Chapter 571

"We'll be back tomorrow, auntie. Do you want a present? I can buy it for you. "

“…… No, Xiuyuan. You need to listen to your brother and uncle. If you have something to do, call your aunt. "


Rong Xiuyuan's tone was cheerful, and he could not hear anything different. Moreover, it was the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Even if the school was to hold a spring outing here, it was no surprise.

Across the phone, she couldn't ask anything. She just hung up the phone, and the more she thought about it, she called the school.

Rong Xiuyuan's teacher told her with a smile that the school had decided to have a spring outing these days. She also specially explained that every child must be accompanied by a parent.

"Mrs. Qi, you also know that Xiuyuan's father and mother have been gone for a long time, so I specially told Mr. Qi about it. Originally, I wanted to let Mr. Qi or you come to accompany him, so you don't have to go and tell you about it, so that he won't be sad."

"But I didn't expect Xiuyuan to find his brother after he knew about it. Haohao's teacher told me that we didn't agree with the two children's spring outing together, but Xiuyuan looked very disappointed. I was afraid that he would think of something unhappy. So I discussed with Haohao's teacher and agreed that they should ask for leave together and Mr. Qi would take care of them. "

"Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Mrs. Qi, don't you know they asked for leave?" The teacher was surprised, "I have already sent out the notice two weeks in advance, and said it again in the parents group. How can you not know? "

"Two weeks?"

She pressed hands-free, opened the wechat group and looked up. Sure enough, she saw that parents were talking about this issue the other day.

At that time, she also saw that she just glanced at them simply, thinking that they were talking about the children's winter vacation travel, "I I was a little busy in those days, so I didn't look at it carefully. Are they leaving today? "

"Yes, Mrs. Qi, don't you know?" The teacher couldn't help but increase the volume, and soon he laughed twice to cover up the embarrassment. "Mrs. Qi, they started in the morning. This time they should arrive at the destination and have a rest. I have a class of students to take, did not go with them, Mrs. Qi, if you need, I can give you the head teacher's phone number

"No Take it well, please Miss Yang. "

LAN Yue holds her forehead to calm her disordered breathing. Some time ago, she has been busy dealing with the affairs of the blue family. Every time she comes back home, it is already very late, and the children have already gone to bed.

Even if it's kept in the school's parents' group on her mobile phone, she doesn't have time to read it.

She was suddenly mentioned by the teacher, and she felt guilty when she was caught off guard. She gave the baby to the babysitter, to the school, but had no spare time to accompany them.

When she went home that day, the servant took the stew into her room and stopped talking to her. It was estimated that she wanted to tell her about it, but Qi Yanjun probably told her about it, so she didn't dare to say anything.

LAN Yue saved the head teacher's phone number and wechat. Considering that it was so late now, she didn't want to disturb the other party's rest at this time. After sleeping all night, she called the teacher the next day.

"Ah, Mrs. Qi, is it you? Mr. Yang told me last night that I I just took them out to play this morning, but I'm still outside. It's not convenient to answer the phone. What can I do for you, Mrs. Qi? "


"I'm sorry, Mrs. Qi. The children want to see me for something. Can we talk about it later?"

"OK, Mr. Li, you should be busy first."

At this time or in the morning, the head teacher will be very busy.

Blue Yue hung up the phone, went downstairs to have breakfast, just finished porridge water, she suddenly a Leng.

"Miss LAN, what can I do for you?" The servant just came to take away the tableware. Seeing her strange expression, she stopped to ask.


LAN Yue shakes her head, and suddenly remembers that when she just called, Miss Li was very quiet and could not hear the children's noise. If Miss Li really takes the children on a trip, she has to look at them all the time, but she is too quiet to be outside.

"Miss LAN, I'll take these things first."


Looking at the figure of the servant leaving, her eyes gradually deepened. However, Qi Yanjun explained in the morning that she could not say that even if she forced her, the servant would find an excuse to cover up.

LAN Yue drove to the hospital to visit Mr. Qi. He didn't stay long before he went back.

"Miss LAN, are you going back so early today? It's a nice day today. I'm going to take the old man to the garden to bask in the sun. Don't you come with me, Miss LAN? "

"No, I have other things to do. I have a meeting this afternoon."

"Well I'll take good care of him The nurse helped pass her things.

LAN Yue goes to the parking lot and goes to the botanical garden outside the suburb according to the address given by her teacher. On the way, she will pass through junyuexuan. It happens that Qi Yanjun took the children to eat here last night. I think they should have just passed the hotel and just came here to eat.Just when she went to the botanical garden, she happened to meet several tourist buses stopped at the gate. Several children in school uniforms were sitting under the flower beds outside the gate under the guidance of the teacher.

From afar, they wear school uniform and blue Chen Hao, their school is the same.

LAN Yue breathes a sigh of relief, remembering that he suddenly ran to find out whether Qi Yanjun cheated her. In retrospect, her practice is really ridiculous. Qi Yanjun has no need to cheat her.

Anyway, he has come to the gate of the botanical park. LAN Yue makes a phone call to the teacher in charge of the team leader. Maybe he can accompany LAN Chen Hao to participate in the final activity.

"Mrs. Qi, have you been to the botanical garden?"

"Yes, Mr. Li. I just came here when I was free today. What's up? Are parents not allowed to attend all of a sudden? "

The teacher's tone was too strange to hear, and what she asked was why she suddenly passed by? Listening to the tone, the teacher seems not at the scene, for her sudden appearance was very surprised.

"Ah, it's not. It's just that I'm taking them to the zoo near the botanical garden. It's probably more than an hour's drive. There are many roads here that have not been repaired and are full of potholes. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Mrs. Qi to come here."


She didn't find a zoo when she came here. She was reminded by Mr. Li that she found the map of the botanical garden on the Internet. As expected, she saw a zoo nearby.

The zoo is part of the botanical garden, not very large. But the tickets are all together. Almost everyone who goes to the botanical garden will take the car arranged here to go to the zoo.

"Since you happen to be away, I'll go back first."

"OK, Mrs. Qi, don't worry. The spring outing will be over soon. They will go back immediately."

The teacher said so, and LAN Yue didn't have to ask. She planned to go back to the villa and have a rest. She happened to pass by the hospital. Seeing that the sky was not dark, she wanted to visit the old man.

Just walked into the hospital, there was a pungent smell of disinfectant.

All of a sudden, she suddenly remembered that she saw a child with the same body shape as Rong Xiuyuan in the hospital last time. The child was still wearing a coat she had bought for Rong Xiuyuan.

But at that time, Rong Xiuyuan and LAN Chen Hao should have a spring outing in the botanical garden, not in the hospital. The hospital is too far away from the botanical garden. How could a child suddenly appear in the hospital? But that night, when I called Qi Yanjun, Rong Xiuyuan was nearby.

Did Qi Yanjun send him there? Why did they go to the hospital? In the evening, she told her that they had dinner in the Grand Hyatt Pavilion.

In addition to Qi Yanjun, even Rong Xiuyuan has something to hide from her.

Here you are, Miss LAN! Come on, you should hurry over and have a look. Mr. Qi has just moved for a moment. It seems that he is about to wake up! " The nurse ran from the elevator to the hospital's office. He suddenly turned back and ran to LAN Yue. "I saw the old man's finger move just now. The nurse and the attending doctor have already passed by. The doctor asked me to inform other doctors. You go first , the fastest update of the webnovel!