Xiao Ling struggles and wakes up crying.

In the dark, a small face full of tears.

When she saw clearly that the so-called avalanche and what woman had just happened were just a dream, and she was still sleeping on the bed of the white night abyss, and her heart was a little calmed down.

A beam of light came from the desk lamp in the distance. Bai Yeyuan didn't know when he got up. It was midnight, but he sat at the desk in his nightgown.

It's like work, but it's not like it.

What he is holding is not a contract document, but a piece of Photo.

Bai Yeyuan was concentrating on the picture.

I don't know if the photo is old or the light is dim. The edge of the photo is very old and a little dim and yellowish.

It's not clear what you can see.

However, as soon as she woke up, baiyeyuan felt it.

He took the picture back into the drawer of his desk, got up and walked quickly to the bed: "how did you wake up?"

Xiao Ling's tears are still on her cheek, and the whole person is very sad.

The avalanche and the disappearance of the white night abyss in her dream just now made her feel the pain that she had experienced in person. She was still in fear and tightened his arm: "little uncle, I'm so afraid..."

Clearly has settled down the heart, but in the moment of seeing him, or can't help but aggrieved, can't help but want to act coquettish.

Bai Yeyuan was whispered by her, and her heart was in a mess.

He sat down beside the bed and hugged her gently: "have you had a nightmare?"

Xiao Ning nodded with tears: "well, what a terrible dream..."

Bai Yeyuan: "what dream, tell me?"

Xiao Ling wronged Baba: "that is, I stepped on the snow mountain under my feet, it was cool, and then the avalanche, Wuwu, I was buried in it, almost frozen to death..."

White night yuan stroked her long hair, and her lips gracefully drew a curve: "why do I have nightmares Little fool, do you know that after you drained me, you went to sleep comfortably. I cleaned the battlefield all by myself, eh? "

Xiao Ling is a little embarrassed.

It is clearly that he is enjoying it. How can she squeeze him dry Too much!


"What battlefield?" she asked foolishly? You Did you clean the kitchen? "

Baiyeyuan bounced her forehead twice, this stupid little thing!

How can you live without his protection?

He poked his long finger along the hem of her nightgown and poked in her shy position: "here, I cleaned it all! It's a little red and swollen. I put a cool and analgesic ointment on it. It's a safe herb, but it's a little cool That's why you dream of snow mountain, understand? "

Xiao Ling's face was so red that she could hardly face herself.


He actually took advantage of her sleep, to her up and down?!

The white night yuan but a face of course: "do not thank me?"

Xiao Ning is in great distress!

This man is really hopeless, obviously bullied her to death, but also want her to thank him?


It's really a profiteer!

Little did you know that some unscrupulous businessman still has no lower limit

His long finger, originally in her nightdress, was to show her the position of "battlefield".

As a result, poking and poking, he got a kick out of it.

His hoarse voice bit Xiao Ling's earlobe: "little lemon, it seems that the effect of herbs is good. Now that the battlefield has recovered as before, can we have another round?"

Xiao Ning was shocked and pushed him: "uncle, you are crazy! You just It's already been... "

It's been done several times!


However, the reason of the white night abyss refreshes her three outlooks again --

"little lemon, you just had a nightmare. If you go to sleep immediately, the nightmare will be easy to continue. Why don't I comfort you and let you forget that dream and have a good sleep

Xiao Ling: "well No Wuwu... "

That's a fantastic reason.

She refused!

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