It was not a pleasant memory for Xue Lingqiao…

More than 500 years ago, he was a noble son in Xue's Residence, with a distinguished background and loving parents. He was bitten by a leopard while hunting in the mountains, and he fell into a coma. He bedridden with a high fever and his wound began to turn black and started to rot.

His parents had managed to invite the best doctor at the time. The doctor said that his symptoms were extremely rare, but the bite of the leopard had infected him with an unknown poison; the venom had penetrated deep into his heart. They would need to use arsenic, aconitum, and other highly toxic substances as medicine. And at the same time, use bloodletting to detoxify, in addition, he could not consume anything, but ginseng soup. Although his parents had doubts about this method of fighting poison with poison, they could only take a risk.

They repeated the treatment as per the doctor’s orders and were able to save Xue Lingqiao's life.

However, because the poisonous decoction had permanently damaged his stomach, he could no longer consume solid food and could only be on a liquid diet.

Xue Lingqiao had just recovered from his serious illness. One day, he suddenly had the urge to go to a teahouse, but he wasn’t aware of the rumors outside. Everyone regarded him as a monster who had come back from the dead, fearing him, as if he was a man-eating ghost.

Xue Lingqiao soon found out that he was abnormal. He could hear the voices of others from far away.

“After being bitten by a leopard, the son of the Xue family was in bad shape. He couldn’t eat at all. Everyday he had to let out a bowl of blood and drink two bowls of poison. If he didn’t become a monster, then what could? The old general was in Xue residence to cancel their marriage agreement, and decided to retire home at night. That was already a bad idea. On his way home from the Xue's, he fell off his horse and broke his legs.”

“Yeah, my neighbor's niece is a maid in Xue's house, she said the same thing.”

Naturally, Xue Lingqiao didn't know about the general's family's withdrawal from the marriage agreement. It did not matter to him, as he and the young lady were only acquainted through their parents' matchmaker, but what he was worried about was if there was really something wrong with him...

Xue Lingqiao’s mind was in chaos. It was then, when someone in the private room on the second floor of the teahouse greeted him enthusiastically, “Brother Xue! Brother Xue! Come up!”

Seeing his friend, Xue Lingqiao smiled and was about to head upstairs when he heard the voices of several other young nobles in the private room.

“Why are you calling him? Everyone in the city knows that Young Master Xue has become a monster who could only live through drinking poison. You dare provoke him?”

“I heard the young lady of the General's House annulled their marriage with the Xue family the day before yesterday. Our brothers were not as good as him before. Now it's time for us to shine.”

Xue Lingqiao's face sank and he turned to leave. After returning home, he didn't say anything, just locked himself in his room.

Mother Xue came to check on her son, who looked completely down. It seemed that her son knew that the city was full of wind and rain (rumors)... She was worried as she comforted, “Mother sees all the meals that the maids bring and takes away every day. Although ordinary meals can't be eaten, but drinking ginseng soup and vegetable juice, my son can also live well. The marriage is annulled, it was only just an arranged marriage. We have not even met the lady. People outside can say what they want to say.”

Mother Xue sighed, “Maybe it’s better to ask the doctor if there are any other methods? How can you live like this?

“The medication had damaged the stomach and intestines, take it slow, no need to rush.” The doctor came to Xue's Residence the next day. He was reassuring Xue's mother while removing the gauze from Xue Lingqiao's wrist. He used alcohol to wash off all the dry blood. When he saw that Xue Lingqiao's laceration had completely healed, the doctor was surprised, “Huh? Strange... It's only been three days... it's impossible…”

Xue Lingqiao also had the same look of surprise.

The genius doctor frowned and thought for a while. He picked up the dagger and slashed Xue Lingqiao's wrist. It was then an unbelievable thing happened, the part that was cut healed quickly and there was no trace of it. 

Everyone was stunned, and the servant was so frightened that he sat on the ground and looked at Xue Lingqiao as if he was a demon. 

That night, Xue Lingqiao sat alone on top of his roof as he continuously slashed his hands with a knife. Every single cut healed in a blind of an eye, without any traces of the prior injury. Xue Lingqiao threw down the dagger and closed his eyes. In the midst of all the noise, he heard his parents’ voices. 

“I'll resign in two days, sell the mansion, and we will all return back to our hometown.” 

“If only we can just go back to our hometown. The higher ups plan to take Qiao'er* away. If Qiao'er is taken away...then it’ll be all over…” 

(Qiao'er is Xue Lingqiao’s pet name.)

“Don't worry, he is our only child. We will keep him safe no matter what.” 

His father had to consider resigning from office and going into hiding because of him. He was willing to give up his success and even had to worry about how to protect him... Xue Lingqiao closed his eyes in guilt. 

Suddenly many footsteps were heard outside their residence’s soor. Xue Lingqiao sat up, and after listening carefully, he realized the servant had brought officials from the government to arrest him. 

He walked into the door of his parents' room, and under the surprised eyes of his parents, he knelt down with a thud. Calmly, he said, “Dear mother and father, please listen to your son. Your child's body is different from ordinary people, only causing trouble for you. Your son is not filial, and if I continue to stay, our family will not continue to survive." 

Father Xue was dismayed, “You are leaving?!” 

“Son is leaving, this way father and mother can live a peaceful life. And I can live in peace knowing that. I will try to find a cure for my illness as I can not remain a monster.”

Mother Xue cried, “You are not a monster! Mother understands, go! Go and live well.” 

Xue Lingqiao held back his grief and said calmly, “Father, mother, forgive me for not being filial. I am unsure of when we can meet again after we part. Please take care of yourself." 

“Don’t worry and go.” Mother Xue wiped away her tears and helped Xue Lingqiao up. She took out a jade annulus and handed it to him, “This was given to me by your grandmother. Now it will accompany you instead of your mother.” 

Xue Lingqiao took the jade and held it tightly in his hand. 

Afterwards, the courtyard where Xue Lingqiao was set on fire. Flames burst into the sky and he, along with his own courtyard, completely disappeared... 

The only connection between him and the Xue Mansion was the phoenix jade annulus left by his mother. 

Xue Lingqiao looked at the sky outside the window with no expression on his face, as if it happened to someone else, and he was just a simple narrator. 

The truth was, this had happened so long ago that Xue Lingqiao, who experienced it, already forgot how painful it was then... 

It was quiet in the living room, with only the sound of each other's breathing. Xue Lingqiao looked back - Tian Jingzhi had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa…