clear in her heart that Qi Lin wants to let Yunfang go to let Yunfang know that what happened at that time has nothing to do with the blue family, and she has no reason to blame.

As long as Yunfang is no longer targeted at her, those rumors outside will naturally disappear.

She doesn't expect Yunfang to be nice to her, just like a guest.

After the matter was settled, she went back to the villa. When it was nearly four o'clock, she went back to pick them up. She saw several familiar faces at the school gate. They took the initiative to say hello to LAN Yue, but the children beside them looked around LAN Yue with curiosity in their eyes.

Did not recognize the words, these people should be deliberately in front of blue Chen Hao nonsense people.

"Less milk."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a black suit got out of a car and came respectfully to her.

LAN Yue didn't react. When the other party handed her a menu, she knew that the voice of "less milk" in the middle-aged man's mouth was actually her.

"How --"

"Shao milk, this is the menu that Mr. Zhang found. You can see what needs to be modified on it, and then give it to me."


She swallows the words that have not finished, and takes over the things in the man's hand. It seems that she has selected several dishes from the hotel menu, which has listed dozens of dishes.

Thinking of what Qi Lin said before, LAN Yue suddenly understood that this is the menu for inviting the blue family, right?

I didn't expect Qi Lin to be ready so soon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!