Chapter 164: Agratos.

Chapter 164: Agratos.

The next morning, I woke up and found Emeris bed empty. After some panicked searching, I found her atop the rock formation under which the cave rested. The sun was rising on the horizon, lighting up the vast savannah with its orange brilliance.

Dry, yellow grass low-hanging trees, and great herds of animals traveling from one spring to the next. It was a magnificent sight. The most beautiful I could remember, even.

I approached Emeri but her mind seemed to be elsewhere.

Good morning. I tried.

She jumped slightly and whirled around, her hand reaching for her spear, until she saw me and calmed down. Oh, its just you, Arthur. Dont scare me like that! she chastised, her cheeks turning pink.

Sorry about that. I wasnt trying to scare you, but you were distracted. It is a beautiful view, isnt it?


Whats on your mind?


If this is about yesterday I began, but stopped when I saw her shiver. Awkwardly, I tried another approach. Listen, what happened to those people was nobodys fault. They were misguided by Swahili, they misunderstood

Its not about that, Arthur! Its about the way we killed them The way I did

She sobbed quietly. I just just wanted to

Had you ever killed before? A person, I mean.

She lightly shook her head, before resting it in her hands and breaking down. Had I been any wiser, I would have said something comforting or talked about the choice to take a life or something but no words came to me. Instead, I hesitantly put my hand on her shoulder. She leaned into my touch and cried.

As I stared at the rising sun over Emeris shoulder, I couldnt help but feel betrayed. The sun promised happiness, as if nothing could go wrong. In reality, the savanna, no, life itself, was far crueler than the sunrise let on.

More importantly, the crowd allowed Emeri and I to listen in to passing conversations.

The minefound


All kinds artifacts, they say

The fellow that dug into it

Couldnt find the lower half of his body

Eventually, I leaned down and whispered into Emeris ear. Some kind of accident in the mine that led to artifacts, it seems. Whatever it is, it sounds interesting.

Emeri smiled but shook her head. Who cares what they found? Its not like theyll let any random stranger before she could continue her sentence, she was interrupted by a loud town crier. This lady was standing on top of a raised platform, while a large crowd was gathering below her.

Hear me, fair folk of Agratos! The magister, appointed by his holiness himself, has declared that the ancient ruins found within the mines of the city last week will be opened to all interested parties! Adventurers, archaeologists and curious folk alike, all are welcome to scour the ruins for treasure and excitement, with the sole condition that everything found within the ruins is sold to the city at 80% of market price. This is your chance to enrich yourself and gain a story to tell, people! Sign up at the town hall to participate!

I looked at Emeri with a teasing smile. You spoke too soon, it seems Up for a treasure hunt? We arrived at just the right time, it must be destined!

Emeri sighed, but I noticed the corner of her lips twitch upward.

We cant, Arthur. Were here for the pilgrimage, remember? Besides, I sense something sinister going on. Why would the city let random strangers explore their ruins for them? Even with that price-gauging condition, theyre making a loss for no apparent reason. It sounds like something within those ruins scared them off

Helios, I hate it when youre the voice of reason I muttered under my breath.

If Im not, then who will be?

I gave her an expectant look, before pointing toward myself with both thumbs. She just shook her head in disappointment.

Fiiinnee. Lets go visit this church of yours. So much more interesting, right? I finished, exasperated.