Chapter 40 Enzo Laborde

Name:My Angelic System Author:
"And this is how I managed to win against him," Kye finished.

"Did you plan this from the very beginning? Was it why you were so confident earlier?" Lidi was taken aback by all of Kye's observations. She knew that he had great eyes, but not to this extent.

"Of course not," Kye chuckled. "To be honest, in the beginning, I wanted to give up the moment the spar would have begun. But then I thought about how people like Bulk would only get angrier when something like this happen, so I decided to fight him. And even me provoking him was just because I wanted to," He smiled.

"That's my Kye," Ven said, proud of him and Kye.

"'Your Kye'?" Yugo raised an eyebrow. "Since when? He's mine."

"Guys, don't let yourself drown in your dream, Kye is mine," Lidi smiled.

"What?" Yugo gets angry.

"What did you say?" Ven stood up from the chair he was sitting on. He then slapped the table with his palms. "We should be the one saying this to you."

"Guys calm down, you're talking as if I'm an object," Kye chuckled, but it was clear that he was a little pissed.

Just a little.

"Sorry," All three of them said at the same time and then continued their day.

While they were hanging out, Enzo, the light purple-haired guy who watched the fight which opposed Kye and Bulk was sitting in his room with his supposed-to-be friends who were kneeling in front of him.

"Who is this guy?" Enzo asked with cold eyes to Bulk and the red-haired guy whose name was Bufl. It was a rare sight to see a level one student fighting so skillfully against someone higher level than him. And it was even rarer for the former to win.

The more a person was high level, the more their body or intelligence was high. It depends on the area their ability focused. But all in all, a high-level person wasn't only stronger than a low-level person because it have more energy, but because its body or mind was also superior.

That was also one of the reasons low-level people were disregarded so much like that. And orphans even more because they didn't even have an ability they could rely on. Of course, some of them had abilities because they were born with them, and they sometimes even reached great heights, but it was quite rare.

"W-we don't know," Bufl answered with a trembling voice.

"You don't know?" Enzo turned his eyes toward Bulk this time. The latter felt a shiver down his spine so much Enzo looked cold.

Enzo was acting friendly with people, but he was extremely cold when he wasn't in the mood. And it was the case right now.

"H-he won against me in the w-weapon class, so I just wanted to take my revenge," Bulk managed to say, amidst some difficulties.

"And why is he friends with those high-level people when he's just a poor level one?"

"We don't know," Bulk said, but the pression Enzo sent to him after he said that just increase to a new scale. "I mean, rumors say that he is friends with them since the very beginning. He is even roommates with the two guys that were with him."

"Oh? How interesting. It's probably the first time I saw that." The pression upon Bulk and Bufl decreased so much that they could finally look at Enzo's face. Only to see a gentle smile. But this smile made Enzo even scarier. "That's good, you can go now," They immediately obeyed before Enzo's mood changed once again.

Enzo was someone who came from one of the big families who could control time. And he was so influential that he had a room just for himself with a lot more furniture than the rooms which were split for three students. He even had a computer that had access to some information the military had from every student.

So he went there and searched for Kye's information.

"A poor boy who lost his parent when he was still just a kid and who got bullied since then because he didn't even have an ability," Enzo mumbled to himself with his hand on his chin. "And after he came to the military, he refused to take the wind ability they were proposing to him and then managed to be friends with Yugo Pendora and Ven Tigo, who are both the last son of their families which had as much influence than mine.

"Well, it's even more interesting now. I wonder if they befriended him because they wanted to teach him their family's ability after recruiting him, or if they just wanted to be friends with him for real," He leaned back on his chair and thought out loud. "Should I try to do like them? I won't lose anything anyway. And I'm also the last child of the Laborde family, so it's not like it will influence things that much even if I recruit someone strong enough to beat someone higher level than him without getting hit even once.

"I can also try to make his life complicated in the military, but is it really wise? It looks like he has the two sons on the tip of his fingers. He managed to calm Ven down just by saying a few things to him, so it's clear that he can make me pay what I will do to him tenfold just with the Pendora and Tigo family. And I'm sure that if he indeed joins one of them to learn one of the special abilities our family has, he will still be a good friend to the other and keep in touch with him a lot.

"Then the best thing to do is to probably befriend him like them. Who knows, maybe I can get a valuable ally. And I'm sure that he has a bright future ahead of him. So being his friend won't harm me in any way. On the contrary, it will with no doubt bring me more benefits than losses.

"But well, I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm in the same class as this Yugo anyway, so I will begin by hanging out with him first before making my move to join their little group of friends. And I guess I will need to dissociate myself from those two guys too. Not that I care about them anyway."

While Enzo was searching for all those information, nighttime had come. Kye and his friends all went back to their dorms.

"Guys, I have a question," Kye asked as he looked at the ceiling while lying on his bed.


"What is it?"

"I heard that people who were influential enough could have a room on their own. So I wanted to ask why both of you didn't have a personal room whereas both of you told me that you come from a very influential family."

"Well, we indeed come from influential families, but we're both the last son of our respective families, so our parents don't really care about us," Ven said.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know about the big families?" Yugo asked.

"I just heard about them, but don't know why they are so influential," Kye answered truthfully. He never had the chance to see why they were big in the first place.

"To make things simple, there are four influential families," Yugo began to explain. "There is my family, the Pendora family, who can control space in various ways. Then there is Ven's family, the Tigo family that can control the gravity to various intensities. There's the Laborde family which has the time ability, and last but not least, the Viso family which can control the nature. And with the military, there's a total of five big influences that defended us against the invasion of the monsters back then.

"And apart from the military who choose their 'successor' based on the achievement they had through the years of their services, the big families' successors depend on the amount of power they have, and of course, which position they had in the family.

"And both of us are the last children of our respective families, so that's why we don't have a room for ourselves. We can profit from our family's influences, but just a little. That's all."


(AN: Thank you guys for all the support you're providing me. I appreciate it a lot. Really. :)

Some people had sent summoning pens, and even though I'm happy that you did that, I prefer releasing chapters for everyone to read instead of a selected few. So I'm sorry for not releasing bonus chapters like this. However I will try to increase the release rate per day with time, so I won't forget you, don't worry. ^^

And sorry for not being able to release more and making you wait like this. :/