Chapter 427 Collecting Spiritual Herbs

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 427 Collecting Spiritual Herbs

"I'll entice the beast out of the cave and kill it outside the cave; fighting him within the cave will be extremely difficult," Yuan remarked before approaching the cave, calm and confident.

Xi Meili then turned to Valeria and stated, "Big Sister Valeria, I encourage you to stay behind me for your safety; if the Scale Viper strikes you, you will not be able to survive."

"Scale Viper? This is the first time I've heard this; is it truly as harmful as you claim?" General Valeria inquired, her curiosity clear.

"A Spiritual Beast is many times stronger than a Magical Beast; even an SS-rank monster is like a mouse in front of a venomous snake," Xi Meili stated to Valeria, adding, "So, you best be careful and stay behind me!"

General Valeria gazed towards the cave and then at her hand with a peculiar expression on her face; she felt weak and incapable because this was the first time she had met such a circumstance.

'Am I really that weak that I have to hide behind someone who is not even half my age? This is the first time I felt helpless...' General Valeria sighed inwardly; she never imagined that she'd have to hide behind someone else because she was weak.

Grace noticed Valeria's dejected expression and placed her hand on her shoulder, smiling softly.

"Mother-in-law Grace..." Valeria whispered as she felt her hand on her shoulder.

"Just Grace will do; there is no need to call me with such a long title, as you plainly are older than me," Grace stated in an indifferent tone, leaving Valeria wondering if she disliked her or not.

Valeria was skeptical since she couldn't sense Grace's familial care for her, and her expression was constantly frigid.

"You shouldn't think of yourself as useless or weak, Valeria; you're not weak; it's just that the beast Yuan is going to kill is not the kind of beast that a mortal like you can manage," Grace stated, her tone impersonal and chilly, but it contained tenderness, which Valeria could feel very clearly.

She went on to say, "Even if you bring thousands of great magicians and warriors, you will be unable to defeat a Spiritual Beast; only us cultivators can manage such a beast."

"Look, the beast is ready to emerge from its cave; you'll understand what I mean after you see it for yourself." Grace abruptly pointed her finger toward the cave and spoke.

General Valeria then turned her sight to the cave and noticed Yuan standing there with a sneer on his face.

Suddenly, a great pressure dropped, followed by a deafening monster roar from the cave, causing the ground to tremor and the air to tremble.

Valeria felt a shiver run down her spine, and her legs trembled from the intense pressure and bloodlust emanating from the cave. Her complexion turned pale, and her heart began to beat irregularly.

'This much bloodlust and such strong pressure... It's on an entirely different level than the magical beasts!' Valeria pondered, feeling fear like she'd never felt before, as if the beast's aura alone would devour her whole.

Xi Meili stared at the cave and glanced at Grace and Valeria. "It is coming!"

Suddenly, a large snake emerged from the cave, hissing at Yuan and looking at him with bloodlust. Its body was covered in spiky green scales that appeared to be extremely durable and impervious to magic spells and weapons.

Yuan immediately turned to Valeria and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright," Valeria said, smiling as she glanced at the viper's body. "What now? What will we do with its body? The scales are fairly sturdy, and they should sell for a high price in the empire's capital."

"I don't believe that's conceivable; no blacksmith will be able to use the resources from a spiritual beast, therefore it's pretty much useless to them." Xi Meili shook her head.

Then she went on to say, "However, the meat of a spiritual beast is highly important for cultivators such as ourselves, as it contains a tremendous quantity of spiritual energy and will also make our body become stronger."

"And, since this is a Peak Spirit Master level beast, it must have a beast core inside its head, which we should acquire."

"Although blacksmiths could not use the scales to manufacture weapons, they are still highly valuable."

"We should save it and then sell the scales once we get to the empire's imperial capital." Xi Meili replied with a smile.

"You are correct, Xi Meili." Yuan smiled as she acknowledged Xi Meili's explanation.

'With the help of the meat from the Scale Viper, my ladies will become even stronger; I've made the best option in coming here.' Yuan thought with a smile.

Yuan then extracted the beast core from the viper's head and placed it in his system storage, as well as the viper itself after butchering it.

He smiled as he glanced at his mother, Grace, and his wives. "Now let's go collect the Spiritual Herbs inside the cave."

"Naturally," Grace nodded as she entered the cave.

Upon entering the cave, they detected a tremendous amount of spiritual energy, and Valeria felt the air becoming thicker because she couldn't detect the Spiritual Energy in the air.

The inside of the cave was dark, but Yuan and his women could see it easily, with the exception of Valeria, who had some difficulties seeing clearly.

"The Spiritual Herbs are growing deep into the cave; it's only a few meters away." Xi Meili said, leading the way to the site of the spiritual herbs.

It only took them a few minutes to arrive, and once there, Yuan and his women saw hundreds of spiritual herbs blooming in the cave's black soil, generating a great spiritual force.

Yuan and his wives quickly began collecting all of the mystical herbs inside the cave.

It took them nearly half an hour to gather all of the spiritual herbs inside the cave since certain herb roots had penetrated fairly deeply into the dirt and they needed to be especially cautious while collecting them.

"When compared to magical herbs, these herbs are heavy. A single herb weighs the same as twenty magical herbs; very unusual." Valeria was startled by the Spiritual Herbs because they are both similar and different.

After successfully collecting all of the spiritual herbs from the cave, Yuan smiled at his women and said, "Now that we've concluded our business here, let us return to where the others are."