Chapter 404 Against General Valeria (Part-1)

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 404 Against General Valeria (Part-1)

For a moment, Yuan was mesmerized by her beauty. She was like a goddess of war training with Her sword, every time she swung her sword, she swung it with the intent to kill.

"Beautiful...!" Yuan mumbled, his eyes riveted on General Valeria, his tone tinged with adoration and surprise.

General Valeria detected Yuan's presence and immediately stopped practicing with her sword, turning her head around with a glittering gleam in her eyes.

"Good morning, Yuan. You woke up late, and I've been practicing alone for about an hour." She whispered this before approaching him, sweat streaming down her cheeks.VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

"I normally wake up late. But I never expected you to get up that early and train with your sword." Yuan responded with a tiny smile on his face since he had not expected her to be enthusiastic about training.

"I'm really serious about my training, and it's become a daily routine to train early in the morning." She replied with a slight smile on her face, recalling her younger years when she first began training with her sword.

She has been training with her sword since she was eleven years old, and although she was born into the royal line, she was not gifted with magic like the rest of the family.

Because of this, she chose to wield a sword, and with her hard work and commitment, she has now grown strong enough to challenge the empire's most powerful wizard, possibly even stronger than a Grand Mage in terms of strength.

"Very weird...You reminded me of my younger days..." She spoke with a nostalgic smile on her face, looking down at the sword she was carrying.

And then she said, "So, Yuan, where is your sword? Are you not going to uphold your promise to me? "How about I wash my face first? I still feel very sleepy." He shook his head, a peculiar smirk on his face, and inquired.

"Certainly, why not?" General Valeria nodded. Then she asked, "How about I take you to the river? I'd also like to wash my face before having a duel with you."

"You are always welcome to join me."

After that, they both went to the river to wash their faces.

At the same time, Anna and the others followed the two, wondering what they were doing as they proceeded towards the river. Mireya, in particular, appeared to be extremely envious.

Sylvia let out a quiet sigh as she noticed Mireya's expression. 'It's confirmed now. Although she is in love with Yuan, she is still unaware of her own sentiments.'

At the same time, Anna smiled excitedly at the girls and said, "Let's follow them, girls; we need to wash our faces before preparing breakfast."

"Alright. Let's follow them!" Lily exclaimed with an ecstatic smile on her face, as she was somewhat envious of General Valeria.

Everyone else nodded and soon began following Yuan and General Valeria.

Yuan and Valeria arrived at the riverside a few minutes later, where they both washed their faces. Yuan felt refreshed as soon as the cool water of the river slapped on his face.

A few seconds later, General Valeria looked at him and said, "The water feels really pleasant, don't you agree?"

Yuan nodded in agreement with her. After they had cleansed their cheeks, General Valeria seized the hilt of her sword and drew it out of its sheath.

Clang! The sound of two metals colliding reverberated throughout the area, and powerful shockwaves surged through, causing the river's water to tremble.

They then assaulted each other relentlessly, exchanging thousands of assaults within seconds, causing a tremendous gust of wind to sweep through the area.

Even though Yuan was holding back his might, all of his attacks were so fierce and violent that General Valeria couldn't keep her ground against him, and she was barely resisting his attacks.

'So quick and powerful, as expected of the famed leader of the Celestial Blades, he is a monster! I could barely block his attacks.' General Valeria reflected while fighting against Yuan's unrelenting attacks.

Despite her weaknesses, she was able to force Yuan back with her own strength; each swing of her sword was hefty, causing Yuan to stumble backward.

'She had incredible physical strength and even pushed me backward. I'm amazed.' Yuan noticed the expression of surprise on his face.

Seeing that she couldn't win over Yuan only via physical power, she chose to use her mana to improve her body.

She then channeled her mana throughout her entire body, causing it to glow in golden light. The sword in her hand was also covered in the golden aura, making it appear sharper and more deadly.

'Oh! After failing to destroy me with physical strength alone, she chose to employ her mana. I should also quit holding back a little.' Yuan pondered, a smirk flashing over his lips.

General Valeria vanished from her position and arrived behind Yuan in an instant, swinging her sword at him.

Boom! A tremendous explosion sounded in the distance, scaring Yuan's two mothers and his daughters. What has just happened? Why did the earth tremble just now? Is Yuan fighting General Valeria?

"Let's go! Yuan is fighting Miss Valeria." Anna exclaimed, excitedly, before heading towards the noise.

"I'm curious to see how tiny Yuan kicks General Valeria's ass!" Lily exclaimed as she followed her mother, Grace, and the other girls.

"Yuan, exactly what I imagined. You're quite strong. You challenged me to use my mana in a way that no one had before, and I applaud you for that."

"Haha! Miss Valeria, you are also a very powerful woman. Even the most ferocious beasts couldn't hold up to me for this long, and now that you're standing in front of me with a few minor scratches, I regret not meeting you sooner."

"It is the same for me."

Clang! Clang! Clang!

After each encounter, visible ripples of tremendous force raced over the surrounding area, sending chills down the spines of Mireya, Sylvia, and Leah.

"Is it true that this phenomenon is caused by two people battling one other?" Mireya was astonished; they nearly couldn't believe it.

"I couldn't even track their movements; they move too quickly for our eyes to keep up with." Sylvia was likewise taken aback; she just saw a glimpse of Yuan and General Valeria as their swords met.

"I'm astonished Miss Valeria can keep up with Darling's speed, but he's doing his best to hold back his strength. But it's still astonishing that a single mortal can keep up with him." Grace mumbled, clearly shocked by General Valeria's prowess in the combat against Yuan.