Chapter 485 The Mission Has Ended

Name:My Celestial Ascension Author:
Chapter 485 The Mission Has Ended

King Richard and the others were still shocked even a few minutes after Yuan eradicated the corrupted monsters and their nest. They still appeared to be in a daze. Seeing the massive destroyed land before them, stretching more than three kilometers, they began sweating profusely, unable to believe that someone could cause such massive destruction with just a single attack. A three-kilometer-wide pit lay before them, with water slowly beginning to pour into the crater, soon creating a massive lake.

"D-Did we just win the battle?!"

"W-What?! The war has ended?! How is that even possible?!"

"I-I can no longer sense any corrupted monsters in the vicinity, meaning...we have indeed won the battle!"

"We won? I can't believe this. This is amazing!"

"Finally...finally, we can return to our families and reunite with our loved ones." VịSit no(v)3lb/!n(.)com for new novels

Tears of joy appeared on everyone's faces as they realized that the Monster Queen and her armies of corrupted monsters had been eradicated by Yuan and his wives, saving them a lot of effort.

Not only did it save effort, but it also prevented any casualties, which could have resulted in thousands of deaths. Everyone felt thankful to Yuan and his wives for fighting the corrupted monsters instead of them, making them feel very indebted and their admiration for Yuan and his wives soared to new heights.

'It seems that I've still underestimated them. I can't believe they could defeat such powerful monsters so easily... it's a good thing I didn't offend them back then.' King Richard looked at the massive lake formed by Yuan's attack with a dazed expression. Even though everything was confirmed, he still found it hard to believe they had won the battle against the corrupted monsters so quickly. After all, it was beyond their imagination.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? The corrupted monsters have been eradicated completely, and we have nothing to do here." King Richard was in a daze as he watched the massive lake forming when Crown Prince Daniel's voice resounded from behind. Upon hearing Daniel's voice, King Richard snapped out of his daze and quickly responded, "Indeed, since the corrupted monsters have been completely eradicated, the mission we've come here for has finally been completed." "I never imagined it would end so quickly. We couldn't even participate in the main battle against the Monster Queen...we're too weak to participate in a battle of that level..." "Indeed. You're right. We're just too weak to face such powerful's almost embarrassing..." Crown Prince Daniel sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was too weak to participate in the battle.

"On that note, I'll take my leave now and won't take up any more of your time." After saying that, King Richard took the others with him and left the scene. However, Archmage Isadora decided to stay behind and have a casual chat with Anna and the other women. Shortly, King Richard assembled everyone and stood before them along with Crown Prince Daniel and Archmage Eldrick. The air was heavy with anticipation, and everyone waited for King Richard to say something. Most people had smiles on their faces, as the corrupted monsters had been defeated by Yuan and his wives.

"Cough! Cough!" King Richard cleared his throat before speaking, "Everyone! You should know that we have taken many risks to come here and eliminate the corrupted monsters that have been threatening everyone's lives, our friends and family, the elderly, as well as the lives of the children."

"While coming here, we've also lost many of our dear comrades who gave up their lives to make sure that we successfully completed what we came here for, and I'm happy to say that their sacrifices didn't go to waste."

"Everyone! I'm very happy and proud to declare that we have eliminated every single corrupted monster from existence. There are no more corrupted monsters in this world unless they are hidden in some other corner of the world."

"We've become victorious against the corrupted monsters, and the mission that we came here for has ended. And it's all thanks to the renowned Hunter Party—The Celestial Blades. Because of them, we have successfully eliminated the threat completely!"

"I'm delighted to say that we can return home now..." King Richard said a moment later, a happy smile on his face. Even though King Richard was the king of a nation, in the end, he was also a normal human with a beating heart and feelings. He had missed his family greatly these days. Though his son was accompanying him, his entire family was back in the capital city. Before marching toward the forest, he had given all the authority to his wives to handle the affairs of the kingdom and any situation within the kingdom, including providing solutions to problems or coming up with plans to make people's lives easier. Upon hearing this, people began to cheer in happiness, unable to contain their excitement about returning home. King Richard smiled, seeing the excitement in the air, and continued, "I know everyone is excited to return home, but it will still take us more than two weeks to get back to the city."

"In an hour from now, we will start heading out of the forest, so I ask everyone to recover their health and stamina using potions. Although we've defeated the corrupted monsters, there are still powerful monsters roaming around." "So, everyone must be very careful about their surroundings at all times." After saying this, King Richard left the scene to rest for a while before they began moving toward the edge of the forest.

Some time had passed since Archmage Isadora chatted with Yuan's wives after Yuan defeated the Monster Queen and the corrupted monsters. Yuan was sitting on a large broken tree, staring at the lake he had created with a dazed look on his face. Suddenly, he felt a familiar presence approaching him from behind.

A slender, beautiful arm wrapped around his neck from behind, and a sweet floral scent entered his nostrils. He immediately recognized the owner of the hands.

"What are you doing here sitting alone all by yourself?" Sylvia asked, whispering into his ear with her seductive voice, which warmed his heart.

"Nothing, I was just enjoying the beautiful view, looking at the sky, staring at the twinkling stars in the dark sky," Yuan said, turning his head and smiling at her. "What about you? Weren't you all chatting with Miss Isadora?" "I got bored talking with her, so I decided to come here and spend some time with you." She said, sitting on his lap and kissing him on the cheek.