Chapter 629

"Well, you go back first." She sat in a sitting position with no anger on her face.

Chu Tian couldn't understand what she was thinking, and cautiously answered "good". Originally, she wanted to leave with the note, but she was afraid that Yunfang would not agree, so she had to give up.

Not long after she left, the door of the wing room was opened again.

Qi Yingying brought a cup of ginseng tea in and saw the note on the table top. She picked it up and looked, "Chu Tian? That's the man just now. What's the relationship between her and big brother? "

"She said it didn't matter, just friends. By the way, she also said that her brother and calligraphy knew each other, so she lent her the apartment. What nonsense! What's your brother's character, don't I know? "

"Mom, what do you want to do with it?" Qi Yingying asked, "since she won't tell you the truth, it proves that her relationship with big brother is really the same as the above? Such a woman is my sister-in-law? " She pulled her lips, and her face showed disgust. "Last time I saw her, she didn't know anything. She was dressed in rustic clothes. I don't know how big brother knows such a person."

"Have you seen her?"

"Yes." Qi Yingying rolled a white eye, "big brother just came back, I said to go to buy clothes?"? My father wanted to freeze my card before, so I asked my elder brother to accompany me in the past, and Xiuyuan also went to play with me. "

"I remember, there is such a thing." Yunfang suddenly realized, but her face was more dignified, "that is to say, calligraphy and that woman have known each other for a long time?"

"I think so." Qi Yingying is not sure, "at that time, when I saw her in the clothing store, my elder brother did not see her at all. At that time, they should not know each other. They just met. Who thought that only a few months later, there was a way to let her live in the apartment under her name. It's really a bit of a skill."

"Do you think your elder brother's character is something that a woman will listen to after a few words? At the end of the day, who would have moved into his apartment if he hadn't volunteered. "

"You mean big brother really likes that woman?" Qi Yingying one face disdain, "can't, big brother so have no eye?"

"What are you talking about?" Yunfang glared at the past, "didn't you see it just now? That Chu Tian is pretty good. If you dress up a little, you can take it out. I think she is also very smart, afraid that I will investigate, she said that the house is her own to come back. Calligraphy is willing to give her, what else can I say? "

"Mom, that's not right with you." Qi Yingying quickly sat down, "you should not want to agree with the elder brother and this woman together?"

"What's the use of I agree or disagree? Your elder brother and second brother have not been under my control since childhood. Besides, even if I let them together, I didn't say that they would definitely get married. Why should I be in charge of these affairs? It's hard work "Yunfang picked up the note," on the contrary, who sent this note? "

"Chu Tiangang just said that no one else knew that she knew calligraphy. Today, someone specially told me about it. I think I will definitely settle accounts with Chu Tian. " Yunfang hums heavily. No one likes to be used.

"But you really couldn't bear these things before." Qi Yingying is muttering.

Yunfang used to value her family status most. When LAN Yue's father proposed to let LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun marry, she was so angry that she couldn't sleep. After that, she tried her best to drive LAN Yue away.

When she saw this note tonight, she didn't think about it at all. She thought that Yunfang would drive Chu Tian out as unreasonable as before. She took Yang Zixuan out so as not to be seen by him.

Who knows when she comes back, Yunfang doesn't mean to drive people away. She also wants to let them develop? This really surprised Qi Yingying.

"It used to be, now it's different." Yunfang didn't seem to want to talk about these things any more. Seeing that it was late, she got up to go to the banquet hall.

Qi Yingying of course has to follow, from time to time with suspicious eyes at her mother, some can not guess what she wants to do.

Is it because after experiencing the precedent of Qi Yanjun, Yunfang finally understands that she can't control these things. If she wants to manage them, she will cause others to hate them? Although blue Yue has moved back for a long time, but blue Chen Hao still does not want to be alone with Yunfang, as soon as he sees her, he runs.

Rong Xiuyuan naturally had a similar style. Several times she saw that Yunfang had carefully prepared some small cakes and intended to give them to LAN Chen Hao, but they didn't look at them. They said a few more words, but they also blackened Yunfang.

Today's party, the two children also wanted to come to play, but just before they went out, they saw Yunfang also wanted to go. LAN Chenhao suddenly said that he would not go to do his homework. Rongxiu foresight stood at the door for a long time and then went back.

Because Qi Lin is busy, she has to wait until the evening to speak. Qi Yanjun and LAN Yue went out to travel early in the morning, so she and Yunfang are the only ones who spend the whole day.

Although Yunfang didn't say it, she was always depressed after she came to the hotel. She said hello to several familiar shareholders and sat in the wing room. At this time, the waiter came to look for her with a note. In this case, Yunfang is absolutely impossible to blame Chu Tian.Looking at Qi Han is no longer afraid of being with her son. Qi Hanmo seldom comes back because of his work. If he falls out again, he may move out directly.

The anniversary starts at noon and lasts until the evening, during which there will be unlimited buffet and lucky draw. Qi Lin arrived at the hotel at 5 p.m., just in time to host the banquet.

Yunfang stood beside him gracefully and gracefully, and the two talked quietly from time to time.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Chu Tian stands under the stage and looks at them. She always feels that Yunfang's sight is sweeping over her body. But looking back, Yun Fangzheng was chatting with a shareholder and didn't pay attention to her at all.

Is it an illusion?

"Xiaotian, I heard that manager Yang has something to look for. What's going on? " Ye Xin came to her with a plate and looked at her curiously, "isn't the previous document finished? Manager Yang said yesterday that there would be no task for us today. "

"It's nothing. It's just a little thing."

He shook his head and looked at Yang Zixuan. He was chatting with group leader he. He looked very serious, but he didn't think much about Yunfang.

If Yunfang is his aunt, isn't he Qi Hanmo's cousin? But Yang Zixuan didn't seem to want to raise his voice. If he saw her with his own eyes, he would not believe that Yang Zixuan was really a relative of Qi family.

Some time ago, there have been a lot of rumors inside the company, but Yang Zixuan has not responded. In addition, he has no airs. Chu Tian still thinks that this is just a rumor from the outside world, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Little things?"

Ye Xin obviously didn't believe it, but when she saw so many people around, she sipped her lips and didn't say much.

The anniversary celebration ended at 10:00 p.m., and Chu Tian stayed all day and took several presents. After coming out of the hotel, she sent a message to Qi Hanmo and asked him to come and pick her up later.

After waiting in the lobby for a short time, I saw Jizi gentle and several colleagues chatting and laughing. Seeing Chu Tian here, she was stunned for a moment. Originally, she wanted to leave directly, but who knew that the other party went to the front.

"Come here for a moment. I have something to tell you." Finish saying, take the lead to walk to wait for her.

"This is What's the matter? " Ji zirou doesn't know what happened, and her colleagues are confused. "Then you go outside and call a taxi. I'll come over after a few words."


Several colleagues left soon, leaving only Xu Li in a cautious low voice, "zirou, Chu Tian is not looking for you to reminisce about the past. I told you just now. I have told the chairman of the board when she and Qi Dashao were together. However, I asked the waiter to send the note to me. There is no evidence left. She may be doubting that it is you 。”

"I know."

Ji zirou any chest anger, in the absence of any evidence, Chu Tian also suspected that she did, it seems in her heart, she has long been a suspect. , the fastest update of the webnovel!