Chapter 625

But why should she forgive Ji zirou?

When I went back to my apartment and looked at the dark hall, I felt more empty in my heart. I didn't even want to eat dinner. I took a bath and went to sleep in my room.

Hazy, it seems to hear the drip sound coming from the window side, forced to squint and see the glass window covered with water droplets, it should be rain.

She put her hand out of the bed and felt the temperature drop a lot. She turned off the air conditioner and fell asleep again.

At more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, the door of the living room was twisted open, and a person entered the apartment. The darkness enveloped him, and only his tall figure could be seen.

He changed a pair of slippers in the porch. He wanted to go back to the room to have a rest. On the way through Chu Tian's room, he felt that there was air-conditioning seeping from it. Can not help but stop pace, by the weak light found that the door of the room is not closed tightly, there is still a slit.

If the air conditioner is on suddenly, it will cause the temperature to drop the next day.

He tried to knock, but there was no response.

Inconvenient at this time directly into her room, Qi Hanmo called twice, "Chu Tian?"

Yelled several times, inside intermittent under the woman's light hum, but she did not wake up. This is also Chu Tian's little habit, every time he falls asleep, he can't cry.

Afraid that she would catch cold, Qi Hanmo opened the door A light call has not yet export, see air conditioning has been turned off, want to push out, and found Chu Tian hand out of the quilt.

He went up and tidied up, trying not to wake her up.

Back in the room, he simply washed and went to rest. He got up at six o'clock on time, opened his sleeves, and wrapped his arms with white bandages. There was a faint blood exudation.

He changed his clean bandage and looked outside. The sky was covered with thick dark clouds. Even after six o'clock, the sky was still very dark.

I wanted to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast simply. When I went out, I heard the door opening from the next room. When I turned back, I saw Chu Tian in her pajamas and yawned to the bathroom.

The light blue nightdress is on her body, the hem is not over the knee, appears very loose. As she raised her hand to cover her mouth, the hem of the dress was pulled up, and the concave and convex figure of a woman could be seen.

Then he turned around and looked deep.

Perhaps because the action is too big, Chu Tian was startled, opened his eyes to see someone standing in front of his back.

"You --" she was shocked, just wanted to shout, suddenly found that this person's back looks familiar. A sudden surprise occupied his heart, and his voice became sharp, "Qi Han Mo? Why don't you tell me when you don't come back in advance She walked quickly around the man.

Who knows that the other party did not look at her, turned around and said in a deep voice, "I just came back last night. What do you want to eat? I just went to prepare breakfast."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? I asked you when you would be back yesterday, and you said you didn't know. Why was it so sudden? "

Chu Tian didn't notice that his expression was not right. He stretched out his hand and pulled his hand. Unexpectedly, he felt that the man's hand was tight.

Just about to wonder what happened to him, Qi Hanmo turned around again, "you go to change clothes?"


When she didn't respond for a moment, she looked down and her face turned red. "You wait a minute!" He dropped a word in a hurry and ran back to the room.

When sleeping habit does not wear underwear, plus already entered summer, Chu Tian recently specially bought a new pajamas on the Internet. This is what ye Xin recommended to her. The pajamas are very thin, and you can almost see the scenery inside.

I thought it was quite revealing, but the style was really good. Thinking of Qi Hanmo's absence these days, there is nothing wrong with her wearing for a few days. Who knows he will come back suddenly?

Hurry back to the room to change clothes, she put her hand on her cheek, still can feel the hot face. After washing with cold water for a while, he got better. When he went outside, Qi Hanmo had simply prepared breakfast.

Looking at his busy back in the kitchen, I suddenly felt an emotion and wanted to run forward and hold him. Chu Tian clenched his hand and then pressed down the impulse.

After breakfast, Qi Hanmo took her to work as usual.

Sitting in the driver's seat, looking at the man's side face, she pursed her lips, but still had no confidence to speak to him. Are you qualified to hang out with these people in the company for a long time?

I'm afraid that Qi Hanmo will have to deal with other things after this. Maybe he will forget who she is before long.

When did you have this idea that you shouldn't have? Chu Tian looks down and thinks, but he can't remember. At first, he just thinks that this person is dazzling and dare not get close to him. But later, Qi Hanmo takes the initiative to say the first words to her, and becomes more greedy. He always thinks that nothing is enough.

"Here it is."

A deep, magnetic sound was heard overhead.Chu Tian lowered her head and did not respond.

Qi Hanmo waited for a while, then started the car again and drove into the parking lot under the company. When she heard the sound of the security guard's greeting, she reflected from the memory. She was surprised at the surrounding environment, "how did you drive the car in?"

"I have something to deal with."

Qi Hanmo took the car very well and looked at her.

Chu Tian immediately responded and untied the seat belt in a hurry and stood outside the car looking at him uneasily. There are two elevators in the parking lot. Should she go first or stand here waiting for Qi Hanmo?

Although I want to be with him, what should I do if I am recognized?

"What's the matter?"

Lock the car, Qi Hanmo looked back and saw her standing there with a tangled face.

"No, nothing. Are you going up with me?" Heart a flustered, unexpectedly the words in the heart also asked out. Chu Tian wants to stop it, but it's too late.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"No, just It's office time at this time. There are a lot of people in the elevator. Will you go up with me and be recognized? "

"There's an elevator over there."

Qi Hanmo suddenly took her to the elevator on the other side of the parking lot. There are security guards looking at it. Seeing it is Qi Hanmo, the security guards said hello and let them pass.

Chu Tian looked at it in surprise. Working in the company for so long, I never knew there was an elevator here.

In fact, there is no difference between this elevator and the elevator, but there is no outsider. As the elevator rose slowly, an invisible pressure pressed on her body, which made her more irritable. She tried to ask the man beside her several times, but she was swallowed back.

At this time, the elevator also reached the floor.

"You go first."


With bitter tongue, watching the elevator door closed again, Chu Tian rubbed her painful heart cavity and felt that she was becoming more and more unlike herself. Since childhood, she has no parents, so that she learned to protect herself early, and her temper has become straightforward. What she likes and dislikes is put on her face, and she is never afraid that others will hate her.

But when she met Qi Hanmo, she became more and more timid.

He was afraid that he would be lost if he didn't say anything, and he would refuse him if he said something, which made them embarrassed.

"Chu Tian? How did you come here? "

Happened to meet a colleague in the corridor, she would like to find an excuse to kill, but the other side was alert to get together, "you should not be from the special elevator side up there?"

"How can it be? I just happened to pass by that way!"

"Really?" "Colleagues doubt," but from here in the past, there is only a dedicated elevator, staircases are not here. "

"Really not." Chu Tian hastens to leave, afraid of being seen to cause unnecessary trouble.

My colleague also happened to go back and followed her, still wondering, "but I have a classmate who also works in the company. She has been here for several years. I heard that there was a person who was afraid of being late and took advantage of the security guard's inattention to use the special elevator. As a result, he was arrested and saw. Although he was not dismissed, he was also reminded. At that time, they knew about the company There are special elevators in the Department. "

"I went to have a look on my first day at work. I heard that the special elevator is for the president. Don't use it indiscriminately." , the fastest update of the webnovel!