Chapter 592

"What sister?" Blue Chen Hao put down the wet tissue in his hand and looked suspiciously at Chu Tian.

I don't know why when the child looked over, Chu Tian felt a kind of inexplicable pressure from the child. However, after a close look, the child had no longer looked at her. The dim light in the corridor made his facial features more distinct, which was better than the child star on TV.

"Little friend, is this your brother?"

"Yes Rong Xiuyuan nodded hard, "brother is to accompany me to the upper side, sister, do you come here to play?"

"Er No, my sister just passed by and came in to borrow a bathroom

Seeing the child looking over, she grinned stiffly and pulled the scarf wrapped around her chest. She was not used to wearing such an exposed dress in front of the child. She began to hate the mysterious man in her heart.

Originally thought that the other party came to her to deliberately approach Qi Hanmo, but now a look, that person simply wants her to use this child.

Although she has only seen her twice, she also feels that Rong Xiuyuan likes her very much. If she contacts the child more than once, she will treat her as a friend wholeheartedly. It will be much easier to get close to Qi Hanmo.

"Sister, this place is not fun. My uncle has been chatting with others. Why don't we go outside with my brother?"

"Far away."

Rong Xiuyuan had just reached out to grab her clothes. She had been standing nearby watching their children. Suddenly, her slightly upturned eyes raised their eyes and glared at her.

Obviously, it was just a simple look in his eyes, but Chu Tian felt that the child was on guard against her. Because of her guilty heart, her back was numb, "little friend, is your name Xiuyuan?"

Touching the child's soft head, see blue Chen Hao is still watching, her heart straight cry bitter, although she did do a lot of hooligan like behavior, but never thought to cheat the child! What's more, the child is so cute, how can she cheat on it?

But if she chooses to leave and annoy the mysterious man, she won't want to meet her brother.

"Haohao, Xiuyuan, why are you all standing here?"

At the same time, a familiar voice suddenly came.

Looking up, a tall man came from the corridor. Because of the lighting problem, she did not see the man's appearance at first. When the other party approached, she suddenly recognized that this was the adjutant who was following Qi Hanmo, and seemed to be thanking something.

"Is it you?" Xie Heng also recognized the woman in front of him. Seeing that she was squatting down and talking to Rong Xiuyuan, he immediately twisted off his eyebrows and stepped forward quickly.

"Uncle Xie."

The two children said hello to Xie Heng respectively, but Rong Xiuyuan didn't notice that Xie Heng's expression had changed, but LAN Chen Hao saw it. He could not help looking at Chu Tian more, and his doubts in his eyes were aggravated.

"Who did I think it was? It's you again

Chu Tian didn't get angry and stood up, "Why are you here again? Do you want to follow me wherever I go?"

"Miss Chu, I don't understand what you mean by that?" Xie Heng takes Rong Xiuyuan behind him and is alert to the woman in front of him.

Qi Hanmo explained to him that this woman was probably sent by Rong Yan, but he didn't expect Chu Tian to appear here. Moreover, he came all the way and clearly saw that Rong Xiuyuan was very close to this woman. If he hadn't come in time, the woman would have taken Rong Xiuyuan away, and they didn't know.

"Still loading it for me." Chu Tian rolled a white eye, "no, because last time you interrogated me, I didn't tell you anything, so you just dogged me hard to fight. Tell me, what do you want me to tell you?"

"Miss, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean it."

"It's strange to believe you." She was not angry to block back, caught a glimpse of Xie Heng's action of protecting the child behind her. Her eyes flickered a little. Unexpectedly, these people were also defending her. "If you don't have anything to ask me, I'll go back now."

"Miss, you can go at any time. I didn't stop you. The reason why I took you back for interrogation last time was that you were suspicious."

"Hello! What is suspicious? I was just passing by on the other side of the road that night, and I didn't have an umbrella with me. I thought I would run home. Your car almost hit me. I haven't bothered with you yet

"Is it?" Xie Heng narrowed his eyes. He clearly remembered that the woman had recognized their identity that night. But when he went to the interrogation in person, Chu Tian refused to say anything but said that he had just passed by.

He went to investigate her identity. She was just an ordinary civilian. If there was anything suspicious about Chu Tian, it was why she knew their military identity?

"Believe it or not!" She snorted, squatted down and touched Xiuyuan's head. "Xiuyuan, I'm going back. Next time we'll play together, OK?"


Rong Xiuyuan looked at Xie Heng with his mouth open. Seeing that he didn't want to let himself go out to play, he had to take out a piece of sugar from his pocket and give it to Chu Tian. "Sister, I'll treat you to sugar. Besides, sister, you haven't told me your name yet. We'll be friends only if we exchange names.""My sister's name is Chu Tian. When we meet next time, my sister will teach you to write her name."


Rong Xiuyuan nods happily.

"Xiuyuan has gone back." Xie Heng has been watching. Seeing that Chu Tian didn't mean to take Rong Xiuyuan's hand, he took the children back. After just a few steps, he looked back and saw Chu Tian put the sugar that Rong Xiuyuan gave her in his pocket and patted it carefully.

This behavior made him feel very strange. He thought that the reason why Chu Tian appeared here, but also said so many words with Rong Xiuyuan, in order to ask about their affairs through the children.

But things are not like this, Chu Tian seems to be really just passing by, said a few words with Rong Xiuyuan and left.

Is it because he is too thoughtful?

But how to say, after going back, he still told Qi Hanmo all these things.


He thought it would be a few days before he would receive the message from the mysterious man again. However, one day later, Chu Tian went out to buy breakfast and came back to see a black Land Rover parked in front of the apartment building. Several five or six-year-old children were standing in the distance curiously looking up.

This car is very familiar, isn't it the car that Qi Hanmo drove last time? Even the license plate number is the same.

Just in doubt, the driver's door was pushed open, Xie Heng went straight to the front, "Miss Chu, Mr. Qi invited you to meet."

"What do you want me to do?" Her heart beat violently, staring at him warily, "I don't know which Mr. Qi you are talking about. Don't come to embarrass me because I didn't tell you the truth one day! I'm very busy. I don't have time to waste time with you here! "

"Miss Chu, we don't speak in secret. This is the address. We hope to see you on time at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow." Xie Heng handed a business card. "Mr. Qi and I are very clear about what you want to think. I believe you are very busy and you don't want to waste time."

"You --"

she opened her mouth and wanted to refuse, but as soon as she thought of her brother's situation, she swallowed the words she had just reached her lips. She forced herself to show dissatisfaction, grabbed the card and threw it into the garbage can. "I don't know what you mean! Don't bother me again

Then, regardless of the expression of the man in front of him, he strode to the apartment.

Fortunately, Xie Heng didn't catch up with her. She hid under the stone pillar next to the building. After confirming that the Land Rover had left, she ran to pick up the card from the garbage can and was relieved to see that it was not soiled.


Looking up, she saw Ji zirou trotting from the bus stop with her briefcase on her back. Her pretty face was suffused with two blushes. "I saw a man talking to you in the car just now. Who is he? I don't think I've come to trouble you? "

"What's your business?"

She walked away disgusted, put the card into her pocket, do not want to be seen by Ji zirou.

Ji zirou several times to stop, but see Chu Tian's face also dare not ask, "I just found that I forgot to take a resume, so I came back." , the fastest update of the webnovel!