Chapter 614

"Of course it has something to do with her." Chu Tian hummed, did not understand why Qi Han Mo seemed to have a special relationship with this matter. Although he did not say anything, she could feel that he was concerned about it.

But she first mentioned it, but she couldn't get angry all of a sudden. She had to explain with patience, "my brother lives in the place where he works. He often comes back once a week, so I didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. After waiting for almost two weeks, he didn't call me back. I was surprised

"I went to his work place to find him. The manager told me that he had not been to work for several days. Finally, one of his colleagues told me that he heard him talking on the phone a few days before he didn't go to work and often mentioned Ji zirou. I guess he was talking to Ji zirou on the phone. She used to look for her at school. She refused to admit it at first. Finally, one of her classmates told me that my brother did go to find her

"Do you eat it?" She took a bottle of chewing gum and handed it to Qi Hanmo.

Seeing him shaking his head, Chu Tian put the gum back. This car has been sitting for several times. At first, she accidentally left her snacks on the car. Seeing that Qi Hanmo was not angry, she put some other snacks on it.

Originally, she wanted to satisfy his appetite, but most of them were eaten by her.

Chewing the chewing gum casually, she recalled, "I asked her several times later, but she never admitted that she was the most suspicious, but she just refused to admit it. I'm not going to ask her now, but she has to come to me

"Didn't your brother contact you after that?"

"No She shook her head and looked at Qi Hanmo's driving with one hand on her chin. "He had never been like this before, so those people said they could help me find my brother back, so I promised to cooperate with them, but they didn't tell me about my brother at all. I suspect they cheated me."

Thinking of her brother, she sighed, and her heart was oppressed.

The only consolation is that her brother doesn't get in touch with gangsters on the street. Those who pursue Ji zirou are also childish brothers in the city. They dare not do something illegal, so her brother should be safe at present.

But I don't know why. In the past few years, my brother would go out for several days every few months. I didn't know what to do. I never told her. But he told her before he set out, but this time it was different. He left without even a word.

At the beginning, she could comfort her brother. He would come back soon. But after such a long time, he still had no news. Chu Tian had to worry about his brother's safety.

Ji zirou lies in front of her again and again, even if she wants to convince herself that Ji zirou has no evidence to do with these things.

"What do you think?" She raised her chin.

"I don't know."

Hearing the man's cold reply, she curled her lips and did not expect this person to comfort her.

Back in the apartment, Chu Tian's first thing is to take a bath and sleep. These days, for a new project, she has been working overtime, and her sleeping time has been squeezed out.

Originally and Qi Hanmo agreed to wake her up an hour later, but she woke up, the alarm clock pointed to more than 10 o'clock.

She was not good in the dark. She put on her coat in a hurry and ran outside. Qi Hanmo was in the kitchen as expected.

The kitchen is open design, with only a few yellow lights above. The man stood in front of the kitchen table with his sleeve in hand. The tea yellow light reflected on him, and even his hair was coated with warm yellow.

There was no light on in the hall, not even watching the TV. It was so quiet that the sound of cutting vegetables could be heard.

She suddenly froze down and stood looking at Qi Hanmo's busy back. The other party didn't seem to find her. She wanted to step forward, but she was afraid to disturb the people in front of her.

But Qi Hanmo soon found her, turned to look, deep eyes let her feel a few silk embarrassment, subconsciously pulled hair, "I just wanted to sleep for a while, did not expect to sleep to now You've done all the dinner? "

"What would you like to eat if you made something casually?"

The man seemed to ask casually, and then focused on the dishes in front of him.

"I I don't know. " She just casually found a topic. What surprised her most was that Qi Hanmo would take the initiative to cook. Since they get along these days, Qi Hanmo is not never in the kitchen, but she cooks most of the time.

Qi Hanmo could wake her up directly, but he did not. Instead, he took the initiative to help.

She can selfish think, he is to see through her too tired, so take the initiative to help her? Chu Tian by endure the excitement in the heart, a few days ago when she went off work, she unconsciously murmured with Qi Han Mo, and did not know whether he remembered it.

Of course, these words she would not ask directly, that is to think about it in her mind.

They only had two people to eat, and the food was very simple, but soon they made two dishes and one soup. Chu Tian is sitting opposite Qi Han Mo and can see his eyelashes form a circle of light shadow by the dim yellow light.Chu Tian turned the chopsticks in her hand, and her eyes fell on the man. After a while, she turned the chopsticks in her hand again and sipped her dry lips and tongue, "by the way, you It seems that I haven't been home for several days. Is it OK if you don't go back for such a long time? "

"It's OK. I always do that in my time."

"Oh..." She glanced at her eyes. "Won't your parents urge you to settle down quickly? Before I - "the tongue tingled, and she didn't know what she was talking about.

Two people get along day and night for so long, what should happen, but Qi Han Mo is too rigid! She could almost recite when he got up and when he went to bed.

The reason why Qi Hanmo will stay here with her is not to be on guard that mysterious people will come to her suddenly? If the mysterious person does not appear, Qi Hanmo will leave sooner or later, then she will have no chance.

"Before you what?" Qi Han Mo raised her eyes and looked at her. Her eyes used to be sharp and let her avoid subconsciously. She pulled an excuse with a ha ha, "didn't I tell you before? A friend of mine is a soldier. He often has no time to go home, just like you. His parents are worried that he can't find a girlfriend. Won't your parents


Then he looked at her again.

Chu Tian quickly lowered his head, always felt that he had seen through something.

After dinner, she took the initiative to put away the dishes and chopsticks, and Qi Hanmo went back to the room and seemed to be busy with something. She poured a cup of hot water, stood in front of the door for a long time, but also did not have the courage to knock on the door, she just seemed to say too straight, Qi Hanmo should see through what.

But he didn't react at all. Does it prove that she thinks too much?

"Chu Tian."


Suddenly came a man's deep voice in the room, and she subconsciously answered. Just after the voice came out, she remembered that she was standing outside the door of the room. Did Qi Han Mo know when she opened her mouth?

She quickly covered her mouth and wanted to run away, but the words had already been spoken, and it was too late.

There was a silence in the room for a moment. "Bring me my coat on the terrace."

"Ah, oh, yes."

Seeing that he didn't ask, Chu Tian was a little disappointed. She has already stood at the door of his room, why does qihanmo still have no reaction at all? Didn't he feel anything about himself?

Chu Tian tried to endure the pain in her heart. She went to the terrace and saw Qi Hanmo's black coat on the tea table. She picked it up with her hands. She felt a little heavy and didn't know what was in her pocket.

"I came straight in." She knocked at the door.

"Come in."

When he opened the door, he saw Qi Hanmo standing up from the bed, put a shirt on his body, and buttoned his back to her. Although his action is very fast, but in the moment of opening the door, Chu Tian still saw his wheat chest, the slight bulging chest muscles are particularly conspicuous.

"Where do you put your clothes?"

She coughed slightly to cover up the confusion on her face. "Did I put it on the chair?" She found a place at random, but her sight was always unconsciously looking at Qi Hanmo.

"You just said that your friend had something to do with your brother's disappearance, didn't you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!