Chapter 1420

The crowd hesitated and then shook their heads.

Among so many people, Lu Tingchen and Ji Shaoguang are the first to get married, and they are still the ones who have loved each other for many years.

Ji Rufeng holds Zhao Jian's hand and gently pinches it. They look at each other and smile.

After seeing off the guests, Zhao Jian and Ji Rufeng drag their tired bodies back to the room. As soon as they enter the door, Zhao Jian can't help shaking off her high-heeled shoes. However, when they see the mountain of wedding gifts piled up on the inner bed, they get big immediately.

"Doesn't it mean these things have been sorted out?" She looked at Ji Rufeng in amazement.

Ji Rufeng came forward to have a look, and each one was neatly packed and very beautiful. The top one was even pasted with a note.

He tore it off and read:

there will be no bridal chamber on the wedding night. Let's finish these gifts.

Signed by: Lu Chengli.

It's the headmaster's bullying and unbridled!

Ji Rufeng

Husband and wife look at each other, not only on the bed, even the sofa is also full of gift boxes, it is simply not open the rhythm of rest!

Ji Rufeng found a chair after looking around and helped Zhao Jian to sit down. Ji Rufeng said, "wait for me for a while, I'll go down and open another room."

"I hope you can drive it."

Zhao Jian saw him out of the inner door, ready to take a bath first.

Just at this time, she heard Ji Rufeng's footsteps again. She turned her head to see that Ji Rufeng came back with a note in her hand and a bitter smile on her face.

"Not even the door?" Zhao Jian was shocked.

I've heard that there is a custom of making a bridal chamber in China. She used to be glad that she and Ji Rufeng were very face saving, but now

It turns out that this group of people broke up quietly, not with a great kindness, but with a bad breath.

"The door is locked outside."

Four eyes opposite, two people look at each other wry smile, Ji Rufeng said: "I go to put water, you take a bath first, I clean up the room."

"Forget it. Let's do this first."

Zhao Jian planed out a place beside the bed, reluctantly sat down and began to sort out the gifts. She piled them up in different categories in the corner of the wall. At least she sorted out a place to sleep, otherwise, they would not sleep that night.

Other people's wedding night is full of passion, they are good, it can be said that a new face!

I don't know how these people made it. The big bed, which is more than two meters long, even piled up the gifts neatly for half a meter. No wonder they didn't see any of the gifts today, and their feelings came here.

Both of them were tired, and the speed was not fast. When they reached the last layer, it was nearly midnight, and Zhao Jian was sleepy.

She reluctantly picked up a gift and handed it to Ji Rufeng. However, at a casual glance, she saw the name on it, "Lu Tingchen and Ji Shaoguang congratulated.".

"Lu Shaohe Shaoguang's?" Zhao Jian wiped her face and suddenly remembered the birthday gift she had given Ji Shaoguang and Lu Tingchen a few years ago. I don't know if she had ever helped them to have fun later.

Now, the geomancy turns in turn, Zhao Jian's heart also has a bit uneasy.

It's a rectangular box. It looks very thin and I don't know what's inside.

All the way down, they haven't got a few gifts from their friends. Ji Rufeng takes a look, "open it and have a look?"

Zhao Jian has no objection. Ji Rufeng opens the red ribbon on the box and puts the box in front of Zhao Jian. Her eyes are opposite. Zhao Jian only hopes that Ji Shaoguang will not return him in his own way!

However, when the box was opened, Zhao was relieved. However, it was replaced by deep doubts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!