Chapter 179: Carrying burdens.

Chapter 179: Carrying burdens.

The giant cocoon hanging from the ceiling started to glow in response to Helios destruction of its minions, filling the room with its emerald glow.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The light coalesced, gathering at the bottom tip of the cocoon. It flowed like water, forming a single shining orb, which hung from the cocoon as if it were a drop of water. As the light left the cocoon it shrivelled up and granted all of its vitality to that single drop, drying out in the process. Only when the entire cocoon had turned ashen did the drop finally descend, falling the tiled floor without a sound. A puddle spread where it had landed, turning the floor into a shimmering mirror that carried only the barest hint of that emerald light.

Helios took a step back, yet a determined glint shone in his eyes. He relaxed his body, but remained ready to attack at any moment. He scanned his surroundings furtively, searching for something. Searching for someone, rather.

He neednt have, because the cocoons theatrical transformation was just about to end. The puddle-like mirror rippled where the drop had landed earlier. The ripple was followed by a rumble, as the water rose up and smoothened out, revealing a mature woman with attractive features. I had a hard time prying my eyes away, in fact. It wasnt until Emeri gave me a furious kick to the shins that I woke from my reverie.

At that moment, I realised that the women before us lacked any distinctive features, reminiscent of a manakin. Apart from a mouth, that was.

Helios eyes became transfixed on the new arrival, but they lacked any of the hypnotic obsession that I had been caught by. He was well aware that she was his enemy. Yet, he wasnt attacking her

He seemed to be waiting for something but what?

The corners of the womans lips turned upwards. Then, she started speaking, her voice ethereal and light. Despite her quiet tone it carried across the chamber, the puddle rippling as a result of the vibrations.

Why are you here, lost child? she said, taking a step toward Helios as he stood transfixed. Why cause such wanton death and destruction? she continued, taking another. What plagues you, haunts your every moment? she asked, now standing right in front of Helios.

Is it guilt? Or perhaps grief

She pushed his sword aside with slow, deliberate movements, before closing in on him, wrapping her arms around Helios neck as his breath became unsteady.

Unfortunately for her, her tactics werent proving to be enough. Helios raw power and endurance were slowly pushing her into a figurative corner. Eventually, even she couldnt deny that her loss was impending. Helios concluded the battle with a giant rush of mana that shook the entire ziggurat and destroyed whatever remained in the chamber, turning it to ash. His presence flared with power, allowing me to get a glimpse of his essence the sun. Of course it was

By the end, Helios held his sword at the womans throat, keeping a foot atop the rotting moth collapsed below him. Even now, she seemed to be in disbelief, crying and sobbing as she begged for mercy. Helios answered her please with a dead stare, reigniting her helpless fury.

Why? Why do this? I gave my children what they wanted What I wanted! Is that so wrong?! Who are you to decide our fate?! she roared.

Still, Helios didnt respond. Still, he waited. Listened.

Ah thats it, isnt it she whispered, her sob turning into a gleeful, intense laugh. You resent them The dreams I promised you. The hope of meeting the people you lost. You resent them, because you have died, on the inside.

She had another burst of laughter. From her grin, it was apparent that while she knew she was about to die, she hadnt lost.

You want to continue along this path? Until there are no gods left? Hah! You cant replace us Youre no better than us! In fact, youre worse! You have nothing left to give, after all. While we gave so much Know this, child. The gods are only a reflection of the hearts of men. I gave them what they wanted, as will you.

Finally, she fell silent.

The room remained deathly still for a moment, as Emeri and I expected to hear the final strike. The execution Instead, a new voice filled the silence. One that had, until now, remained unused.

You are right. You and I are the same except for one thing. I listen to the voices and the cries of all those whom I kill. I will carry their burdens beyond their death. ALL of them including yours.

With that single statement, Helios finished the deed, cutting the entire beast in half with a single cleave. The woman seemed oddly as piece as she died.

The vision shimmered and before we knew it, Emeri and I were thrown out. Left to stare at a statue of a beautiful butterfly stretching its wings, I couldnt help but feel insignificant.