Chapter 26: Higher ups Showdown.

Chapter 26: Higher ups Showdown.

ATLAS Empire, Imperial Garden.

All the guards have tensed faces, solemn expressions and extreme awe in their eyes, as they all tried to get a better look at the three people sitting at the center.

The Emperor himself was here !!! The hero of the nation who is said to be the man who will make this nation regain it's forgotten glory! The pride and the hope of the whole Empire!

He was busy healing a certain little girl.

"Nunally-chan, you have been a good girl. It will only last for a little more minute"

'Dammit. I am shit at healing. I should take some tips from Tsunade when she grows up.'

But even with his tactless techniques, the raw power of his Nakara Path helped him a lot. Devran who was having fun watching her son struggle, addressed the new girl

"What a beautiful little lamb did my lion bring! Your name is Nunally, isn't it ?"

She nodded politely:

"Yes, Mother Emperess."

Marek continued:

"She is the sister of the new Vizir of my Empire."

Devran had a curious look:

"And the sleeping guests. I supposed they are related to him too?"

Nunally ears immediately perked up when she heard the question. Marek had a smile as he nodded:

"Yes, indeed.

-Quite, the peculiar guests, they look a little foreign. I was especially impressed with the two girls. The first with the chestnut hair and the other with beautiful cherry blossom one. Heaven shaking beauties."

The moment she heard that, tears started flowing out from her eyes as she put her hand on her mouth:

"Shirley, EuphyThey"

Looking at her emotional face he moved his face sideways:

"Look, what you did mother? You ruined your Lion's surprise.

-Oh? Was it such a touchy subject?

-No. Mother Emperess, it's onlyI*sniff*"

Devran took a handkerchief as she kindly wiped her tears:

"You too, must have gone through a lot of things."

-I preferred not to shock them, so I put them in a little slumber. They will wake up anytime. You should be there to guide them.

-I will, you majesty.

-Okay. It's all over. You are ready, Nunnaly-chan."

Slowly she opened her eyes, the first person she saw was 'him'. She only associated him with his doubled voice. His hair was wildly spiked up, his bearing was imperial, yet his warm and caring smile completely contrasted with his persona. She could feel deep kindness in his abyss dark eyes. His hand extended his hands to her:

"Try to stand up"

She nodded, a tinge of red on her face, and took his hand. Slowly she stood up without any difficulty whatsoever. she started crying again. He lightly patted her head:

"Cry, your whole coming years. For, from now on, only happiness awaits you."

Devran had a kind look on her face as she looked at the scene. All the soldiers and retainers had tears in their eyes, as they tought:

'His Majesty's kindess is endless. I shall seal the scene in my heart forever.'

He sighed before addressing his mother:

"Mother, could you take care of her for me. Your Lions has matters to attend too.

She nodded a proud look on her face:

"Go. I can't wait for the world to discover the Atlas Empire you are about to build."

When he got out off the garden, a sweet voice asked him:

"You seem in a good mood, your majesty.

-Yes. I secured my most precious retainer to date. I am relieved.

-Why tho? Didn't everything go as planned?

-It may have appeared that way, but it was a gamble. Will that man accept to submit for his own people? Is he the kind of man I envisioned him to be? I don't want a scared prisoner, what I need is a brother I can share my fate and my vision with.

-Lelouch Vi Britania, huhYou seem to think quite highly of him.

-You will see it, yourself. Only the best, I never settle for less.

-Good, I hope he comes back early. Troubles are coming.


Shahrazad had a disdainful smile:

"The Martial Alliance and the Rwa Empire officially declared the Combrosia Empire as an enemy of Peace, righteousness and justice."

The Saiyan only laughed: Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"If the only thing they can do is talk. Then there is nothing to be afraid off."

"Leviathan! My Imperial Self still didn't hear repentance for your sister comportment! If it isn't the first thing that comes out from your mouth, you better keep it shut!"

She immediately looked down, swallowing her words

The Heaven side had sweat over they back:

'He is hard to deal with! To think even Grayfia and Serafall didn't know how to deal with him.'

Grayfia who kept hearing the Maous being insulted was about to give in to anger, accumulating her enormous demonic power. Immediatly, Matsuda and Motohama wickedly smiled as they unleashed their Ki!! Shaking the room!! After the constant training and the Zenkai Boosts, their power level increased dramatically attaining the level of Low-class Saiyans. Someone like Ise and Sairaorg, even in their ultimate form, are already way to weak for them to try their hardest. Their Ki shacked the whole Room as even some High Class devils found it hard to breath! Marek who saw his servants immediately react, relaxed and grinned:

'Do you see, you trash? I, too got people who have my back!'

