The time was eleven o’clock at night.

I decided to call my friend Shigeru.

Since it was also quite late, I would hang up the phone if he didn’t answer after about three calls.

Purururu –Ah? Amane, what’s up?

After just one ring, he picked up. …… Was this guy bored?

–You just thought I was bored, didn’t you?

–What? How did you know?

–You really thought I was bored!… I just happened to be playing with my cell phone. ーーーWhat do you want?

—U, uh, it’s… something I wanted to talk to you about. …

–Hohoho? It’s unusual for you to ask me for advice. Anything I can answer is fine with me.

–Thanks Shigeru. Actually. …

I told Shigeru about my problem.

I told him that I didn’t know what to give Saori as a present.

I also told him that Saori gave me a necklace.

I didn’t tell him about our first kiss.

–I see… it’s related to Saori-chan after all.

–Uhh, …, so what do you think I should do?

–Well…to be honest, I think Saori-chan would be happy with whatever you give her…

–I think so too. But wouldn’t Saori be happier if I gave her what she wants the most?

–Well, Certainly… ah, I’ll tell you. What is it that Saori wants most right now

–What? You know Shigeru!?

–Yes, I know 

–Please tell me!!!!

–The one Saori-chan wants most right now is you, Amane.

Shigeru said so.