Chapter 192: Trial of greed.

Chapter 192: Trial of greed.

The dry man set up a safe house near the old castle site in the form of a repurposed cave. There wasnt much space here, just enough to stretch my legs a bit. It did emanate a lot of dark mana, which had led to the dry mans recommendation to advance in this very cave.

A lack of mana to absorb could lead to issues upon tiering up, after all. While I went through the trial, the old relic of a man had promised to start working on the array schematics by mapping out the old castle. If all went well, he would have a preliminary schematic ready by the time I completed my trial.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

With that to look forward to, I settled down and made myself as comfortable as possible. I sat in the lotus position and breathed in deeply, savouring the calm that washed over me. I would need it, considering how bad the last trials had hold on, what had the last trials been about again? Something upsetting, I remembered, but beyond that Huh. Was it normal to forget? Was I missing something? Why hadnt I thought about this at all? Why had the contents of the previous trials never been something to worry about in the past? Now that I was close to the next one, the strangeness of it all felt alarming. As if I was missing something. Unfortunately, my memories of the trials themselves showed no signs of returning. Thinking back on how panicked I had been after each one, perhaps that was for the best


Advance to tier 4?

I gathered some courage and initiated the system prompt floating before me.

Ding! Class evolution initiated....confirming background....noting behaviour....noting status....calibrating....

Ding! Commencing evolution!

Time to advance to the next tier. No matter what, I couldnt let things end here. There was so much I still wanted to do, that I couldnt do as a tier 3. As the light faded from my eyes, I steeled myself. I wouldnt let the trial shake me this time. No matter what the system decided to test me with, I would be ready.

I opened my eyes on the other side, finding myself in an oddly familiar white space that I remembered from from- from the first trial! Right, and the second one too! It was coming back to me ever so slowly, though I couldnt remember any specifics.

I felt sluggish, as if my body weighed far more heavy than normal. Even small movements took more out of me, somehow. I could still mover freely, mind you, but it felt like all of my strength had been sapped, as if I had been rendered an un-awakened. My skills werent usable either, giving credence to this theory.

It took a moment for me to get used to this weakness but once I did I had to admit that this didnt feel that bad. Not as bad as I seemed to remember, at least. Maybe my growth had affected my older memories?

I didnt have much time to consider this further, as a system prompt appeared at that moment.

Gain 1?

Gain 1? What did it mean by 1? One of what? I grumbled irately, before relenting and answering the system with a mental affirmation. Once I did, a rush of energy flowed into me, allowing me to breathe easier and returning some of my lost strength.

Ding! 1 gained. Are you happy?

Happy? I suppose so I wondered aloud, not sure whether the system was listening in. The prompt disappeared without further action from my end, so it mustve been. Happy was a broad term, but I couldnt deny that I was content to have some of my power returned.

A few moments later, I jumped back in shock as something appeared on the ground beneath me. Where previously there had only been me occupying this endless white expanse, there was now a body of an old man as well, its grey beard falling to the floor.. Or was it?

The corpse seemed completely still at first, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that the old man was still breathing, albeit barely so. Unfortunately, I didnt know any healing skills that could heal others. Even if I did, I wouldnt have access to it anyway. I was about to give up hope when another prompt appeared.

This time, I waited even longer for a new system prompt. Only Lose 1 and Take 1 reappeared, however. At a certain point, I felt like I had waited for at least a day, yet nothing had changed. I only had three Helios-damned days to begin with! With a groan, I decided to push my body one step further and lose another one.

Ding! 1 lost. Are you sad?

At this point, it became difficult to keep my eyes open. A piercing pain ran through my body, but I was too listless to respond to it. At minus two, I was approaching the limit. An unawakened body couldnt handle such torture

I couldnt give up, though. Stubbornly, I shook my head.

Lose 1?

I nodded.

Ding! 1 lost. Are you sad?

With raspy breath, I realised that I was on the edge of death.

Realising that the system was only going to continue down this path if I let it, I decided to nod this time, affirming that I was, in fact, quite sad. It wasnt much of a nod, to be honest, but the system understood.

Gain 1?

Surprised at the systems generosity, I hurriedly affirmed its request.

Ding! 1 gained. Are you happy?

Some strength returned to me as I returned to minus two. I could breathe again, but starvation was still an issue. I could only crawl to get around, which made the Take 1 prompt infuriatingly tempting. I refused to give in, but I did nod to signal that I was happy, hoping to be offered more energy.

Instead, a new body appeared a few meters away from the old man. This time, it was a little girl and she wasnt looking good. She looked impoverished, her thin frame showing her skeleton hidden only by her skin and a thin rag that served as clothing, covering her body and leaving only her face fully visible.

All the same, it was obvious that this child was no older than 7. She was close to dying.

Thankfully, a system prompt appeared above her body.

Give 2?

I was about to nod in the affirmative, when I realised that doing so would result in my death. I didnt have two to give

I turned to the sleeping old man to my left, my eyes going wide as I realised what the system wanted me to do.