Chapter 160: Death

Name:Mutated Tao Author:
Chapter 160: Death

At that moment, Jiang Yingzi disappeared without any prior warning.

Li Huowang was left stunned as he thought about what Jiang Yingzi had just told him.

“The elders of the Ao Jing Sect had been replaced by the members of Sitting Oblivion Dao? Dan Yangzi is still alive and is not an illusion?” mumbled Li Huowang. He would normally have just ignored her words since she was an illusion, but he found her words to be reasonable.

The Sitting Oblivion Dao hadn’t just appeared suddenly. They had already been there and had infiltrated the Ao Jing Sect.

“Impossible! How did you find out?!”

At that moment, Li Huowang lowered his head to see Er Bing shouting hysterically. Even though Er Bing had been able to laugh throughout the torture earlier, now she was visibly distressed after knowing that Li Huowang had found out the truth about the Ao Jing Sect.

Li Huowang finally realized what the Abbess meant when she advised him to think like the Sitting Oblivion Dao and work backward to resolve their plots. At the same time, he also realized why they were so dangerous and had to be killed on sight.

These crazy bastards didn’t fear death or pain, and only wanted to entertain themselves. Their perspective was so twisted that to them fooling someone was even more important than their own lives.

Now that Li Huowang knew what they cared about the most, he also knew how to exact his revenge on them.

“Do you want to know how I managed to see through your tricks?” asked Li Huowang as he stabbed his sword into Er Bing’s chest.

“Cough~ Cough~” Blood flowed out from Er Bing’s mouth, the few remaining pieces of flesh on her face twitching. “How ...?”

Li Huowang lowered his body and whispered into her ears, “Hehe... Take a guess.”

As he said those words, he twisted his sword, causing Er Bing’s body to twitch in pain.

Then, Li Huowang withdrew his sword and slashed downward, splitting Er Bing’s head in half.

But that was not enough for him.

Li Huowang continued to slash Er Bing, over and over. Hatred filled his eyes while pieces of flesh were flung into the air until Er Bing’s body was turned into nothing more than a pile of minced meat.

Meanwhile, everyone else stood a distance away as they stared at the enraged Li Huowang, not daring to move a single step closer to him.

“N-n-no, no need for that!” said Lu Zhuangyuan as he instantly turned to leave, bringing his family with him. He was too afraid of Li Huowang.

Li Huowang ignored them and continued to monitor the flames which burned from morning to afternoon before finally dying out. Then, he approached the pile of burnt residue and confirmed that nothing but ashes remained. Only then did he finally let out a sigh of relief.

“Is everything okay?” asked Li Huowang as he inspected the wound on Bai Lingmiao’s shoulder.

“Yes, it’s just a minor injury.” Bai Lingmiao forced a smile when she saw Li Huowang had returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

She extended both her hands and carefully inspected Li Huowang’s amputated arm, her eyes revealing deep sorrow.

“No need to worry. It will grow out soon enough.” Li Huowang carefully patted her head.

“Really?” Bai Lingmiao’s eyes lit up.

“Of course,” assured Li Huowang before turning toward the rest.

Everyone else also looked disheveled, but Li Huowang ignored their wounds; he was more concerned about those who had died.

One of the guiding drug ingredients had died. He had only one arm but good eyesight.

The other one who had died was a fat assistant.

At this moment, the two bodies were lying side by side, and Monk’s illusion was praying for them.

As he looked at their lifeless faces, Li Huowang felt numb. He doubted himself as a leader; if things had been different, maybe they too would have been able to go back to their homes.

“Burn their bodies. Do we have a jar? If not, then we can use a cloth to store the ashes,” instructed Li Huowang.

Once everything was ready, Li Huowang took the rest of them and departed.

“Senior Li, I think we are going the wrong way. This path leads to the kingdom of Si Qi,” pointed out one of them.

Li Huowang nodded. “Yes, and we must hurry.”