Chapter 652

"Brother, are you in there?" This is a door covered with rust. Looking at the thick dust on the door, because the dust is too long.

She couldn't have seen it if it hadn't been for a sudden light.

There is a lock on the door, which is also covered with rust, but there is no dust at the lock mouth. It is obvious that it has just been used. It seems that the group of people did come here! "Brother, are you in there? Can you hear me? "

Slap hard on the door, the dust fell down, fell in the eyes is very uncomfortable. She raised her hand to wipe it off. Tears poured down her eyes, blurring her sight. It was just when she was suffering that faint footsteps came out of the iron door.

"Brother --"

"it's almost time."

The familiar and elegant man's voice suddenly sounded. She looked behind her quickly. Rong Yan didn't know when to follow her. She walked calmly, brushed the dust on her sleeve, looked up and chuckled at her, "you have successfully found this place as I imagined."

"What do you mean?"

She didn't realize why Rong Yan would give her the address. She only thought that this man took his brother away, and she must bring him back.

But now think about it, isn't it a trap?

Rong Yan did not answer in a hurry. He took a mobile phone from his subordinates and looked at the time. "It has been more than eight hours since you left Qi's house. Qi Hanmo is now in the villa of Qi's family, and my people are also nearby."

"What do you want to do?" Step forward and grab his cell phone. There is a video on it. With the camera moving, you can see Qi's villa shining in the night, and a Land Rover she is very familiar with stops at the door.

That's Qi Hanmo's car!

"What do you mean? First you lied to me, and now you show me these things. Do you want me to choose? Do you want to stay here or go back and inform them? "

"You're smart." Rong Yan touched his chin, "how would you choose?"

This gesture of the other party is like a person in power, as if her life and death are in his hands. Chu Tian clenched her teeth and just wanted to start with him. Suddenly, a woman in black came out of the inclined ground, staring at her coldly.

It was this woman who drove her back from the door of the hotel last time. Eyes on the moment, the woman also put her hand on her waist, slightly opened her clothes to reveal the graceful willow waist and the black pistol pinned on her waist.

She clenched her fist. "So why did you choose me? I don't have any grudges with Qi family. Why do you choose me when you don't choose so many people? "

From the time Rong Yan mentioned her brother, she knew that the man in front of her was the one who had been using information to contact her several months ago. Originally, she thought that the target of this person was Qi Hanmo, but now she saw that the other party clearly wanted to embarrass her.

"Is it necessary to do one thing? Why?"

Rong Yangang stood in the light. The bright white light from the top to the bottom fell on his face, forming a circle of shadow under his eyelashes. His thin lips raised a smile, "I think this game is very interesting, so I want you to participate in it, isn't it good?"? Aren't you very happy these months? "

"You -- you madman!"

It is undeniable that if Rong Yan did not use her brother to intimidate her, she would never have rushed out of the road and stopped Qi Hanmo's car on that rainy night, and would not have appeared in front of him many times after the event.

"Choose. You don't have much time." Rong Yan pointed to the mobile phone.

Excitedly looking, I saw a man in the video. He bent over to take out a small package wrapped tightly from the car, disguised as a courier, and handed the box to the security guard of Qi family.

The security guard only asked a few questions and then took the box in.

After living in Qi's family for a few days, she knew that Qi Yingying liked to find foreign agents to buy something. She would also receive several express delivery services at the end of the day. The security guard was expected to be used to it. She simply registered the information and asked the courier to leave.

She was anxious to ask the security guard to seize the man immediately, but the video was unidirectional, and she could only see the content there, but the other party could not hear what they were saying.

Watching the security guard take the box in, she asked angrily, "what's in the box?"



"It's a bomb." Rong Yan said with a smile, "the latest foreign developed bomb will explode if the vibration beyond the scope of the scope involved. That is to say, if the person holding the bomb can't put it down, it will explode immediately. What's more, I heard that foreign technology is also very developed, so I specially set the time. Within an hour and a half, if you don't go back, the fraud will explode. "

"You are a madman An hour and a half is absolutely impossible! She also spent half an afternoon when she came over. Even if the driver didn't make a detour, who could guarantee that there would be no traffic jam and other accidents? Rong Yan clearly is to let Qi family die!"You choose, go back immediately or stay here to find Chu Qi?" He handed out a key.

She took it hard. Now she can only choose one from two, but she also believes that Rong Yan will not let her go so easily! Choose one from two, will you let her leave after you choose! Taking advantage of the moment of taking over the key, the other party relaxed his vigilance. Chu Tian suddenly stretched out his hand toward the other party's neck, trying to grab his neck. Who knows that the other party is walking backward, she bumps into his arms, and the hard muscles make his nose ache.

"Don't move!"

The severe reprimand rang on the top of his head. When he raised his head with pain, he saw that the woman who had been following Rong Yan's back was very ugly. At the same time, a pair of warm hands suddenly fell from her back.

He soon realized who was holding her, and Chutian pushed away disgusted. The man in front of him even drew a silver pistol the size of a palm in his sleeve and handed it to her with a smile, "here you are. Don't you want to take me as a hostage? It would be better to have a weapon in hand. "

"You, what do you mean?"

When the pistol was pulled out, she was so frightened that her back was numb. She could not have expected that Rongyan would say such a thing in the next second. The bright white light still fell on his warm smile face, but inexplicably made the whole body cold.

Even a person who is extremely bad has motives and traces to follow. What she has done is totally beyond her expectation. As he said just now, this is a game. He is the master of the game. He not only plays with other people's lives, but also keeps himself out of the game.

Such a person is either a madman, or hate to the extreme. Even if you destroy yourself, you should let the person you hate be buried with you!

Dong Dong Dong Dong!

The iron gate was thumped at first, then a dull sound vibrated in the tympanic membrane, and even a man's hoarse and angry roar could be heard! The sound is so familiar!

She immediately remembered that her elder brother, who had worked hard to raise her after her parents died one after another, felt a burst of blank brain. When she reacted, she had taken the small pistol in Rong Yan's hand rudely, and the muzzle of the gun pointed at his eyebrow, "open the door to me!"

The cold weapon in his hand is so small that it seems to be broken with a little strength. It was the first time she had pointed a pistol at someone's head and her hands were shaking.

The person she pointed to just aggravate the smile. There seemed to be a trace of sarcasm in her green eyes. The next second he turned his head and told his subordinates, "open the door."

"But the boss..."

"Yes?" Rong Yan squinted.

"I see." Leng Qiu nodded her head and passed by Chu Tian's side. Her cold eyes swept over her body, and she could find the fatal hole in her movements at any time.

But she didn't do it. She went up and opened the heavy iron door.

The iron door and the ground friction made a sharp sound, the dust on the wall was also shaken down. Chu Tian had no choice but to retreat. The screen sucked and watched the iron door pushed open, and gradually revealed a figure of a stooping.

White shirt full of traces, with the iron door was pushed open, dust flying, the man covered his belly, pale face back, forehead is cold sweat.

To see his face, Chu Tian eyes a hazy, tears fall, "brother!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!