Chapter 159 The Aftermath of the Capital Invasion (3)

Chapter 159 The Aftermath of the Capital Invasion (3)

Episode 159 The Aftermath of the Capital Invasion (3)

Somewhere in the vast Northern Mountains, teeming with monsters.

Someone was sitting on top of a house-sized bear-like monster, stroking its fur and frowning.

“...What’s going on?”

The Revolutionary, the leader of Oath of Heaven’s Defiance, who had brought down the Rohan Duchy and gone into hiding, reviewed the information he had received with a serious expression.

‘A wager between the hero and the Immortal King? A three-year reprieve? That’s ridiculous.’

He couldn’t believe the information he had received and went through the verification process again.

Thinking that there might be a problem with his information network because he had gone into hiding after causing trouble.

But the results were the same, no matter how many times he checked...

The Immortal King wasn’t focusing on covering the continent in death, but was enjoying himself for his own amusement.

And that was impossible.

‘I’ve been suspicious since he started acting strangely, not following our expectations...’

His face crumpled.

He had thought that the Immortal King was planning something else, but judging by the current situation, it seemed like he had completely overcome the influence of the abyss.

‘That’s impossible. No one can overcome the abyss.’

It was a force that applied to all beings in this world, and if the person involved was a ‘human’, it was practically an unchangeable law.

‘Don’t tell me the Immortal King wasn’t human in his previous life? No, no. That’s not the problem. Even if he was a non-human, it wouldn’t make much of a difference.’

There was one question that everyone in this world took for granted.

<Why do humans worship the Main God?>

Of course, it wasn’t that he denied the Main God’s existence or underestimated his authority.

It was just a literal question.

Each race had their own religion.

The Elves worshipped the ‘World Tree’ that stood in the middle of the Enamel Continent, and the Dwarves worshipped the ‘God of Fire and Metal’.

The beastmen had indigenous religions that worshipped animal gods that symbolized them, but those were just fragments of the ‘Beast God’.

Of course, it wasn’t just the respective races who followed those religions.

There were even religions that had spread among humans, like the Sea God and the Earth God, although they were minor religions.

But they all originated from their respective racial gods.

But why didn’t humans have a being that could be called their racial god?

It was a strange question, but not many people questioned it.

‘It’s just... it’s always been like that... Everyone thinks that way.’

The Main God, the creator, was closer to a grand concept or law that mortals couldn’t comprehend.

It meant that he shouldn’t be interfering with the world like this and bestowing holy power and blessings according to faith.

He was just doing someone else’s job, preventing errors from occurring in the world.

Yes, humans definitely had a god of their own.

He was completely erased from history and even causality by the Main God, leaving not even a fragment of his existence, but...

He definitely existed in this world.

“It can’t be helped. I’m sorry, Baltheon, but I have to take madness. Now that death has escaped its fate, I can’t just leave it to someone else.”

The Revolutionary clicked his tongue, thinking of the large warrior who was probably busy working in the south.

He was practically the most competent guy in Oath of Heaven’s Defiance, but it wasn’t the time to be considerate of others.

He got up from the bear monster he had been sitting on and slowly walked towards a nearby scar of the abyss.

And then, the monster’s eyes, which had been calm until now, blazed with red light, and it ran away into the forest with a roar.

“For the God of Humans.”

He muttered softly and pushed himself into the scar.

He was the only apostle of the ‘God of Humans’, who no longer existed,

And a revolutionary, dedicated to restoring the god who had been banished to the abyss, the trash can of the Auterica Dimension.


The gist of what Patrick, the secretary general of the Mercenary Guild, said to Harley was simple.

‘He’s saying he’ll take care of everything else, so I just need to focus on my reputation. And make it spread throughout the continent.’

That’s what it meant, after all their conversation.

That Harley’s reputation wasn’t as widespread as his skills, so he needed to raise it.

Of course, he had completed several missions that were considered top-class while working as a mercenary, and he had recently gained fame for his great contributions in the monster madness incident...

