Chapter 607

Wait for me downstairs? Seeing the information on the screen, she was stunned and subconsciously went to the window to look down, because it was not the off-duty time, and there were not many cars on the road out of the company.

After walking around the corner, you will soon find a black car. Even if it is separated by a certain distance, you can see that the cost of the car is not low.

After working in the company for so long, she has talked with her colleagues a lot, and she has some insight. The black car downstairs must be a luxury car. I haven't seen this car before. If I can't guess wrong, it should be their car.

It's just - she's looking at the information on the phone with complicated eyes.

At the beginning of receiving this message, she thought it was the mysterious man's men who came to see her, that is, the man who sent her clothes last time. But that man's car is a tattered silver white car, absolutely not in front of this black luxury car.

Is it the mysterious man who wants to see her in person?

What's going on, you want to scare me to come to her? Sweat oozed from the palm of her hand holding the mobile phone. She suddenly felt uneasy. Qi Hanmo told her before that these people are not good people, they are internationally wanted criminals.

Is it because they know that she is living in the place arranged by Qi Hanmo, and they think she has become a member of Qi Hanmo's side? She had seen a lot of street gangsters fighting before, and their methods were not gentle to those traitors.


She was startled by the sound from the mobile phone. She thought it was the mysterious man who urged her again.

Look down to see is Qi Han Mo, she is relieved, quickly point the information.

"Where are you?" Although it's just a simple word, it's very kind to look at it.

"I'm still in the company, but I'm off work early today, and they're downstairs in the black car!" she replied with both hands Afraid qihanmo did not know the specific location, she also took a photo and sent it.

"You go downstairs and wait for me in the lobby."

"Are you coming?" Her heart "plop" speed up, quickly packed things to the lobby.

The lobby of the company is very large, and there are several sets of sofas specially used for guests. For fear of being seen by mysterious people, Chu Tian chooses a secret place to sit down with a plate of plants high enough to block the view outside.

Chu Tian opened her palm and found it was all sweat. She took out a paper towel and wiped it off. She could not help thinking that if there was no Qi Hanmo today - no, it should be said that if she had never known Qi Hanmo, she would have gone directly to meet those people.

In the past, she didn't have any life goal. She muddled along every day. Even if the mysterious man really wanted to kill her, she would not resist too fiercely.

But now, she has a heart of people, also began to know what is fear.

"Long time to wait?"

A pair of black shoes suddenly appeared in front of him. Chu Tian suddenly looked up and saw that it was Qi Hanmo. He almost couldn't help but rushed directly to him. Fortunately, he calmed down in time, "no, I just came down. By the way, did you see their car when you came in just now? They haven't sent me messages so far. Have they left? "

"Come with me."

Qi Hanmo's deep eyes fixed on her for a moment and led her to the parking lot under the company.

After working for such a long time, she has never been to the parking lot. First, she does not have a car. Second, the company's rules are very strict. Every car and person in and out must be registered in case there is a car lost.

Chu Tian doesn't like to do these troublesome things. When he was familiar with the company with Ye Xin, he didn't want to come here. She did not know why Qi Hanmo wanted to bring her over, but she was inexplicably convinced that as long as he was there, nothing would happen.

"Get in the car." Qi Hanmo took her to a SUV parked in the corner.

"But aren't those people still waiting outside?" They left directly, didn't they tell the mysterious person that she was already with Qi Hanmo? What if these people keep coming to her next time? She can't come to Qi Hanmo every time, can she?

Yu Guang looks at the man's side face quietly. If she can often find Qi Han Mo, she is afraid to disturb Qi Han mo.

"If you know it, there's nothing you can't let them know." Qi Hanmo opened the car door and motioned her to enter. "They wanted to let you close to me at the beginning. Isn't it just the same as they expected now?"

"But -" Chu Tian looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping nearby, and then whispered to him, "I don't know why they want me to approach you, so you are not afraid of danger?"

"It's OK."

Qi Hanmo helped her, because the height difference between them was too much. Chu Tian had to stand on tiptoe to get to his ear. Until Qi Hanmo supported her waist with empty hands, Chu Tian suddenly responded, flushed and stepped back, "no, I'm sorry, I just want to remind you."

"Get in the car." Qi Hanmo's expression did not change."Oh." She answered stiffly, perhaps Qi Hanmo didn't care about her small movements at all. Chu Tian rubbed his face and felt that he was very sentimental recently.

After getting on the bus, Qi Hanmo didn't stop much, he drove his car to leave the company directly, and drove to the intersection deliberately. Chu Tian was shocked to see that the mysterious man's car was parked there, and they would certainly recognize it.

But when she thought of Qi Hanmo's words, she felt bitter. Qi Hanmo is right. Instead of avoiding meeting with them, it is better to let them know that she has successfully approached Qi Hanmo. However, although this can ensure her safety, Qi Hanmo is withdrawn.

Although she did not know why these people wanted her to get close to qihanmo, it was certainly not a good thing. Now seeing that she can easily leave in Qi Hanmo's car, those people will certainly start the next step. Will Qi Hanmo continue to cooperate with her and put himself in danger?

"By the way, why are you helping me? Just for the group? " She clung to her finger and finally asked the exit.


From the driver's seat came the man as usual.

Her dull "Oh" voice, even the eyes are dim a lot, but soon, she looked at Qi Hanmo, "when these things are over, we are still friends?"

Qi Han Mo wrung off his brow and said after a while, "if you have anything I can help you with, you can find me. You can live in that apartment all the time

"That's good. I'm afraid you'll ignore me if you've finished everything." She patted her chest, but the gloom in her eyes did not fade away.

She is not satisfied with keeping this strange relationship with Qi Han Mo, but she has hinted so many times that Qi Han Mo still has no reaction. What else can she do? He can't force him to accept himself. He can only develop step by step from the relationship of his friends.


Qi Han Mo coldly glanced at his eyes. After seeing the look on the woman's face, the hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly, but in the end, he still didn't say much. Before the matter was handled properly, he could not say more.

For Rong Yan, Chu Tian is just his flag. As a flag, you only need to use the flag. If Rong Yan knew that the flag in his hand had other uses, it would be a disaster for Chu Tian.

Send her to the apartment building, and Qi Hanmo leaves.

Looking back through the rearview mirror, there is a black car parked at the intersection behind. It is the car that just wanted to follow Chu Tian downstairs. The license plate number is the same.

"Captain, Rong Yan, they are still behind you."

Xie Heng's voice came from the headphones, "I can't see the people in the window. They are really cautious. This car should not take effort, right? Is Rong Yan not afraid to be found out if he swaggers around like this? "

"He just wants to attract more people's attention. Don't worry about him. Just follow him."

"Captain, is that easy?" Xie Heng doubted, "they have made so many arrangements. It seems that they are bound to rescue Rong Hetian. We want to protect Chu Tian from being involved. I'm afraid it is a little difficult." , the fastest update of the webnovel!