Chapter 83: Top four.

Chapter 83: Top four.

About thirty minutes after our match, the sound of battle stilled and I heard the announcer commence the next phase.

Ladies and gentlemen! Now that the final selection has been decided, the quarter finals can begin!

The first match will be held betweenteam B5 and A9!

Please cheer them on as they enter the arena, everyone!

On one side

I tuned out the rest of the announcement, uninterested, since I would hear the winners introductions later on anyway.

Isnt Arcellus part of A9? I asked, turning towards my partner.

He nodded. I doubt B5 will last long. There arent too many strong teams in the doubles tournament this year, from what Ive heard. Pay attention to the next match. Whoever wins it will be going up against Arcellus in the semi finals.

Sure enough, the announcer called out the end of the battle just a few minutes later.

With a dazzling finish, Peter finishes his opponents off! Another dominating display from one of the top contenders!


Before I could make out what the announcer was about to say next, an attendant entered our waiting room.

T- Team A3? the young lady asked shyly. Your team will be coming up next. Please prepare yourself accordingly. she finished, managing not to stumble over her words.

I stood up and stretched my body. Looks like were up next. Ready to go?

Cerion didnt even bother replying and was the first out of the door. Something told me he was starting to enjoy combat almost as much as I did.

Dear spectators, this matchs competitors are ready to battle!

This time, team C6 and A3 are competing to see who will be fighting A9 in the semi finals!

There you have team C6 now! This team, composed of [Mace cavalier] Iray and [Fire shaper] Ertal, defeated their opponents handily in the previous round. By relying on Irays maneuverability and Ertals versatility, they set the tempo of the battle to their own pace!Follow current novels at

On the other side, we have team A3!

As our names were called, the spectators started to chant our names, competing to see which teams supporters became the loudest.

A3s [Tidal swordsman] Cerion and [Overloading Death Knight] Arthur use their overwhelming strength and skill to win, leaving their opponents no recourse! Few have been able to go blow for blow with either of these combatants, let alone both at the same time! Theyre the favorites to win this match, so C6 will have to pull out all of their tricks and tactics if they want to eke out a win.

Since both teams are in position, the match will begin in 321 start!

With the countdown starting, Cerion and I drew our swords and took on our stances.

As the starting signal was announced, both of our teams shot into action.

The opposing teams mace wielding melee combatant was the first to rush into action, charging in our general direction by using a skill. His body shimmered with green light as he shot forward, his speed tripled in just one moment. As he reached the both of us, he twirled his body and swung his mace with it, forcing Cerion to block.

Before he managed to refocus, Cerions blade was at his throat.

He stared defiantly at Cerion for a moment, before announcing his loss.

Fine. Youve won. Now fuck off. he spoke frustratedly, causing Cerion to lift his eyebrows.

Another battle, completed! Arthurs mana was too difficult for Fire shaper Ertal to absorb, and his constitution proved too much for Mace cavalier Iray to overcome! Despite this, applause for their strength and efforts, everyone!

The arena cheered for their showing. While not exactly sportsmanlike, I didnt have a hard time imagining C6 making it further in this tournament, if we hadnt participated. My overloaded mana was a hard counter to Ertals flames, but builds like mine werent exactly common. Even Cerion had struggled, despite having the elemental advantage. Iray wasnt weak either. His explosive power alone had more than warranted their quarter final placement.

Both of them were far stronger than your average run of the mill tier 2 classer. Yet, they had lost. We had won. That was all that mattered, for now.

Cerion and I didnt stick around and returned to our waiting room.

~scene transition~

Pov: Uncle Robart.

As I stood in the royal booth overlooking the arena, his majesty grumbled.

What was that, Robart?

What was what, your majesty? I asked mirthfully.

What your nephew did. His mana moved to heal his wounds automatically the moment that mace struck. I had wondered what his mana was doing before, coursing through his body permanently. Is it there just to facilitate his healing skills?

I smiled. This was typical of his majesty. His inquisitive nature when it came to the system hadnt waned, even after all these years. I couldnt help but tease him a little.

I thought your majesty had seen his tier 2 status page, mailed to us by the witch hunters guild? I asked. I knew he hadnt read it. He didnt want to, alway preferring to find things out by himself. Sure, he would act like he knew if anyone asked. He was king, after all. People expected him to know things, remember things.

His majesty sighed. You know me, Robart. I just checked if he had any insanity skills at the time and forgot about the rest. Now, what tier 2 skill is that good at healing?

Do you remember why [Death Knight]s are so difficult to deal with, your majesty? I asked leadingly.

Of course I do. As long as the necromancer feeds them dark mana, they cant be destroyed permanently, save for a select few high-tier spells.

Indeed. That property isnt tied to a title or perk as you might think at first, but rather to a skill. Since my nephew has his own source of mana, hes rather difficult to take down permanently.

I smiled deviously as I explained this, my grin growing even wider as I saw realization dawn on my old friends face.

After a moment, he burst into laughter.

Should I say he got very lucky or unlucky? I dont even know at this point. Are you sure your nephew wont join the royal knights? I remember you saying that when I gave you that affinity crystal.

I sighed.

I would love nothing more, but the political ramifications for stealing the witch hunters guilds talent I replied hesitantly.

His majesty nodded sagely.

Youre right. Its too late for that. Well, allies are half as good as subordinates, anyway.