But it was limited to the western part of the continent, specifically the northern region of the Tulk Kingdom.

But his words were cut off—.



“You talk too much.”

“N-no... there was a barrier...”

Heinrich, who had approached him at some point, had embedded his holy sword deep into his heart.

Of course, he had various defenses in place, as he said, but his skills weren’t enough to block “Blessing: Holy Blade”, the natural enemy of dark magic.

The light injected through the holy sword embedded in his heart completely burned away the evil magic power that was rampaging through his body, and he quietly turned to ashes and scattered without much resistance.

And after a while,


“W-we’re alive!”

They were only four, but it didn’t take long to eliminate all the thousands of enemies.

Unfortunately, most of the lord’s family had already died in the ambush that followed the initial attack, but...

“May the Main God’s mercy be with them.”

Heinrich, who briefly offered a silent prayer, diligently healed the injured, pretending not to see the commoners subtly looting the lord’s castle.

“Oh my~ Saint, you saved us, and now you’re even healing us. Thank you so much!”

“Thank you! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Helping those in need is the duty of those who follow the Main God.”

“That’s the right attitude! As expected of Saint Heinrich of the Main God Church!”

“Ah, I’m embarrassed. You also worked hard, Harley.”

And so, they finished imprinting their names on the locals with Harley’s help, and then they gathered around Isea to move to another location.

High-level personnel like them couldn’t stay in one place for a long time.

‘He’s quite useful. His ability and personality both pass, and... considering his situation.’

Heinrich subtly glanced at the middle-aged man with gray hair and blue eyes, holding a spear, Geos Calkin, and nodded.

Geos was a strong individual who had voluntarily come to participate in the hero party after hearing about it, and there were several reasons why he had been chosen.

First, his ability.

The fact that a pure aura user who hadn’t even reached transcendence could launch an attack that transcended space meant that the secret art he had mastered was very special.

...To the point where he was envious.

Mastery was the state where one had established their own system, perfected their energy, and reached the end of that path.

They were also called Sword Masters or those who had reached the ‘Transcendent Realm’ in other dimensions, and their naturally activated energy supported all their abilities, and the efficiency of directly manipulating it also increased significantly.

The density of the energy they possessed was on a different level, so it couldn’t be faked.

And transcendence was the state where one had grown even further, breaking through the mold and surpassing their limitations as a being.

They could cut through space with a sword, manipulate phenomena with just their will, and naturally read causality.

It couldn’t be defined in a single word because the way each person transcended was different.

For example, Conwell, the captain of the Empire’s Royal Knights, was able to cut through even the abyss’s energy like butter with his ability to ‘cut’ everything.

‘In that sense, that’s a very tempting technique. I should try to subtly bring it up after getting close to him.’

It probably wouldn’t be that difficult.

Because of the second reason why he accepted Geos, his personal history.

‘His family was caught up in the sacrificial incident that happened throughout the continent... which is known to be the Immortal King’s doing to open the abyss.’

He was a noble of the Lesque Kingdom, but like Isea, he had achieved that position solely through his skills.

He was a commoner and an orphan, and he was very attached to his wife and children, but they had been killed.

In other words, his motivation for joining the hero party wasn’t a sense of duty, but solely revenge against the Immortal King.

And Heinrich... couldn’t refuse him, who pleaded for a chance for revenge with eyes that had lost their will to live.

‘...He’s similar to me.’

Of course, he would definitely help him get his revenge.

Many of those he had just killed were members of Oath of Heaven’s Defiance, and he wouldn’t stop until he had eliminated all the masterminds behind that tragedy.

“Then, let’s move. Don’t resist my magic power.”


Isea’s endlessly flowing magic power enveloped them,

And they disappeared from Beoin County in the Sharotti Kingdom.

They were incredibly busy, even though they were only personally intervening in large-scale invasions like this, as they had to give warnings for smaller attacks and prepare countermeasures, and...

But the fame of the hero Heinrich and his companions was also slowly spreading throughout the continent, proportionally to their efforts.