
Name:My Closest Lady Boss Author:
He did not walk two steps, suddenly heard the cry of Lin's orange, "however, I have time the day after tomorrow, then call me."

Zhang Jincan turns to see that Lin Jiacheng is leaning out half of his head from the window and smiling at him. Zhang Jincan was overjoyed and said, "OK, Miss Lin, I'll call you then."

Lin Jiacheng gave him a smile and left immediately.

On the way back, Zhang Jincan was inexplicably excited. He thought about it carefully, why would he be so happy to get the promise from Lin Jiacheng. Is it because I like her? This is bullshit. Zhang Jincan did not believe in his decision. Perhaps as a man, to see such a fresh and refined beauty, this reaction is also very normal.

The next day, according to the agreement, Zhang Jincan took Kou Xiaolin with Yu Xiaohua to Wechsler bank.

In addition to the four major banks under the control of the government, Wechsler bank is even the leading bank in Qincheng city. Of course, although Wechsler bank is a powerful bank, its reputation is also widely known in the business world.

When they walked into Webster bank's office building, they were immediately shocked by the magnificent manner.

Kou Xiaolin couldn't help saying, "Wow, this office is really good. Mr. Zhang, if we can work here, we will have more face. "

Zhang Jincan glanced at her and said, "Xiaolin, if you like it, you'd better change your job here. In a word, Mr. Yu may be able to assign you to Mr. Wei as a secretary. "

"Well, I don't want it." Kou Xiaolin said with disdain.

Zhang Jincan and Yu Xiaohua laugh when they see this.

Wei Qingjun's office is very big. It is spacious and bright. Behind him is a huge French window. Standing there, you can have a panoramic view of the most prosperous area of Qincheng city.

After the three people came in, the Secretary led them to sit down on one side of the sofa.

Zhang Jincan found that this sofa is also an authentic import. Damn, Webster bank is really rich.

Soon, Wei Qingjun came in.

He was dressed in a stiff suit, his hair was combed and shiny, and he looked energetic.

He came over, looked at Zhang Jincan and nodded slightly. There is no trace of smile, the face is filled with a kind of indifference.

Zhang Jincan is very familiar with this indifference, which is just like the expression of a rich family in the face of a beggar's begging.

After Wei Qingjun sat down, he said haughtily, "Mr. Zhang, our company can't agree with you. After all, this rule can't be broken. However, I have some friendship with Yu. This time, it's an exception. But now that we are talking about business, we have to take everything seriously. " Then he gave his secretary a wink.

The secretary took a document to Zhang Jincan.

Zhang Jincan took the document and did not rush to read it. He looked at Yu Xiaohua. It seems that Yu Xiaohua has really made a lot of efforts in this matter. However, what makes Zhang Jincan very uncomfortable is that Wei Qingjun doesn't give him face at all. He can say this kind of ironic words and obviously doesn't pay attention to him at all.

If the cleavage is in the past, Zhang Jincan will leave angrily. He will not accept this kind of bird spirit.

Now, however, he is much more mature. He knows very well that he can't be impulsive about many things.

He looked at Wei Qingjun, a faint smile, nothing to say, immediately handed the document to Kou Xiaolin.

Kou Xiaolin opened it and looked at it, her eyebrows wrinkled.

Kou Xiaolin looked at Wei Qingjun and said, "Mr. Wei, I don't understand what you mean. Why is the amount of the loan limited to 10 million only, and the stipulated date is only one month. Your interest rate is 20% higher than that of the same industry. This is clearly an unequal treaty. "

Wei Qingjun sneered, leaned back on the back of the boss's chair, shook it gently, and said, "fair, Secretary Kou is really naive. Do you think there is justice in this society. If you want the fairness that you recognize, it depends on your own ability to fight for it. "

Zhang Jincan took a deep breath, looked at Kou Xiaolin and said, "Mr. Wei is very right. Xiaolin, don't say any more."

Damn, this guy obviously did it on purpose. Ten million. It's obviously not enough to revise those five stores. Moreover, the stipulated repayment date is also unacceptable to Zhang Jincan. In just one month, this is impossible. Obviously, Wei Qingjun is not willing to help him, it must be Yu Xiaohua begged him, he was forced to agree.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jincan knew that it was useless to talk about it any more. Then he got up and said, "Mr. Wei, thank you for your kindness. Let's go back and study this contract."

"Well, whatever you want." Wei Qingjun said coldly.

Zhang Jincan and Kou Xiaolin immediately get up and leave.

