〜Saori’s Birthday~

“Happy Birthday Saori!!!”

“Thank you, Amane-kun.”

Today was Saori’s birthday.

Many things happened, but this day finally arrived.

By the way, Saori said, “I want to spend my birthday alone with Amane-kun this year.” So we were spending the day together at my house.

“Amane-kun~~~ did you make this dish?”

“A-ah….I can’t make it as good as Saori’s…”

“No, you are very good, Amane-kun,You cook better than the best chefs.”

“No…that’s an exaggeration…?”

“I’m not exaggerating.”

She grabbed the dish with chopsticks and put it in her mouth with a crunch.

“Look – it’s really delicious. Amane-kun’s food is … very delicious…”

(T/N: Why do I feel eroism from this sentence)

Saori continued to eat it, taking bites after bites.

There seemed to be a few tears retained in the corners of her eyes.

I wonder if she was that moved by my cooking?

This was worth making.


“Saori, next is your birthday present. Please accept it.”

“Present …… from Amane-kun…”

Saori carefully and meticulously opened the special bag for the present.

“Are these clothes?? …… Ah!!!”

Saori looked as if she had noticed something

“This …… matches the clothes Amane-kun is wearing right now. ……I’m glad … I’m glad. Amane-kun.”

“I’m glad you liked it. I had a hard time deciding which one to choose.”

“It’s really lovely. I’m going to try it on right away!!! Amane-kun, please turn around…”

Saori said something a little out of character.

Well, I was going to do that without being told.

“Okay, Amane-kun.”

Turning around at her signal.

“Hehehe~~~ does it suit me?:

“Ah, it looks great on you, Saori.”

She smiled, saying happily, “Amane-kun and I have matching …… pair look…ehehe~~~…ehehehe~~…”

(T/N: God damn it she’s TOO ADORABLE)

“Thank you so much, Amane-kun! It is the best birthday for me!”

Saori politely bowed her head.

“What are you talking about? I haven’t given you the last present yet.”

I pulled Saori’s arm and hugged her to my chest.

“Fueee……? Amane-kun??”

Deep breaths…

“I love you, Saori. Will you go out with me?”

“…… Eh? Amane-kun? You said ‘I like … you, will you go out with me?’ ……Ehhh… EHHHHHHHHH…”

She seemed to be confused.

“Saori, calm down. I’ll say it one more time.”

I stroked Saori’s back and calmed her down.

“I love you, Saori. I want you to be my girlfriend”

ーーーWhen I said that

“Hiiiii….Hicc…. UWAHHHHHHHH….I….I… AMANE-KUN, I LOVE YOU., I love you, I love you, I love you!!!.. Snifff!!!”

Like a little baby, she hugged me while crying. It was just too cute.

“Saori? So what’s your reply? What is it?”

“I’ll be your girlfriend!!!! I’ll be Amane-kun’s girlfriend!!!!!”

Saori was sweetly pressing her forehead against my chest.

Haa..I am glad. I’m really glad

I was so relieved that my body lost its strength.


I peeled Saori off my chest once, put my hands on both her shoulders and kissed Saori.

“Nnn~~…… Amane-kun…”

It was a short kiss, about 10 seconds.

It just seemed very long to the two of us now.

“I love you, Saori.”

“I love you too, Amane-kun!!!!”

Thus Saori and I became a couple.

Saori and I continued to get along like idiots.