Chapter 172: That madman, Dalius.

Chapter 172: That madman, Dalius.

The inquisitor held my gaze, unimpressed. You thought to convince me with such a feeble fabrication? he asked suspiciously.

Its a matter of public record! Just ask any commoner in Roa, theyll know who I am! I hurriedly replied, not hesitating to use one of the few advantages that my sudden bout of fame afforded me. I could only hope the people would still remember me now, a few months after the tournament.

Hmmm. Regardless, that doesnt change the fact that youre suspected of a series of crimes spanning the country, foremost among which is the defacing of several holy statues. Im not going to mince words with you; I dont need to. Were you or were you not involved with the destruction of two holy statues depicting Helios?

I squinted, considering my options. I could lie but he would probably pick up on that. A misdirection, maybe? That could buy me some time, at least.

Well, I wouldnt call it destroying them personally Besides, that statue never depicted Helios in the first place, just a buddy that helped him out when he was a kid.

My interrogator snorted, before a white light flashed through his eyes. His derision was swiftly replaced by surprise afterward. Hold on You actually believe that to be the truth?!

I know it to be the truth, old man. Saw it myself. I blurted out. His gaze became inquisitive, almost predatory. Another light flashed through his eyes before he resumed his questioning. A lie-detection skill maybe?

I see How, exactly, did you see this yourself?

Uhhh I stumbled, not sure how much to give away. The existence of the key could be a threat I wasnt privy to. If he found out that Emeri had it, her life could be in danger Then again, my life was currently in danger. Perhaps a little information wouldnt harm anybody.

An illusion embedded into the statue itself. After the illusion passed, the statue had changed without my knowledge. No clue how, to be honest. I had almost said our knowledge there, in reference to Emeri, but had evaded the possibility just in time. Unfortunately, my interrogator had picked on my hesitation, rendering my efforts for naught.

I see. He began, But why would Helios show you, specifically, this vision? I find that to be rather hard to believe. Dont you?

Im not sure Maybe Helios wanted to be poetic? You know light and dark being two sides of the same coin and all I tried. The older man got into my face, staring right into my eyes.

You werent there alone, were you? he asked quickly.

I was, actually. I replied, in a rush to deny the fact. His eyes flashed, but instead of white, they shone red.

A lie.

Shit I cursed under my breath, having forgotten about that part in the heat of the moment. Think, Arthur think. How could I still keep Emeri out of this Who could I blame instead Aha!

Who was there with you, necromancer?!This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Fuck I could only hope Emeri would have more luck getting past that lie-detecting skill of his. Then again, she could just blame me. Would she do that? A part of me whispered that she wouldnt. All I could do was hold out hope.

A few minutes later, a masked paladin I hadnt met before unstrapped me from the wooden table and carried me back to my cell. I wasnt in the mood for conversation, so I just let him go about his business, though I kept an eye on the prisons layout. Not long after that, I found myself hanging from the cells walls again.

Left to my thoughts, I decided I might as well pass the time by meditating. Hopefully, Emeris interrogation wouldnt take too long.

I closed my eyes and enter my mental palace which, unsurprisingly, was looking a little rough at the moment. My roses were looking great though. They were close to blooming, but already had a beautiful crimson lustre to them.

For the next several hours, I focused on meditation, careful to stay alert by opening my eyes every hour or so. So far, my interrogator hadnt returned with new, making me agonise over what was happening. I was powerless as long as I left these wristbands attached, yet breaking them would send me down a path of no return, escalating the situation. At that point, I would either get out or die. Even if I managed to escape, I would be on the run, stuck in a foreign country. One ruled by a tier 7, no less. What to do, what to do

Suddenly, a rumble reverberated through out the prison, making the walls shake. A startled cry rang out from in front of my cell. The shaking had woken a sleeping guard, I supposed. Another rumble. Another shake. Was there an earthquake of some kind? Hopefully this prison was sturdy enough to withstand it

My hopes were dashed when another, louder rumble reverberated, making dust fall from the stone ceiling and producing cracks in my walls. Shit. I had to get out, now!

Shouts erupted, loud enough for me to hear.

Whats happening?! Are we under attack?! One paladin asked.

Its that madman, Dalius! Hes started attacking the prison for no reason!

Wheres the inquisitor?! a third voice asked, shaking. Hold on that was the psycho from earlier! The low-tier torturer guy! I recognised that voice anywhere.

Heading there now! He commanded us to evacuate the prisoners and escort them to Agratos!

Even the mayor? Hes a tier 5! We cant escort him!

Screw this! my torturer replied. Im not putting my life on the line for a few dozen street rats! Let them die under the rubble, I say.

We cant ignore the inquisitors orde- a paladin began to refute.

Another rumble resounded, interrupting him and making the cracks in my walls grow wider.

Shit! The place is about to collapse! Run!

The sound of footsteps and clanking armor became quieter and quieter until I knew they were out of sight of my cell. I had to move, now. With a burst of black mana, I created some onyx chains. My wristbands sent a burst of lightning through my body, making me spasm involuntarily, but I ignored it and persevered. Because I couldnt feel the pain itself, I wasnt distracted and my chains were able to wrap around the wristbands, tearing them in half with a furious feat of concentration. I did the same to the metal bands attached to my ankles, freeing me from them. A quick apparition later, I found myself back in the hallway, right as another rumble shook the entire prison. The stone roof above me was starting to give up, threatening to bury me in whatever rested above. First, I had to find Emeri. Then, if I was lucky, I could retrieve my items. Perhaps we could get out of here unscathed after all.