Chapter 725
It was lonely with fewer people around
“Well, compared to a short while ago, it is kind of lonely, isn’t it?”
“Indeed... Father and Anne were here. And they made so much noise... So the dinner table is a little quiet.”
“Just a little?”
“Oh, Mr. Takumi... I was trying to be nice.”
While I did feel a little lonely, it wasn’t like we wouldn’t be able to meet them again. And so there was no need for me or Ms. Claire to think about it too much.
“Mr. Takumi. Recently, the servants seem to be very energetic...”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Yes, it is, but...”
A few days passed after Rahle left. I was making herbs in the garden when Sebastian started to talk to me. It almost sounded like a complaint.
Also, I wished he would not sneak up to me like that... But then again, maybe I was the one who should be more aware of his surroundings.
As for Lyra and Gelda, they had taken Leo and Liza away to be washed, as the two had been playing in the mud.
I was going to scold Leo for getting carried away and making things even worse, but she was already sad over having to take a bath two days in a row.
Even Milina, who had been helping me pick the herbs, had gone to help them bathe.
“I think the reason is likely the herb fields that will be made in Range village.”
“Really? What does that have to do with the servants?”
It did not seem like it was related to them at all...
“On the list of potential employees that I gave you before. Some of the servants were on it. And some of them wish to be hired by you. In other words, they are hoping that you would notice how hard-working they are.”
“Uhh... Surely it’s much better to be working for a duke than someone like me.”
“Most would think so. But the servants live rather restricted lives here. They have days off, but the town is quite far away. While Range village is not very big, they would have more freedom.”
“I suppose you are right...”
“Especially the young servants. They want to go out more. It’s only when you get older that you would rather rest and take things easy on your day off.”