Chapter 478 Heavenly Sanctuary

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 478 Heavenly Sanctuary

Valeria looked in the direction of Yuan and his other wives with a concerned expression. Mireya and Sylvia also looked the same way.

"I hope nothing happens to him..." Valeria mumbled under her breath and sighed. Her iron helmet concealed her face, hiding her true expression. Thê source of this conte/nt n/o/v/(el)bi((n))

"I'll pray to the gods to keep him and our sisters safe... I don't want to lose any of them," Mireya muttered with a sad look, clasping her hands and closing her eyes in silent prayer for Yuan's safety.

Seeing them so worried, Sylvia chuckled. "You're worrying for nothing. You should know that our husband is super strong. Nothing will happen to him or our sisters, so don't worry!"

Valeria sighed. "That's right, he is strong. We should focus on the task at hand rather than worrying about our beloved."

"You're right. Let's do as Yuan instructed and eliminate every single monster that appears before us," Mireya added, releasing a sigh of relief as she looked toward the nest of the corrupted monsters.

After that, they turned to the thousands of people behind them as Daniel led them toward the nest. Most of the people looked afraid to face the corrupted monsters.

As they got closer to the nest, the air grew heavier with dread, becoming suffocating and making it harder to breathe. Many felt exhausted.

Even Daniel and King Richard were breathing heavily from the exertion, which greatly disappointed Valeria.

'Bunch of weaklings! We aren't even at the nest, and they're already acting like total losers. How pathetic!' Valeria inwardly sneered.

She then focused her gaze on her nephew, Daniel, and shot him a murderous glance, making him tremble before her presence.

"We are about to reach the nest of those vile creatures, and we have a big fight ahead. Yet, you're already exhausted, and we haven't even fought a single monster. I'm greatly disappointed!" Valeria's voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Daniel and King Richard felt deeply embarrassed by Valeria's words and couldn't help but lower their heads in shame.

"Oh, please, don't give me that look. We're about to clash with the corrupted monsters, so prepare yourselves for the worst."

Valeria then turned away, not wanting to embarrass the king further in front of so many people.

Seeing Valeria's frustration, Mireya approached her and asked, "Was it really necessary to embarrass them in front of everyone?"

"It's absolutely necessary," Valeria responded seriously. "One is the king of a nation, and the other is the crown prince of a powerful empire. They should be role models for others."

"But look at them. They're acting like 200-year-old men with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel," Valeria said, shooting a cold glance at Daniel, who immediately looked away to avoid her gaze.

"I see..." Mireya understood. If the group was already exhausted, how could they hope to fight against the corrupted monsters? Valeria's anger was justified.

"Heavenly Sanctuary..." Yuan mumbled in a low voice.


Yuan's Spirit Grandmaster cultivation base suddenly exploded, causing the dark sky to brighten, and the entire place became filled with golden light, almost as though a bright sun had appeared in this godforsaken forest.

In the distance, people looked at the bright light with dazed expressions, confused. Both Mages and Warriors were baffled by this phenomenon.

"W-What is this golden light?! What is going on?!"

People had no idea what was happening on the battlefield and were confused by the sudden appearance of the golden light. However, some managed to guess that it was one of Yuan and his wives' miracles.

"T-This golden light... is this your doing, Yuan?" Mireya mumbled in a low voice, staring at the blinding golden light in the distance.

While the people were confused far away from the battlefield, the corrupted monsters began screaming in pain from the golden light, as though they were experiencing excruciating agony like never before.


The corrupted monsters within the golden light—within Yuan's Heavenly Sanctuary—were crushed into meat paste, almost as though a massive invisible mountain had suddenly fallen on them, squashing them flat.

Within mere seconds, the entire battlefield fell silent. The furious and inhuman screams and roars of the monsters were no longer heard; only the flattened corpses of the corrupted monsters remained on the ground.


The place turned dead silent as Yuan's wives witnessed this shocking scene and his terrifying prowess, especially Leah, whose eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, Valeria, Mireya, and Sylvia were shocked when they suddenly felt a powerful shockwave sweep the area as the golden light disappeared.

"W-What the hell was that power just now?! It was beyond our imagination!" Archmage Eldrick muttered in disbelief after gazing in the direction where they witnessed the blinding golden light. Shock and disbelief were written all over his face.

Back on the battlefield, Yuan looked at the flattened corpses of the corrupted monsters he had squashed just a moment ago with a dazed look on his face, seemingly speechless.

'I never imagined that after becoming a Spirit Grandmaster, the strength of the Heavenly Sanctuary would increase so much... this is beyond what I've imagined!' Yuan cried inwardly, seemingly shocked by his own strength.

"Yuan! That was awesome!" Lily suddenly said, hugging him from behind and surprising him.

"To think that you could slaughter tens of thousands of monsters in the blink of an eye... it's super incredible! I'm speechless!!" Julie said, arriving in front of him and kissing him on the lips. After witnessing Yuan's unbelievable strength, Julie could hardly control her emotions and body; she was yearning for his touch.

Rose then also appeared from behind and asked, "Was it the same technique you used during the battle against the wyvern and the monsters?"

"That's right. It's the same technique from before. It's my second time using it," Yuan quickly replied with a smile.