Chapter 637

There was only one bed in the ward. Chu Tian was lying on it, probably because of her discomfort. Her cheeks were slightly flushed and her pink lips were slightly open for breath.

Touch her forehead, palm can feel a warm. The doctor said that this is because the composition of the overpowering drug is not pure. Chu Tian inhaled too much of the overpowering drug, which led to discomfort.

He wanted to see if Chu Tian had gone to sleep, but the people in the room couldn't wake up. Then he realized that something was wrong and sent him to school.

Fortunately, it was delivered in time. Chu Tian was not in a big way. He should be able to wake up after a night's rest.


The man on the bed frowned and looked uncomfortable.

Qi Han tried to press her forehead to read words. It's a pity that her voice is too small for Qi Hanmo to hear.

Soft if boneless little hand with the hot temperature to grasp his hand, Qi Han Mo made a little effort, also did not pull out the hand, but let her uncomfortable snort out.

But under, also had to pull out the chair to sit by the bedside, see her no big hindrance, Qi Hanmo took out the mobile phone with Xie Heng to account for some things.

After staying in the hospital all night, the strong smell of disinfection water leaped into her nose. Chu Tian was awakened by the strong smell in her sleep. At the last moment of the dream, she could still see her brother's back turning away and desperately wanted to catch up with him. However, the pace under her feet was weak and powerless, like stepping on cotton, her brother could only leave with her eyes open.

She was so frightened that she woke up from her dream. The snow-white ceiling was in front of her eyes. The bright sunshine was shining on the wall. The strangeness came from all directions.

Where is this?! She sat up in surprise, suddenly felt that her hand seemed to be pressed. Turning her head, Qi Hanmo was sleeping beside her and looking at the wall sideways.

Broken black bangs fall down, just to cover his eyes, so that the bridge of his nose looks higher. His eyelashes are sparse but slender, which makes him feel cold even when he is asleep.

How could he be here. Chu Tian carefully sat up, afraid to wake him up, looking down, two hands are hand in hand, no wonder palm has a warm feeling.

Gently pull the hand, but also feel the subtle rough feeling. She held her breath. Although she didn't know why Qi Hanmo held her hand, she couldn't bear to wake up the man.

Looking around, you can confirm that this is the ward of the hospital, and the smell of disinfection water is still in the air. The other hand was free and she rubbed her temple, but she still felt dizzy. When she went to sleep last night, she felt a swelling and pain in her head, and then she had a dream.

In my dream, I saw my brother leave her, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up. Dream repeated, she was in despair back and forth, with great efforts, she finally caught her brother's hand.

Now, it is Qi Hanmo who is caught by her. No wonder she looks at the hand that two people hold together. Her cheek is slightly hot, but she doesn't want to loosen it. It's rare for her to have such a chance, so it's natural to take good advantage of it.

After touching my flat stomach, I didn't eat much last night. Now I feel hungry. But this kind of hunger is tolerable. Chu Tian lies down cautiously. Seeing that Qi Hanmo has no sign of waking up, she pretends to sleep with her lips raised.

After a while, the hand was pulled, it should be Qi Hanmo to wake up.

Seeing that she couldn't release her hand, Qi Han Mo heard a small noise there, and then heard him talking on the phone, as if he was sending breakfast.

He didn't just push her hand away? Chu Tian was elated and thought that he would push her away when he woke up. After all, Qi Hanmo was so cold that he didn't have any intimate behavior. If he didn't sleep soundly, she wouldn't dare to grab his hand.

After waiting for a long time, Qi Han Mo still didn't push her away. Chu Tian was a little nervous. Quietly squint to see that he is still sitting in the position just now, looking down at the mobile phone, fingers constantly click on the screen, do not know what is pressing.

Are you working? A sense of guilt comes from his heart. Will pulling his hand like this will affect his work? Chu Tian moved his hand and wanted to release it. After a move, he found that his hand was bigger than himself.

Probably because of the movement, Qi Han Mo stopped the movement in his hand and looked at her side, "wake up?"

At this time, he couldn't pretend any more. Chu Tian sat up awkwardly and said, "well, just woke up, why are you here? Where is this? " Then knead the head movement, she released Qi Hanmo's hand, in order to avoid embarrassment.

The man looked down at her hand. "This is the hospital. You were in a coma last night. The doctor said it was residual overpowering drug. It's OK to wake up."

"So it is?"

She gave an absent-minded "Oh" sound, her attention focused on her hands. Taking advantage of Qi Han Mo's inattention, she deliberately lifted the falling broken hair and put the palm of her hand on her cheek. She thought of the action of holding hands just now, and her heart beat suddenly.

The nurse just at this time delivered breakfast, simply finished breakfast, the doctor came to check her, confirmed that there was no major obstacle to discharge.Because of a sudden coma, I took another day off today. When she got home and looked at her mobile phone, she found that Ye Xin had sent her several messages, asking why she didn't come to work. After a while, she was told that many people in the company knew about Xu Li, but did not mention her. It seems that someone deliberately helped her hide it.

Chu Tian relaxed and replied, "I'm not feeling well. I can't go to work until tomorrow. You can ask for leave for me and manager Yang. "

After about ten minutes, ye Xincai replied to her, "OK." After a while, he sent a message again, "Xiaotian, manager Yang has already known that you have asked for leave today. He also asked you to have a good rest. Did your family ask for your leave?"

The family? Then he thought of Qi Hanmo. Qi Han Mo and Yang Zixuan were cousins. Did Yang Zixuan know that she lived with Qi Hanmo?

Doesn't he mind at all? Chu Tian is in a trance. A man and a woman live together. No matter how to explain it, I'm afraid no one will believe that they are innocent. Qi Hanmo let others know. Isn't he afraid to make some misunderstanding?

And he was in the hospital just now. He could push her hand away, but let her drag it. If so, is Qi Hanmo's heart another place for her? Chu Tian didn't want to think wildly, but Qi Hanmo did not release her hand, even she moved, the other side did not respond.

When she was in the ward, she thought it was Qi Hanmo who didn't notice it. But now, looking back carefully, how could the other party not have noticed her small movements at all? Is it because he didn't want to let go?

Think of here, the heart rate suddenly quickened, she covered slightly hot cheek, desperately let oneself not think much. The voice of "didi" came from the mobile phone. Ye Xin was looking for her again and chatted with her about the gossip of the company these days.

Two days is enough to spread a story. Now even the security guard on duty in the lobby has heard something about Xu Li. Chu Tian doesn't care about these things, but asks Ji zirou.

"Minister Ji?" Ye Xin doubted, "she didn't do anything. It seems that the design department is rushing for a manuscript again recently. During the lunch break, several people from the design department are in a hurry. They take lunch boxes and rush back to the office. Their dark circles are more powerful than pandas! I stopped by and heard that all of them are working overtime except manager Huang. "

"Xu Li can't go to work these two days. Minister Ji asked another person to replace her temporarily. It didn't matter. It is said that they are so busy that they don't even have gossip, and they don't care much about Xu Li's affairs. "

"Well, I see."

Xu Li said that it was Ji zirou who took her documents last time. She knew too many secrets about Ji zirou. Jizirou, a new official, naturally can not make any mistakes. It is not impossible to say that she deliberately betrayed Xu Li in order to preserve her reputation.

But what if you knew all this? Ye Xin has said that Huang Tao is no longer useful in the design department. The high-level people value Ji zirou. Even if they make things big, they probably have no impact on Ji zirou.

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