Chapter 411 Encountering an S-rank Monster

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 411 Encountering an S-rank Monster

'How could they be so relaxed at a moment like this? This is unbelievable...' She thought, and surprise was evident on her face. n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

While the rest shivered in horror as they heard the varied roars of powerful monsters beneath the thick fog, Yuan and his wives appeared to be at ease, which surprised General Valeria.

Mireya and Sylvia have also seen Yuan and his wives seeming overly relaxed despite the spooky ambiance of the forest; however, unlike General Valeria, they are both well aware of Yuan and his wives' relaxed appearance.

'How powerful are they to remain so peaceful in this environment, surrounded by an unknown number of vicious beasts that we couldn't even see due to the fog obstructing our vision?' Mireya pondered with an amazed and respectful expression on her face.

'He is extraordinarily strong; little wonder he appears unafraid. His women share his fearlessness.' Sylvia saw she was admiring Yuan and blushed slightly.

Mireya's face twisted in displeasure as she saw the sight on her assistant, Sylvia's, face, and she felt divided about whether she should stop her assistant from falling in love with the person she had fallen for.

However, she quickly realizes that such a decision will cause a rift in her relationship with Sylvia, something she does not want to happen because she considers Sylvia to be her own sister.

'Yuan appears to have charmed even the normally antagonistic Sylvia. But it is to be anticipated given his stunning beauty, which could melt even the coldest heart.' Mireya sighed quietly and resolved not to stop Sylvia from liking Yuan.

'If she marries Yuan, we will truly be sisters...I hope it works out well in the end.' She thought positively, and she couldn't help but envision a bright future with Yuan.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering road resounded from the front, and a powerful gust of wind appeared, sweeping away everything in its path.

"QUICK! Deploy the barriers." A Warrior in thick, heavy armor exclaimed, taking a defensive stance to avoid being blown away by the fierce wind.

In the blink of an eye, the grand mages recited their magic spell, creating a thick barrier with several layers of protection.

Everyone prepared their weapons, their legs shivering in horror, wondering what kind of monster could create such a powerful wind with just its roar; the monster must be above A-rank to possess such incredible strength.

The loud roar nearly destroys the surrounding trees, and some of the smaller trees are dragged out of the ground as if a huge hurricane has passed through.

"A monster's howl caused all of this...?"

"This is simply unbelievable! How can we combat such a formidable monster?!"

"Whatever this monster is, it is incredibly powerful; almost like a walking disaster or something."

"But we have formidable soldiers and mages on our side, so I hope everything went well."

Suddenly, they all heard heavy footsteps approaching them.

The air grows thick with suspense and fear, and everyone appears afraid as well as interested in what kind of monster attacked them just now.

"Incoming! Prepare yourselves!" General Valeria yelled before racing towards the Orc Lord, clutching her sword tightly, hoping to parry the blow.

Clang! The sound of metal colliding resounded throughout the area as a huge shockwave rushed across it.

Bang! The ground beneath General Valeria distorted and multiple fissures developed, and she gritted her teeth as she fought to push back the Orc Lord.

General Valeria was constantly pushed back by the Orc Lord, and she was willing to do anything to avoid being crushed by the Orc Lord.

Crack, crack! Cracks appeared all over her weapon as the Orc Lord pushed his blade down harder upon General Valeria.

'This is not good... I can't stop him for much longer!' She cried inwardly, frustrated, as more fractures appeared on her sword.

"Everyone, this is our chance. Attack the Orc Lord." Crown Prince Daniel yelled before standing to face the Orc Lord, his sword ready to hack him in half.

"Hell Yes!" Some experienced high-ranking Hunters screamed in delight and charged at the Orc Lord, seizing the opportunity to attack him while General Valeria held him back.

Many people launched thousands of attacks against the Orc Lord, and General Valeria saw an opportunity to distance herself from him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thousands of devastating assaults rained down on the Orc Lord before he could retreat to a safe distance, and he couldn't evade them all.

"Thank you for your support, everyone." General Valeria took a long breath before thanking everyone.

"Don't mention it, General Valeria." King Richard smiled and raced towards the Orc Lord, prompting hundreds of people to attack him.

He was certain that those strikes would be insufficient to bring down an S-rank Orc Lord; after all, it was powerful enough to threaten an entire kingdom.

They cannot take him lightly or celebrate too soon without evidence of his death.

"Roarrrr!!!!" The Orc Lord bellowed from within the cloud of dust.

As King Richard had predicted, the Orc Lord was not dead, and it appears that he was enraged with them for attacking and hurting him.

"Die, nasty pig!" King Richard and the others attacked the Oec Lord before he could recuperate from his injuries, leaving the Orc Lord with little chance.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of relentless strikes were launched at the Orc Lord, critically hurting him and delaying his movements due to severe leg injuries.

Meanwhile, Mireya moved her eyes from the battle to Yuan, asking, "Yuan, aren't you going to offer any assistance? Look, they're trying to kill it."

"They include hundreds of high-ranking Hunters and influential persons. So I believe they will be able to manage this without our assistance just fine." Yuan responded, looking at the combat against the Orc Lord with amusement on his face.

Anna instantly spoke up, pointing her finger towards the battle. "Look, the Orc Lord is practically dead, and it won't be long before they kill him!"