The exciting light in men's eyes can't be concealed.

This man is really a little naive, a happy and angry are completely on his face.

"Lawyer Charlene, my family is very difficult. My old mother is in hospital waiting for surgery If you can help me, help me with my case... "

When Xiao Ling thought that he could get a sum of compensation and give the money to his mother to cure the disease.

Unexpectedly, he said, "if I can overturn the case, I will be clean and upright. If I can find a job, I will be able to get more jobs and raise money for my mother for surgery...!"

Xiao Ning is stunned.

It turns out that this man wants to sue, actually is not for compensation, but simply want a clean.

He also plans to pay for his mother's medical treatment through his own labor!

Nowadays, such a simple man is rare.

More and more she felt that the man was not like a criminal.

Xiao Ling didn't say too much, but directly pointed him out: "there is my email on the business card. Please sort out your so-called unjust cases and send me an email. If there is any evidence, please send it to me. That's it. I'll wait for your message. "

Zheng Shaogang could hardly believe that he would have such a good fortune.

Within a day, it's just ups and downs, experience and unemployment, and experienced the help of strange lawyers.

He stayed where he was, until Xiao Ling's figure got farther and farther away, and then he quickly called out: "lawyer Charlene, I don't mean to offend you. I just want to ask, are you far worse than Xiao Ling's lawyer?"

Xiao Ling: "it's just

What a man who can't talk!

She didn't look back. She stretched out her hand behind her and made a handsome scissors hand. She said with a smile: "I have no difference with her."

After Xiao Ling left, Zheng Shaogang pondered for a long time, but he did not figure out the meaning of Xiao Ling's words.

He can only comfort himself in his heart: "it's good to have a lawyer willing to take your case. Don't pick and choose. Zheng Shaogang, this female lawyer is certainly not as good as Xiao Ling's lawyer. If you want to have Zhuo Xiaoying's luck to overturn the case, you should not even think about it Alas... "

This night, Zheng Shaogang curled up under the overpass, with his old mobile phone, word by word to type out his experience in that year, and sent an email to Xiao Ling.

He didn't even ask for the lawsuit to be overturned. He only asked that there were people in the world willing to listen to his experience and believe that he did not lie.

When Xiao Ling received the email, it was already very late.

However, she got up from her bed, conscientiously pulled out her laptop to check and take notes.

This is a good habit she developed when she was an intern in a law firm.

The capacity of memory is limited, so it is more reliable to write everything down with notes.

According to Zheng Shaogang's self-report, 20 years ago, shortly after graduating from University, he worked as a PE teacher in a model middle school in the Central District of the imperial capital.

That model middle school is one of the best schools in the imperial capital. The students are either rich or expensive.

It is very difficult for him to enter teaching, even if he only teaches sports.

As a child from a poor family, he got this job, cherished and worked hard. In physical education, he taught fancy sports skills, and even introduced fitness courses that were not popular at that time, to help students who were obese due to sedentary and excessive nutrition to keep fit and develop abdominal muscles

His courses were well received and became the youngest gold medal teacher.

The students like him so much!

Young female teachers also like him very much, and his blind date aunts are almost breaking through his threshold. Soon, he married a gentle history teacher from the next class.

Not long after marriage, he was in charge of the third grade of senior high school and transferred to a new female classmate.

The bad thing is this girl.

Zheng Shaogang was in his early twenties. He was young and strong. He was also a good-looking man. He was highly praised by female students.

When he came to the school, he heard all kinds of legends about Mr. Zheng and admired him.

When the physical education class, deliberately stand in the first row, want to attract his attention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!