Chapter 87: Uncompromising.

Chapter 87: Uncompromising.

The next morning, I once again found myself in the arena, staring at the sky listlessly. The second phase of the singles tournament would begin today, which meant that participants of all ages were filing into the stadium. Already, I could tell that there would be just as many people competing as there had been in the doubles tournament, but I had to admit that there were a lot more noteworthy people present this time.

Cerion, for one, wouldnt be on my side this time. Informal teams and alliances were strictly forbidden. If we came across one another, at most, we could avoid battle and retreat. Working together wasnt an option.

I saw our previous rivals milling about as well. Arcellus was still in a pensive mood, no smug smile adorning his face like at the beginning of the last category.

Karon and X were present as well, though they were standing apart from each other. I guessed they were partners, but not friends.

So, Arthur. What do you think of your fated rival?

I turned to Cerion with an upturned brow.

Do you mean Arcellus? He seems calm.Follow current novels at

No, no. Im talking about the church-lady. Shes right over there!

I looked to where he was pointing, and sure enough. A young lady adorned in white, shining armor, carrying a spear, stood there. The other contestants gave her a wide berth, and the fact that her eyes remained closed didnt exactly invite conversation either. She used single-target light-affinity attacks, if I remembered right.

I see her, yeah. Why is she my rival all of a sudden? Arcellus uses an element that has an advantage over mine, too. I asked, confused.

Cerion waved a hand dismissively.

Nothing, just what I heard some guy say to his friend earlier this morning. Rumour is that youre a demon in disguise, and that the church sent her to exorcize you in the tournament. Divine deliverance and all that. he replied, chuckling.

I sighed.

Hopefully, its just him that thinks that. I murmured to myself.

It never is, Arthur, it never is Cerion teased. Oh, look. The announcer is back! Time to get this party started. You better hope you dont meet me until the finals, Art.

Sure enough, now that a large number of them had already died, dyeing my sword blue with their blood, the rest were starting to become more cautious. The bugs skittered about, backing up so they could dodge my sword arcs as they emerged from my maelstrom. More than a few bugs were too stubborn to dodge, though. They tried to block my attacks, and paid the price. The sword arc tore straight through their hardened pincers and carapace, tearing the insect meat behind it apart.

I smiled. These things were weak, and the battle was going better than expected. My experience with tier 3 creatures must have tainted my danger sense.

Unfortunately, that also meant that the other contestants saw their chance.

Several warriors, archers and mages ran into the crown and started killing my prey left and right. Some even targeted those that were already dodging my attacks, effectively kill stealing.

After that happened a few times in a row, I was starting to get frustrated.

Can you target your own monsters, fuckers! I shouted. Some of them looked away. They had probably seen my performance in the previous category. One of them hadnt, apparently.

Why dont you stop hiding behind your little shield and come hunt them yourself, pussy? one girl taunted. She was a rogue of some kind, wielding dual daggers and dashing around.

An insult like that was hard to let slide. Furthermore, she wasnt nearly far enough away to get away with a taunt like that. I dropped my maelstrom and used aura step to launch myself at her. With surprising speed, I flew across the hill. Before she could react, I had already appeared before her. Instead of drawing my sword, I reached for her neck and used my superior stats to lift her in the air with one hand.

Finally, her situation dawned on her. Fear and surprise became visible in her eyes, and she started to panic, repeatedly slashing at everything she could reach. It was futile. My healing was too efficient for her to deal with.

With my hand still around her throat in a vice-grip, I went to the nearest insect, which snapped threateningly. She started to realize what I was doing and started to kick and scream, her daggers stuck in my armor now. Then, I shoved her neck directly into the creature's mandibles, and watched as it chomped them closed. Before she could react, she was teleported away.

I coated my fist in dark mana, and threw a punch at the creatures head, squashing it and covering my fist in bug brains. I didn't know how many points that netter me, but I was hoping for a lot.

Slowly, I turned to the other competitors.

I shouted loudly, so that my voice could be heard over the sound of battle.

You have three options! Either you leave my crown within the next five seconds, or I feed you to the insects! Make your choice now, or Ill make it for you. I growled, trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

Apparently, I had succeeded, because just a few seconds later, half of my opponents had left. The other half they would soon join them. One way or another.