Chapter 631

"If I'm not mistaken, all my family and friends get together on this day. Since manager Yang is a relative of Qi family, he has won several projects in the company many times. The chairman of the board of directors will let manager Yang go to dinner. Probably, on the night of their family gathering, Mr. Qi took some of them back. Manager Yang mistakenly thought it was for Chu Tian, so he asked her

"Do you mean that Mrs. Qi agreed with them together?" Xu Li glared, "how can this be possible! I've all inquired about it. I realized that her voice was too loud, and Xu Li quickly lowered her voice. "I heard before that how Mrs. Qi treated Mr. Qi's wife has driven people out of the country. Now why... "

Xu Li's facial features were distorted and spent so much thought, but in the end, not only did nothing happen. Instead, she let Yunfang know the existence of Chu Tian, but also seemed to have agreed to the existence of this woman.

Isn't it that she helped Chu Tian?

"Maybe that's what happened." Ji zirou's face was no better.

Although she did not want to do anything to Chu Tian, she could not see her climbing over her head, otherwise she would not acquiesce to Xu Li.

"What am I going to do now?" Xu Lishi doesn't want such a thing to happen. Chu Tian has already guessed that the note was given by Ji zirou. Maybe she can also guess her body.

She is so lucky and hard in the company, how can it be so easy to be pressed down.

Seeing that Ji zirou also seems to have no way out, she puts the documents in order and intends to leave. When she rushes to her throat, she gets stuck again. Ji zirou is not directly involved in this matter. If it comes to light, she won't involve Du jizirou at all.

What's more, she learned afterwards that Ji zirou had gone to the meeting on the evening of the anniversary, and almost all the senior executives were present. They could prove that Ji zirou had never left that night and had no private contact with the waiters.

If it comes to light, it must be her.

It can't go on like this!

Xu Li clenched her lips and suddenly remembered that a few days later would be the party day of the Department.

She made some efforts to get her colleagues to agree to let her choose a place. Yang Zixuan also specially invited people over there. The two parts had dinner together for several times. After hearing her opinions, both sides naturally agreed happily.

The location finally decided to be in a quaint winery, where all the dishes are related to wine.

Chu Tian got a headache when he saw the dishes on the table. However, other people were there, and it was not good. He suddenly proposed to go out, so he had to sit on one side and listen to their chat.

After a while, the people from the design department asked to drink again. Although Huang Tao was not here tonight, they had followed Huang Tao for so long that they learned some habits and couldn't change them at all.

"I'm a little dizzy. Go out first."

After sitting for a long time, she couldn't bear the feeling of swelling and pain in her head. After talking to Ye Xin, she got up and went out. Just as she wanted to go to the bathroom to wash her face, a black cloth suddenly covered her face!

"It's her. Take it away!"

Strange man's voice pastes behind her, she has no time to resist, her hands are forced to press behind her!

"Save -" life --

before the exclamation, she blocked her mouth behind her and carried the person away directly.

Chu Tian was smoked by alcohol in the wing room for a long time. In addition, she couldn't drink at all. These people carried her very close, and the bumpy feeling aggravated the pain of her head. She suffered from the feeling of vomiting and fainted. Her head was swollen and painful. She didn't know what happened and who took her away.

After ten minutes, Ye Xin saw that Chu Tian had not come back, and worried with others said that he wanted to go out to find her. But the people in the wing room were having a good time. When she said Chu Tian was gone, she just waved her hand at will and asked her to go out and look for it.

When ye Xin also went out, Xu Li Cai cautiously leaned over and looked suspiciously on her face, "eh? Why are Chu Tian and Ye Xin gone? "

"I don't know. They seem to be out. I don't know." Colleagues look around at random, do not care.

Xu Li also vaguely should a few words, while no one found, secretly take Chu Tian's hand out of the bag.

After getting it, he quickly hid it in his trouser pocket. "I think I've eaten almost everything. Why don't I go out and get some more?"

"Well, bring me some more peanuts!"

"By the way, take some of the wine, and take another box."

"Don't you want to drink so much, don't you have to go to work tomorrow?"

While others are still complaining, Xu Li quickly left the wing room. Go outside to take out his mobile phone, sent a message, "things handled?"

"It's all done. I've fainted."

Seeing the other party's reply, she pulled out a smile, took out Chu Tian's mobile phone and searched for a circle, and soon found Qi Hanmo's contact information there.

Even if she had known for a long time that Chu Tian and Qi Hanmo had an unusual relationship, she still made a disdainful expression and didn't know what was good about this woman. People of Qi Hanmo's family background would even like her!"Sister Xu, what are you doing?"

Suddenly a sound behind her, she panic back, see is Ji zirou just relieved, "zirou, it's you, scared me."

"Sister Xu, what are you doing?" Ji zirou asked again, her eyes fell on her hand.

Before she could see clearly what she was holding in her hand, Xu Li hid her hand. "No, nothing. I just wanted to come out and make a phone call and ask for more drinks for you."

"But isn't Chu Tian's mobile phone in your hand? I look like it. "

"How could it be?" Xu Li black face, "my mobile phone is broken, take to repair, this is I borrowed back, if you don't believe it, you can take a look now." Said, really handed out the mobile phone.

This time, Ji zirou is embarrassed to accept. She only occasionally peeked at Chu Tian as if she had changed her mobile phone, so she paid more attention to it. As for what the mobile phone looked like, she couldn't remember clearly.

This wants to come out to breathe, who knows to see Xu Li standing here, looking at the furtive, this just can't help but come forward to see what she is doing.

Xu Li showed her the mobile phone so frankly. If it was a misunderstanding, how should she explain it?

"Sister Xu, I just asked casually, there is no malice." Pushing the phone back, she didn't want to investigate these things. "Since you have something to do, I'll go there first. Just now I heard from them that I went back after 11 o'clock today. "

"Well, I see."

See she did not investigate, Xu Li can not help trace the phone back. Watching Ji zirou leave to relax, she almost found out. After confirming that Ji zirou has left, she quickly finds out Qi Hanmo's phone number and wants to send him a message.

It suddenly occurred to me that they might use wechat to chat. She quickly opened the wechat. Fortunately, Chu Tian didn't turn off the software. She could easily open the chat window where she found Qi Hanmo.

Probably because of her lack of heart, she did not dare to read the previous chat records of the two people. She imitated Chu Tian's way of chatting and sent him a message, "colleagues have dinner tonight. Can you come here to pick me up?" Sent a direct location.

Dare not wait for Qi Han Mo to reply, she hurriedly put the mobile phone back, casually pulled an excuse to end the dinner party ahead of time.

"What's the matter? I didn't go back until eleven o'clock? It's just over ten now

"The boss is closing down. Come back next time."

Despite the complaints of her colleagues, Xu Li pushed everyone out. Ye Xin didn't want to leave, and said anxiously, "I went outside to look for a circle, but I didn't find Xiaotian! She said she just wanted to go to the bathroom

"Bathroom? I didn't see anyone when I went to the bathroom Ji zirou came forward, "I also asked the owner's wife, she said that there are only two toilets, one is the men's room, the other is the women's room, there is no other place."

After all, it's a private winery, and the place can't be very big. Basically, you can see it at a glance.

"What about that? Xiaotian is really not here

"Don't worry. Where's her cell phone?"

"In the bag." Ye Xin took the bag beside her and pulled out a mobile phone, "but she didn't take it with her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!