Body aches.

After all, when you catch a cold, your whole body aches.

And I was sweating a lot. It was good to sweat when you have a cold, but more than anything, it made clothes sticky and uncomfortable.

I was awake but my eyes were closed.

Saori was also watching over me the whole time I was sleeping, thinking she would go somewhere else.

Sometimes she stroked my head.

It was embarrassing, but I didn’t feel bad about it.

In fact, I felt a little relieved.

“Amane-kun, please get over your cold as soon as possible.”

Saori murmured in my ear as I pretended to be asleep.

“Listless Amane-kun is cute and squishy, but I prefer the cheerful Amane-kun.”


“Besides I can’t do naughty pranks on you either.”

I want you to return my feelings that I was a little moved.

While I was thinking about that I fell asleep.

・ ・ ・

“Amane-kun, are you awake?”

“I just woke up. By the way, Saori, have you been here all this time?”

“Of course I was here all the time. I was watching over you, right?”

What are you asking me? You look like you’re asking the obvious.

“Amane-kun, how do you feel now?”

“I feel better than I did before. The pain in my body is almost gone.”

“That’s good to hear. Are you hungry?”

“Hungry… a little hungry.”

“I’ll go and make some porridge. I’ll bring it right away, please wait for me.”

Saori said so and was about to leave my room.


I stopped Saori.


“Thanks for everything.”

“It’s for Amane-kun. It’s no trouble at all.”

Saori said so and left the room more happily than before.

She is always by my side.

She is always there for me.

She loves me.

I suddenly felt like thanking Saori.

(T/N: I want a rebirth just to get a childhood friend like her)