Chapter 552 Grouping Up

Name:Multi-Gene Author:
With this, he could advance the technique to the Fifth stage, strengthing his body and Physique. He was hoping he could reach the highest level before he left this place, but that would be impossible since the damage done to his body by then would be too devastating for an Atman Stage blood to repair.

The blood running through his veins and pumped rapidly by his heart, flowing through his body like a waterfall.

His muscles vibrated, buzzing through the atmosphere like guiter stings plucked repeatedly. Davod was about to start practicing the body strengthening technique when he was interrupted by a sudden sound.


The large Palace doors opened and a figure walked in cautiously. Their eyes brimming a greenish colour as they walked forwards.


David stood up as he recognised who the person was. "Yeah it's me."

David turned to face Teela, and looking behind her, his face covered with confusion. "Where are the rest of the team? Gardorf and the young master."

Teela sighed in relief but then shrugged. "I have no idea. The minute we stepped into the door, I couldn't find any of you, I was alone, transported to some palace prison of sort. Faced an Atman Realm undead, and luckily, it was a relatively weak one. So I exited the door and walked in again looking for you guys, you and then I'm here."

David nodded his head in realisation, and he wasn't the only one who had been transported to a different place, it seemed the rest of the team also had the same experience.

"Why don't we wait outside for the rest. It seems once we defeat the undead within the prison, the doors would be automatically unlocked."

"Great idea, let's go with that." Teela nodded her head, but as her eyes swept past the large throne, her motion suddenly paused and she rapidly vanished from her position.

In the next moment, she arrived before the large rock with written words on it. Stretching her hands, she grabbed at it.

But it appeared she had been too slow. David grabbed at the tablet and then placed it within his storage ring.

"I hope you don't mind." David asked politely while staring straight at Teela.

Their bodies were very close to each other, just a few inches from one another.

There was a sudden silence between them that went on for about a second. But for them, a second was more than enough time to pull some tricks.

"No, of course not. You killed the undead, you get to keep the reward." Teela smiled, backing off, she started began walking towards the door.

"We can go now right?"

"Yeah." Placing the Atman Stage body within his storage ring, David followed behind her, exiting the prison and they once again arrived at the passage with four doors before them.

David sat down in meditation as they waited. "Should we try the other doors."

"I don't think that's a good idea. The first door wasn't too easy, who knows if the difficulty would increase each door. I say we wait for the young master to arrive, then he will decide if we should head in or not." Although David rejected her plan, he really wanted to try the other doors, but since he needed the help of the young master, he would have to do whats best for them.

Time went on like the flowing waves of a large river. It was unknown just how much time had passed.

David's eyes snapped open. The door he had just came out from opened and three familiar figures walked out from within.

"I thought you two got lost or something." Young master Alan nodded, seemingly slightly relieved to see both David and Teela.

"We didn't know what to do, so we waited here for you guys just in case anything went wrong." Teela hurriedly replied.

David shrugged in confirmation. Prompting to a slight nod from the young master.

"That's good."

"Did you two had to face any undead?" Rutherford suddenly asked.

"The prison I was transported to had an atman realm undead within, but it was only slightly stronger than an Intergrates Phaser, so it was easily dealt with." Teela confessed.

"The same for me." David added. Except the undead be met was a true Atman Stage expert and he had almost died.

"Did you notice any treasure of some sort sithin the vicinity after killing the undead?" Upon Rutherford's word, Teela's expression froze a little before she shook her head awkwardly. She realised this was the main reason Rutherford was asking those questions.

"Of course not. Immediately after I finished with the undead, I exited the prison to look for the rest of you." Teela denied immediately.

Rutherford nodded, he then turned towards David. "What about you?"

"I don't seem to remember who gave you the authority to question me. Last time i checked, you are not the group leader." David retorted.

"How dare you?"


"Since they fought the undead themselves with their own strength, they have every right to keep the treasure they find."

"Now, let's go through the other doors. I assume it will be similar to the first one, been transported to different prisons but the difficulty might be higher than the first, so we should be careful." Young master Alan warned them. And with that, he turned towards the second large soke and began walking towards it.

David followed behind, ignoring the chilling glare he was feeling from beside him. It was obviously coming from Rutherford. Just a bit more time, then he would have every chance to snap that little twig in half.

The door opened, allowing them rk step inside. And like the last time, the door behind them closed. David wasn't as surprised this time. And just like the last time, he was alone within the prison.

But this time, there were numerous bioluminescent bacteria on the walls of the prison, illuminating the prison walls with their glowing bodies.

These bacterias produces a green fluorescent gene, mixed with their DNA manufacture a blowing body that illuminate the surroundings.

David didn't need to rely on his night vision to see into prison anymore. The entire place was illuminated by the glowing bacteria.

This made him wonder why the other prisons didn't have these bacterias since it was a great source of light. And the bacteria was something easily controlled by adjusting their genetic makeup so they wouldn't evolve into some form of terrifying monster.


Countenance indifference, David waited patiently. This prison looked similar to the last one, except that the chains here weren't broken through.

There was a corpse seated on the throne, his hands and legs were locked up by the same chains he had seen in the last prison. He had tested the durability of the chains and knew how stirng it was.

He figured out that if he was been locked up, even he would have a terribly difficult time breaking through the chains.

Waiting a while, staring at the corpse silently. The cirspe made no movement, neither did David. But David wasn't really in a hurry. He gazed around the Palace/prison when his eyes got fixated on a transparent bottle lying in the floor before the large throne seat.

"A pill?" David muttered. It had been a long time he had seen a pill. Most Genetist don't make their medicine in the Shape of a pill anymore, but in serums since it's effect could be felt immediately, mixing easily with the blood and genetic structure.

Unable to wait any longer, David began walking steadily towards the corpse, climbing the short stairs leading to the throne seat.

"You should act now, otherwise you wouldn't get the chance to do so anymore." David's voice echoed as he tried to warn the undead to take its chance.

A clicking sound rang out as the chains rattled. The dead eye of the undead opened up, standing mechanically from its throne, its body were completely rigid, fixating its eyes on David.

A weird smile formed on its lips as it glanced eerily at him. The atmosphere chilled as a sinister wind seem to start blowing.

David's expression remained indifferent, but his caution was at its peak as his step stopped.

They were now a few feets away from each other. David could see the man appeared to be middle aged and his face seemed like he was strong willed during his time when he was still alive.

There were many theories in his head about how this place came to form an army of undead creatures, something that had to do with the second heart overtaking its host when it was finally dead. But what made him confused was that during the process of becoming an Atman, the entire body would be transformed.

The second heart (The implant) would merge with the first one(the original heart) making them whole, to a single entity. Therefore the overtaking of host is simply impossible at the Atman Stage but, how did they all turn out to be undead?

The question had just popped up in his Mind when he felt the tiniest vibrations in the air. It was like his skin is an oversensitive guitar string and the slightest change in airflow could be detected by him.

But by then, a claw shaped hand was right on him. And a poisonous foul smelling odour exuded from the nails.