If a master was known for accurate predictions, the master would know that today was Xue Lingqiao and Tian Jingzhi's unlucky day. Everything will go wrong…

Halfway through shooting her afternoon scene, Tian Jingzhi suddenly covered her chest. She could hear Xue Lingqiao's heartbeat. Tian Jingzhi was very puzzled, didn't Monster Xue say he was going to meet that person? How was she able to sense him now? Could it be that he was planning to secretly visit her while she was working? Their relationship doesn't seem to be that good… Was he planning on watching her acting skills in person? Thinking about their conversation in the morning, Tian Jingzhi felt that only this reason seemed the most reasonable. 

Smart women always knew how to seize opportunities. 

She decided to work extra hard, and let Xue Lingqiao's ridicule rot in his own stomach. 

Because of the potential excitement of Xue Lingqiao, Tian Jingzhi performed very well in this scene. She exaggeratedly grabbed the knife from her male partner's hand and cut her palm without hesitation. Immediately, Tian Jingzhi screamed like a pig: "Ah—!" as blood poured out of her palm. 

Seeing the blood on her hands, her co-actor was so frightened that he immediately threw down the knife. With a look of panic he shouted, “What's going on?! ...How is it a real dagger?!”

A timid female assistant screamed in horror. Everything was a mess when the director calmly ordered: “The university has an infirmary. Someone help her there to get the wound treated first!”

Tian Jingzhi was sweating due to the extreme pain, and the director's loud voice could be heard through the door of the infirmary. 

“What happened?! You are a prop master! How can a prepared dagger without sharp edges become real!?” 

The female prop master was scolded until she started to cry. She tried to explain while choking on her tears, “This is not the dagger I prepared, and I don't know what happened.”

The director became even more furious, “You're in charge of the props! If you don’t know, who would?! Would the lighting technician know? Would the sound technician know? Huh?!” 

The props master refused to admit her fault, “It may also be done by perverted fans or other actresses who don’t see eye to eye with Miss Tian!” 

What a careless person. The director pointed at the female props artist angrily, wishing to poke a hole in her forehead. If there is a problem with the props on the set, it is naturally the responsibility of the props master. When something went wrong, she refused to review it, but also found various reasons to shirk her responsibility. This was so immature, to the point of disgusting. 

Tian Jingzhi walked out the door, “Director, don't scold her, it might not be her fault.”

Although she looked a little tired, the anesthetic worked and it wasn't that serious. The director was relieved, “Xiaozhi, how is your hand?”

Tian Jingzhi was worried about her work, “It's not very deep. They told me to avoid water, and avoid certain foods, and it'll be better soon... But the filming…”

The director hurriedly comforted her, “It's okay. We can shoot other scenes first, you need to recover... Don't worry, the police have already called, they will be here soon and find out who did it.” 

“Thank you, director.”

The crew members left one after another. She looked at her wound, touched her chest again, and frowned strangely. 

Badump. Badump. Badump... Why are the heartbeats so chaotic? Sometimes strong and sometimes weak, what the hell is Monster Xue doing? 

After coming out of F University, Tian Jingzhi kept looking out of the car window. When the heartbeat disappeared, she immediately asked Feng Dondong to park the car on the side of the road. It seemed that Monster Xue should be within 100 meters of here. Other than the newly built office building around the corner, there were no other buildings around her.

Feng Dongdong asked curiously, “Miss Tian, do you want to get off?”

“Why do I need to get off?” Tian Jingzhi raised her injured hand, “I want to go home quickly to recuperate. Start driving.”

He's just a tenant who popped up out of nowhere. He can go to his appointment and she can take care of her injuries. Non-interference is the basic principle of peaceful coexistence.

Tian Jingzhi sat cross-legged on the sofa, watching TV while eating fruit.

Although the injured hand was still covered with an ice pack, the thought of being able to rest for a few days with peace of mind made her delighted. Even the ordinary fruits she was eating became extraordinarily delicious.

People who live in this world are always burdened by various things. She had learned to not be distracted while at work and hide herself when she is resting; ignore the outside world completely. Just watch some TV, or water her plants, and just do whatever she wants.

It's also an important life skill to be able to take a break from a busy schedule.

Entertainment news was being broadcast on TV, and when the hostess talked about Tian Jingzhi. She reported with schadenfreude: “Tian Jingzhi was injured on the set because someone replaced the knife prop with a real knife. Fortunately, she had only cut her hand, if it was a heart stab scene, then the consequences would be unimaginable!”

The male host bluntly continued: “This is a very unfortunate year for Tian Jingzhi. There are constant disasters. Miss Tian, remember to go to a master... But I heard that the police arrested the suspect in the afternoon, and the suspect is a psychotic fan of Miss Tian Jingzhi.”

These days, entertainment shows are known to be grandstanding, blunt and exaggerated, without any sympathy.

Tian Jingzhi threw the plate of eaten fruit on the table and turned off the TV in a depressed mood. However, she had accidentally pulled her wound and gasped in pain.

“What unfortunate years? I, Tian Jianzhi, have lived twenty-eight years, and every year has been unlucky... Do you think I didn't go to a master? I’ve already dug three wells! Three! Do you not understand? It’s written in elementary school textbooks: “Drinking the water of a well, one should never forget who dug it.*” I dug them up myself, doesn’t that count?” Thinking of the suspect mentioned by the host, she stood on the sofa angrily, looked down on the TV series condescendingly, and spoke with earnest, “What’s with fans nowadays? Are their families very poor? They have mental problems, but no money to treat it? No matter if it is mental illness or a pervert, just take your meds three times a day after meals with warm water, okay?"

(Pure: An idiom suggesting that one should always be grateful to those who helped you succeed. And remember your ancestors and those that came before you whose sacrifices made your present life better. In Modern China, this idiom is virtually never used to refer to an actual well.)

After losing her temper at the TV, Tian Jingzhi finally relieved her anger and went back to her room to sleep. When she woke up, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

It was quiet in the living room, and Xue Lingqiao had not come back. Could it be that he was able to remember his nemesis after he saw the painting? And then left after avenging himself? ...I need to pop a bottle of champagne!

“The monster is finally gone! I’m finally free! However, Monster Xue is too rude, leaving without saying a word, making me worry... Wait, I'm worried about him? Haha, what a joke. I had always wished he would disappear... Besides, he’s so strong, who can do anything to him?"

Tian Jingzhi lay back on the sofa and watched TV. After two minutes, she couldn't help sitting up again.

No way, Monster Xue wasn't scammed, right? After all, he was an old man, over five hundred years old. He had only been using the web for a few days. Maybe he really encountered an online fraud gang?

Then..aren't the fraud gangs dangerous? !

Tian Jingzhi suddenly jumped up, grabbed a random coat, and rushed out of the house.