Who knows, Zheng Shaogang also ignored them: "go away, go away, I have already seen through you! I don't care what you write in the newspaper! You go, don't get in my way I want to find my benefactor to thank you...! "

The reporters were pushed around by him, watching him chase out all the way, chasing Xiao Ling behind, don't know what to do.


As Xiao Ling walked down the long steps of the court.

Zheng Shao Gang stopped her halfway up the steps.

He said nothing.

"Putong --" A, straight to her kneel down!

All the reporters were shocked, and the camera in their hands almost fell on the steps.

Zheng Shaogang, a big man, actually knelt down in public to Xiao Ling, a little woman!

Not only did he kneel down, but he was also very sincere. He even knocked his head three times and his scalp was broken.

No matter how Xiao Ling stopped it, he insisted on doing this: "lawyer Xiao Ling, I once swore that if you can return my innocence, I will kowtow to you and kneel down. My first head, is to fulfill my original oath, men must count! The second one is to repent that I offended you when I had no eyes. I lied about you blindly and called you a useless lawyer! to expiate sin! I was wrong! The third head, not for anything else, just for my respect and admiration for you. I think you are a great woman and an excellent female lawyer in my heart! "

Zheng Shaogang's three reasons, listen to the crowd's heart a burst of emotion, even we feel inexplicably some blood boiling.

A woman, can let the man be willing to respect, worship, does not involve any men and women, only pure admiration, is really - very difficult! Very rare!

The reporters couldn't help but capture the scene. They thought that this was the real big news.

Xiao Ling in the camera is beautiful and shining.

Not the kind of beauty that can be seen everywhere, but the beauty with power and ability to control the fate of others.

Xiao Ling herself didn't feel different from usual. She even felt a little embarrassed. She gently brushed her hair off her cheek. She dropped her eyes and said to Zheng Shaogang, "OK, OK, a man has tears. A man has gold under his knee! Who made you exaggerate? I'm not a sculpture. I kowtow to me three times. How awkward. Get up quickly

Zheng Shaogang got up according to his words, but he did not change his respect for Xiao Ning. He escorted her out of the court all the way and blocked the reporters from disturbing and disturbing Xiao Ling.

Not far away, Liu Rushi, who has just stepped out of the court and is under the strict guard of several bailiffs, is about to go to the detention center to wait for punishment, and Kelly, who has been sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for false accusation, looks at Xiao Ling in a complicated mood.

What's the big deal about that woman?

But it is considered by men as a respectable woman!

Even if Liu Rushi has been wandering the world for so many years, most of the time, she has to rely on women's weak sharp weapon to be able to get comfortable in the men's River and lake. She often relies on coquetry and showing weakness in order to steal a little profit and gain from the gap.

Xiao Ling, however, is different from them.

That woman never uses her female characteristics to please men and get convenience. Instead, she fights like a man in the battlefield of life.

Xiao Ling is real, competing equally with men.

So even if she loses, the men respect her.

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