Chapter 352 Yang God (Grand Finale)

Name:My Daoist Life Author:
Thunder finally stopped. It was just as dark as the dark clouds of ink disappeared. Heaven turned blue. I have disappeared from heaven and earth, and it seems to have become heaven and earth.

"Jing Yang!"

"Jing Yang!"


The elder sister cries out with a shout of Earth. Although she has not passed such a realm, she still knows that this strange Thunder may have a great relationship with me. Now I suddenly disappeared. She is naturally nervous. Because she also understands the danger of Dao Cultivation.

The shout of her sister seemed to wake up my thoughts of staying in heaven and earth. One idea came together like Heaven's Air Brothers Water, and the water from the beginning condensed into a drop of Water Pearl.

My thoughts are like that of Heaven's Firefly worms under the night sweet-scented osmanthus trees, and they come together from all directions. Each thought has a trace of my memory. As more and more thoughts arose, some of Earth’s past was gathered.

My sister didn’t get my response and she was nervous.

"Jing Yang, you can't go wrong. Never fail. After that, I will never leave you again. No matter what the meeting will be, I will stay with you..."

My sister sat down on the Mountain Slope and said that we had previously done things. Those bit by bit, she also remembered in the heart. Her emotions have also undergone a complicated transformation process. She can't always accept that she likes to be a boy who is much smaller than herself. And at first she was only a kind of maternal love from the instinct to the boy. But slowly, Earth, as I grew up, this kind of emotion was developing in a direction that she could not control. She began to escape and her heart was full of guilt. She can also see the kind of illness and loss I have.

The elder sister did not know that Heaven's empty space began to condense into a human form that could not be seen with the naked eye. When millions of thoughts come together, my memory is almost ready to be recovered. I discovered that I had become such an illusory state. The thoughts around me gather more and more quickly. I slowly return to the state of the god of the gods. It is only that the gods of the present are more concise than before.

God hides in heaven and earth. Before the breakthrough, Thunder Robbery did not break my body, nor did it defeat my gloomy gods. Instead, my body turned into a god of darkness and was hidden between earth and earth. At this time, I was immortal. No matter how fierce Thunder robbed, it couldn't defeat me. Instead, it becomes Alchemy's salary Fire.

With heaven and earth as melting pots, and the body and the gods as medicines, Dan is a god.

My body slowly grew up in Heaven in Heaven, and I saw the reason. I suddenly became an ordinary person. But I will never return to ordinary people. From the moment of achieving Yangshen, I have truly engaged in detachment among mortals.

The sister seemed to feel something, looked up and saw that I was floating in the air.

"Jing Yang! You are okay! Great!Then the headset burst into tears and rushed up to me.

I held out my right hand and took my sister into her arms.

"I'll show you Heaven and Earth."I whispered in my sister's ear.

The elder sister, Happy, nodded. She didn't speak, she just needed a simple movement. We could understand each other's intentions.

We suddenly flew between the mountains of Mount Chong. This kind of flight is the real flight. Although we fly faster than the dream plane produced by the dream aircraft factory, we do not feel the sound and we do not feel resistance. Since we are in harmony with heaven and earth at this time, in which corner we randomly appear, how can we be hindered?

“Jing Yang, did you know that Li Lan and Liu Wei, including Li Lijuan, are they still waiting for you?”The sister suddenly asked.

"I know, but my heart is too big to hold the next person. A person is loaded, it is full, no longer able to fit other people. From today onwards, you are my Jing'er. ”Jing'er didn't know that at the moment I broke through, I suddenly merged with heaven and earth. I experienced the vicissitudes of heaven and earth. It seems that I have experienced endless years. My understanding of life has been very different from before. The understanding of Tao has also undergone a sublimation.

Jing'er is still hesitating. Although she got rid of gravity, she can't get rid of the world. "But, but..."

Jing'er has many excuses, but it is not appropriate to say it at this time. At this time only Wind month, only me and her.

"Jing'er, we fly farther and higher, and there is only you and me between heaven and earth. Do you still worry about it? ”I asked loudly. At this time we are thousands of miles away from the Great Earth, and no matter how we shout at the bottom of the ground, people on Earth cannot hear it.

No Pagination I never worry about it again! ”Jing'er shook his head in my arms.

After counting Heaven, we returned to Octagon Village.

After achieving Yangshen, I seem to have heard the call from the transmission matrix to me. I know that there will be Yangshen’s final destination.

"Can I leave with you?"Jing'er can feel my emotional changes. Since that night, our hearts have been connected together.

"You can't go now. But I will definitely come back. ”Without achieving Yangshen, I could not see through the portal. Fortunately, at that time, I did not dare to cross the portal. Otherwise, it was really life and death. That is not a simple transmission matrix. Unlike the channel entrances I have seen before, only the channels that connect the two spaces. And now this space portal has two interfaces. This is totally different. Two main interface transmission, I do not know what will happen. I naturally can't let Jing'er follow me to take risks.

"Can't you not go?"Jing'er asked.

"You will know when you have achieved Yang Shen. This world has not tolerated me. I have felt the invisible pressure. Must go. ”If I knew that I must break away from Earth, I would rather leave Earth than I was. I would rather slow down my practice. However, everything can no longer be reversed now.

Before I left, I arranged everything. The New World, the dreams, and the ghost community that was suppressed in the Ba Jiao Mountain, they can only be regarded as affiliates of this world, and the interface that I want to go is different. It is an interface that is even higher than the world.

With these arrangements, Dreamers will not be seriously affected by my departure. No one can predict whether I can return to this world. Therefore, no one dared to start with dreamers. Because no one else can stand up to me, a yang-god Cultivator's Rage Fire.

The troop recommence began. In the desert, a huge Mountain peak was raised. After the troop was activated, an eye-catching light portal appeared at the top of the Mountain Peak.

I leapt to the door. There is a world waiting there.

-----------End of the book ---------(To be continued~^~)