Chapter 106: Reward ceremony / A new piece of equipment.

Chapter 106: Reward ceremony / A new piece of equipment.

Since the award ceremony was about to begin, I headed towards the waiting area, where I encountered Emeri and Arcellus, who were in first and third place, respectively. For a moment, I wondered why the passive Monk Gaius hadnt been awarded third place. I supposed politics could have played a role. Despite his immense power, Arcellus hadnt managed to obtain victory in any category. As a result, the aristocratic faction lost its momentum. Naturally, they would try to save a part of their reputation by getting another spot on the podium. I doubted that Arcellus himself cared about this, of course.

Another possibility was that Gaius simply wasnt interested in the renown he would receive if he received the bronze medal. Beneath all of that petty talk of his, the stoic monk seemed to have a good heart. From his rumored deeds around the countryside, it was clear he valued others above himself. A rare trait, considering the world we lived in rewarded self-centered behavior with power.

Giving Emeri a once over, I realized that she hadnt fully recovered. Some bandages were visible around her waist and arm, covering her left side. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, I approached her to apologize.

What I said during our match was simply meant to taunt you. I dont actually think that the bishop is such a sinister person. Even if he was, I wouldnt know; Ive never met him. Therefore, Id like to apologize for my words. I take back what I said.

Emeri made eye-contact with me for a moment, before speaking up, embarrassed.

No, no! Its me who should apologize! I only realized you were just taunting me when I woke up, even though fa- the Bishop warned me not to fall for provocation. Im really sorry for hurting you. I lost my sense of reason and acted irresponsibly by using a skill I gained in the moment.

Seeing her hastily apologize forced a chuckle out of me. When she stared at me in confusion, I moved to explain my reaction.

Dont apologize. I was the one who instigated the conflict out of greed. I wanted to see what you were capable of when pushed beyond your limits. Besides, I used a skill on you that was just as bad. If youre alright with it, Id like to call it even.

She nodded excitedly, happy that I was the one who suggested it.

Of course! I mean, yes, thats alright with me she added, embarrassed by her outburst.

I nodded, satisfied. I had to admit I felt relieved now that knew she felt no resentment. Emeri was, if anything, fascinating. Someone so powerful remained shy and humble, as if she didn't realize her own position in the kingdom. It felt refreshing to have another friend that didnt see only my class when looking at me. Besides the friends I entered the capital with, everyone here saw me as a chess piece. Perhaps even my uncle did. Relationships not bound by high expectations were far more valuable to me, at this point.

Emeri and I continued our conversation for a while. She didnt seem to know how to respond to small talk very well, but when I started talking about our battle, she joined me in analyzing our exchanges, abandoning all of her previous shyness. Evidently, the otherwise quiet girl was a battle maniac, just like me.

Eventually, we were called to the stage at the center of the arena.

One by one, we entered the circular area, where a wooden stage had been created for us to be rewarded. Despite it being made out of wood, the craftsmanship was exquisite and the detailing high-class.

As the three of us stood in front of the Royal booth, the king made his appearance and commenced his speech.

Another competition finished, a dozen more young heroes making their appearance. This year has perhaps been the most competitive tier 2 tournament I have yet had the honor to witness. Young classers from within and outside of the kingdom competed to prove to others and themselves who deserves to be called the strongest. Young warriors, I commend you for your valiant efforts to reach the top! Of course, like all things in life, only a few ever reach heights worth praising. Three of these young classers stand before you today to receive their just rewards! he said, addressing the audience, who cheered for the kings speech.

Eventually, the king quietened the crowd by lifting his hand.

A few hours later, I found myself in the living room of our underground quarters. I was sitting at the table with Cerion and Doran, who had returned from visiting his dad at the church. I sighed, frustrated.

What the hell are you doing here?! I said while looking over at the unwelcome intruder that had broken into our quarters without remorse.

Who? Me? Rashid asked. The elderly guild head loved to act crazy, but this time he really seemed to be turning senile.

Im just here to satisfy my curiosity! Besides, dont forget I was the one that gave you that sword! Do you think tier 4 weapons are cheap?

Considering Im the only one that can legally use dark-affinity equipment in the whole kingdom, yes, I do. I replied testily, succeeding to shut the old man up. He continued to grumble in his corner and refused to leave, so I decided to pay him no mind and opened the letter. Once I did so, a blank piece of paper fell out. Nothing was written on it, but once I touched it, a system notification popped up.

[Essence-annihilating Bracers]

Tier 5 bracers.

When killing someone their essence will be annihilated as well, as long as its respective skill is below tier 5.

Dark mana flows into held weapons more easily.

Once a week, empower a single skill by 100% for 30 seconds.


-Extreme durability(tier 5)

-Supreme mana conductivity(tier 5)

-Mediocre elemental resistance(tier 3)

I whistled, seeing the bracers' effects. Three effects and three properties, all of them incredibly useful. Clearly, its ability to destroy essences was its party-piece, though I wasn't sure how anyone below tier 5 could survive without a body anyway. Maybe it would be useful against necromancers.

Satisfied with their power, I shared the bracers' appraisal with the other people in the room. All of them were impressed by the piece of equipment, though I was sure Rashid had far better stuff. Still, these bracers would be incredibly useful for the next few tiers.

When I went to sleep later that night, I realised I missed home. I had already made plans to return, and with all loose ends in the capital tied up, I decided that I would head back to Rolla, my hometown, the next morning. After all of the stress of the capital, it was time to take a well-deserved break. Then, when all of my skills had tiered up, I would evolve my class. Good times were ahead.