Chapter 434 True Appearance

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 434 True Appearance

"What?!" Everyone, even King Richard, practically shouted in shock and disbelief.

Archmage Isadora took a long breath and exhaled."Based on what I've uncovered, I'm confident that the corrupted beasts are linked to the miasma that surrounds this area of the forest."

"Perhaps the miasma increases thus much due to the influence of the Corrupted Monsters," Archmage Isadora remarked seriously. "It's only a guess, but it's plausible to some extent."

"Unbelievable...I can't believe the Corrupted Monsters are to blame for the miasma's rapid growth!" Archmage Eldrick was stunned by this news, almost unable to accept it, and his face began to sweat.

"Now I see why we aren't encountering any magical monsters nearby, thus beyond this miasma is the region of the Corrupted Monsters..." King Richard mumbled with a serious tone in his voice and sounded astonished by this newfound information.

Crown Prince Daniel expressed confusion, stating, "If that's the case...then we have to be more cautious about entering the miasma and be prepared for any surprise attacks."

Not only them but everyone at the meeting was stunned and nearly couldn't believe that the Corrupted Creatures, who formerly terrorized the world with their overpowering might, had progressed so far inside the Forest of Never Return without their knowledge.

After hearing Archmage Isadora's words, astonished murmurs flooded the area; everyone was stunned and in amazement.

"Is this for real?! I can't believe corrupted creatures are prospering at the forest's core!"

"And yet, we are utterly unaware of the looming threat!"

"We should praise His Majesty King Richard Windfall for organizing this expedition mission and eradicating all the Corrupted Creatures before their numbers grow any further."

"Agreed! If it happens, millions of people will die at the hands of the corrupted creatures. I don't even want to think about the outcome!" concerned that if that happens, humanity will be in grave danger."

King Richard and the representatives from the other nations listened to the whispers of the multitudes and couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement: the Corrupted Monsters are a threat to mankind.

People are scared because the Corrupted Creatures, which were formerly humanity's threat, are constantly becoming stronger inside the Core Area of the Forest Of Never Return.

Furthermore, based on recent rumors, they discovered that it is incredibly difficult to kill the Corrupted Creature and that standard weapons have no impact on them; even decapitating them would not kill them.

And, not knowing how to defeat them in battle, people panicked and made a lot of noise.

"Silence!" Suddenly, a booming voice echoed from behind, followed by a powerful pressure that caused everyone to become silent.

"W-War, General Valeria!"

A man cried with a shaking voice, looking at the cruel expression on her face as she emitted a powerful pressure as if she were a ferocious lioness about to eat everyone.

"Thank you, General Valeria, for coming here and providing us with this essential information. Please thank Yuan for me." King Richard complimented Valeria for providing such crucial knowledge, which was extremely useful in combating the Corrupted Creatures.

"Now that I've concluded my business here, I'll leave." General Valeria said something and then left without giving them a chance to speak with her.

"Ah!" Before King Richard could say anything, General Valeria vanished, leaving him to sigh.

'It appears that she has become very connected to Yuan and cannot stay away from him for long.' He had a thought.

Meanwhile, General Valeria returned to the tent and sat near Yuan, and Anna promptly handed her a cup of tea.

"Your aura terrified people... I hope they don't have nightmares about you while they sleep at night." Yuan remarked to her, chuckling.

"They earned it. Who told them to raise such a commotion? They are a group of spineless males that become easily scared..." General Valeria shrugged, received Anna's cup, and took a sip.

"I agree. Who told them to disrupt our quiet conversation?" Lily chimed in, her tone tinged with hatred towards the folks who had just shouted.

Later, King Richard closed the meeting by detailing their plan for moving forward and what they would do once they reached the other side of the miasma.

After the meeting, everyone quickly returned to their customary work. King Richard and the other nations' representatives retired to their tents to rest before dinner.

Meanwhile, inside his tent, Yuan was cheerfully speaking with his wife when his gaze wandered to Mireya and Sylvia.

"Yuan, why are you staring at us like that?" Sylvia inquired with a blush on her cheeks, sensing Yuan was thinking something perverted about her.

Yuan chuckled before saying, "Well, I was just thinking about how your true appearances are; given that both of you are elves, I'm pretty curious to see you guys in your natural form."

"What?! Mireya and Sylvia are elves?!" When General Valeria heard this, she almost shouted. She glanced at Mireya and Sylvia with horror and disbelief.

"Indeed. We are both elves; I am a High Elf, and Sylvia here is a Dark Elf. We've been disguised as humans and are currently operating the most popular restaurant in the Windfall Kingdom." Mireya took a deep breath and spoke quietly.

"Unbelievable...!" General Valeria mumbled in amazement; after all, humans and elves are continuously at war, and their relationship is strained.

After that, Mireya and Sylvia exchanged a fleeting glance and nodded before removing their bracelets.

Suddenly, a dull light engulfed their bodies, and their disguises began to shatter at a quick pace, revealing their genuine identities.

Everyone gazed at Mireya and Sylvia with amazement on their faces as they removed their disguises, and the light faded away.

"Beautiful...!" Yuan unintentionally muttered, as two stunning Elves approached them, smiling.