Everyone could gauge the terrifying power level they've already attained at this age:

'Ultimate-class devil! Really close to Maou Class!!'

Serafall was also accumulating her power

"Enough. I will go summon Sirzecks and Ajuka too."

Shemhaza mediated the situation. The Heaven's side sighed in relied seeing someone finally step up as their own higher ups are still absent. But their worries were far from over, Motohama snickered, with a devilish grin:

"Excuse me, Vice Governor, I might not have heard you right Hehehehe.

The Satan offends our Emperor and


His KI Skyrocketed again as he definitely reached Maou class this time!!!

Every weaker VIP was already lipping on the ground. The Handsome Saiyan with Long threads of hair over his face, looked like a god among men.

'Such strength at such young age. He makes the Rating Game of today Meaningless!'

Marek had a long grin over his face as he was overlooking everything silently.

Shamhazai deeply sighed at the grinning Motohama:

"What do you want?

Motohama had a swift eye contact with his Emperor before continuing:

"We already told your governor. We came in peace. The women there offended his Imperial Majesty with her traitorous stench, she is to repent for her offense and we will let bygone be bygones."

Shamhazai had complicated face, asking the queen of Lucifer to let go of her pride in front of all the old devils. Serafall was brimming with anger and she was about to show it when

"In that case, I sincerely apologies your majesty. I wouldn't want to be an obstacle in your 'peace'."

She turned around and disappeared as she appeared. All the devils present couldn't believe their eyes. Especially the higher ups of the Gremory House, and Sitri House. All Old Devils of the Great King faction snickered secretly:

'To think that high school boy, made the Ultimate Queen Grayfia back down. Are they really only the Sekiryuutei goofy friends?'

It was finally Matsuda's turn who threw sarcastically some words in the air:

"Even if she is a Traitor at least she has manners. Unlike the heirs of a certain House!"

Everyone let those worlds slowly sink, when they noticed that Leviathan calmed down. Marek suddenly had a change of expression, an annoyed yet somehow anticipating expression appearing on his face. A late family head, appeared the rhythm of her heels where already familiar to the Emperor. She entered sometimes breezy like a soft fairy, sometimes fiery like a fire demoness. The people recognized her immediately, it's the second ranked at the Rating Game and one of the three Strong Beauties of the Underworld. She didn't even go through the usual steps, her eyes were already glued on him, on the man she has been looking for, for weeks. Here he was sitting as prideful as ever, exuding the bearing of an Ancient Monarch. She knew what happened for she has been listening since she heard his signature doubled voice.

A man who can disdain even Lucifer himself, who can snicker in the face of Indra. That's the identity of the peculiar youngster, she has been thinking about for the past week.

Yet, even thought it was her Satan who was despised, her two rivals who were insulted like trash. She couldn't stop herself from getting happier and happier. For it made his boyish moments, his cute side only hers alone. Those precious sides, the blushing boy, the melancholic young man. The warm and caring gaze, like the one he was giving her now. She approached him resolutely. All the factions tensed up again:

'Is Peace really that difficult to obtain?'

Only the most sharped eyed women present here noticed that something was different, not with the Emperor but with Roygun Belphegor herself.

Venellena realized it first:

"Oh My"

Then the Lady of the Phoenix House:

"This could be troublesome."

At a correct distance, with a blooming smile, that resembled neither her seductive one nor her childish one, she greeted:

"It's nice to meet you, your majesty"

Matsuda and Motohoma who were previously like two enraged dogs bowed in respect. Surprising all the people present here!

Now everyone knew something was going on! Finally the Emperor opened his mouth:

"It's my pleasure, Belphegor Princess."

He then said teasingly:

"The Rating Game is fairly new to me. Would you mind guiding me?"

Immediately a "Puchi!!" sound was heard from her. She slowly advanced and sat by his side as she responded:

"It would be my Honor, your majesty."

Everyone looked at the scene in absolute silence. But Dulio couldn't help asking

"What going on? It's a fairly normal greeting yet it felt like something completely different."

Griselda laughed lightly:

"Baka Dulio, don't you see the face she is making? This not the face of the second Ranked in the Rating Game nor that of an Ultimate Class Devils. This is simply that of a maiden.

-WHAT? You mean?!!"