Yu Xiaohua looks at Wei Qingjun with complicated eyes and gets up to follow him.

As soon as she got to the door, Wei Qingjun called her at the back, "Xiaohua, stop. I have something to say to you."Yu Xiaohua said coldly, "Wei Qingjun, up to now, what else do you want to say to me?"

Wei Qingjun said in a hurry, "Xiaohua, it's about Zhang Jincan. Don't you want to hear it?"

Yu Xiaohua hesitated for a moment, stopped, turned and walked over.

Wei Qingjun looked at Yu Xiaohua and sighed, "it seems that Zhang Jincan is always in your mind."

Yu Xiaohua looked indifferent. "Wei Qingjun, I have told you many times that Zhang Jincan and I were engaged long ago. Although we had some problems later. But now I'm still his man. "

"You..." Wei Qingjun looks cold, and his eyes project anger. "Xiaohua, I don't understand what's good about this man. It's worth your effort."

"You don't know." Yu Xiaohua didn't want to go with him and say, "Mr. Wei, your performance today is too disappointing for me. I didn't expect you to be such a rebel. "

Wei Qingjun said in a hurry, "Xiaohua, all I do is for you. Don't you understand?"

"No, Wei Qingjun. Thank you for your kindness. But I can't afford your family. " Yu Xiaohua said and turned away.

From Webster bank, Yu Xiaohua drives to Lihua company in a hurry.

However, when she arrived at the company, she did not see Zhang Jincan.

I called him in a hurry to apologize. Zhang Jincan doesn't care, let Yu Xiaohua also don't care too much.

Although the matter said so, but in the small flower heart is always sorry.

Instead of going elsewhere, Zhang Jincan went to the hacker's home.

As soon as he came out of Webster bank, he received a call from the hacker, saying that he had a leader.

Zhang Jincan was overjoyed and rushed over immediately.

The hacker lived in a very narrow room with very dark light. However, Zhang Jincan was shocked to see a large number of computers in it.

It is estimated that those people who often do not see the sun are the same, with long hair, careless and weak. And the face is also very haggard, just like the crops that have not been watered for a long time.

The hacker was wearing thick glasses. When he saw Zhang Jincan coming, he hurriedly pulled out a chair to sit down for him.

As soon as Zhang Jincan sat down, he asked in a hurry, "what's the matter, have you found it?"

The hacker held his glasses and said, "I've found it, and I've cracked the password of his network hard disk. However, the files in it have also been encrypted by some special means. Although I downloaded all the files, I only opened part of them. "

"Well, you're quite efficient." Zhang Jincan was pleased, "it doesn't matter. Take your time. With this part of the documents, you can be of great use."

The hacker nodded. When a file that was about to be cracked was opened, he gave instructions to Zhang Jincan.

When Zhang Jincan saw a series of data in it, his head became big. However, after the guidance of hackers, he can see some clues.

The expenditure data are detailed below. Zhang Jincan selects a column and pays attention to it. He is surprised to find that there is a line that says that the financial income is 50 million yuan, and the account expenditure is 30 million yuan under Tian and 10 million yuan under Zheng. The remaining 10 million was also included in Tian Hezheng's name as a variety of housing welfare projects.

It's already clear at a glance. Damn, 50 million is divided up by these two people. If the money is used for the renovation of sales stores, I'm afraid it will be very useful.

At this time, Zhang Jincan suddenly understood. It seems that the so-called financial deficit of Qincheng Lihua company is huge, and some people have filled their own pockets if they can't make ends meet. Otherwise, how could such a company, which was once the best among the branches in Yongding City, become a company with serious losses in less than a year.

Zhang Jincan sat there for a long time. He couldn't imagine that Tian Liang and Zheng Xiaoguang didn't know how much money they had embezzled.

Kou Xiaolin said angrily, "Mr. Zhang, these evidences are enough to make them step down. At present, we need to submit these things quickly and let the city company deal with them. "

Zhang Jincan shook his head and said, "don't worry. If this matter is rashly mentioned to the municipal company, Tian Liang will definitely suspect us."

"Well, what do you mean?" Kou Xiaolin looks at him in surprise.

With a mysterious smile, Zhang Jincan winked at her and said, "don't worry, I've already figured out the countermeasures."

Before leaving, Zhang Jincan told the hacker to continue to work hard and try to decrypt all the files. Then he took away the documents that his eyes had decrypted.

Zhang Jincan is very clear. Although the declassified document can prove the fact that Zheng Xiaoguang made false accounts and embezzled, it can't involve Tian Liang at all.

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