"Where are your manager and assistant?" Zhan Beiting was as calm as ever.

Yu Lili casually grabbed the rice bite by bite, listening to the flustered voice of the girl on the phone, and completely lost his appetite, even though his stomach was already growling with hunger just now.

After hanging up, Zhan Beiting put his mobile phone on the table, and sent a hurried message to the girl who was on the phone just now.


Song Xingchen.

The full name of the note.

Her heart suddenly trembled, this person is the female supporting role in the novel.

The female partner appeared.

"Little girl, you have a good meal now, and then go back to the homestay by yourself. Just wait for me at the homestay. I will definitely be back today. Don't go out when it's dark, you know?"

Yu Lili didn't speak anymore, it seemed that he was going to leave. He usually doesn't talk much, but now he is also explaining what she should do by herself next.

Watching the little girl lowered her eyes silently, stared at the curry rice on the plate and kept poking, and finally raised her head: "Okay, you go."

Yu Lili didn't know how he said these words.

"Be obedient, I will definitely come back today and take you to Dubu tomorrow." He had already booked a plane ticket to go abroad, and Yu Lili's passport was ready, but hearing this, Yu Lili still had no expectations at all. I kept thinking about the delicate girl's voice just now.

Her heart was sour, and she didn't know why, she only knew that she didn't want to let the uncle go, and she was going to see a woman!

"I see, uncle, go ahead."

Zhan Beiting explained a few things in a hurry, and asked Lei Ming to drive him to the airport.

Suddenly, the opposite side was empty, and only Yu Lili was left on the dining table.

There were still people coming and going, some people left and some people sat down.

She was so discouraged, she couldn't tell how she felt, but she was very sad.

Song Xingchen is the younger sister of Zhan Beiting's good brother Song Liyuan.

Many years ago, Song Liyuan and Zhan Beiting were both off-road motorcycle enthusiasts. During a mountain road expedition, Zhan Beiting's brakes failed, and the whole person could not stop driving towards the cliff.

In the end, Song Liyuan drove his motorcycle to block Zhan Beiting's car with his body. Zhan Beiting was knocked to the ground and the motorcycle stopped, but Song Liyuan hit a tree and hit his head. He lost too much blood and the rescue was ineffective. .

Before his death, Song Liyuan entrusted Zhan Beiting to take care of his only sister, so over the years, Song Xingchen has been in the entertainment industry in the wind and the rain, and won the three gold awards after the movie.

Yu Lili's heart sank more and more. When she was reading, she knew that Zhan Beiting was very good to Song Xingchen, and even later, because of Song Xingchen's disbelief in the heroine, she had a quarrel, and the relationship became more and more distant.

And she, Yu Lili, is now the heroine. Although because of her arrival, the relationship in front of her is not as bad as in the book, but this is always the fate of the heroine. If she is not careful, she will return to the original track. , she will still be down and down.

Yu Lili got up and went back in the direction of the inn. She thought about it all the way. With her current situation, she just lived in the male lead's house. What would she use to compare with the love that Song Liyuan bought with her life?