The next morning arrived.

Due to the incident at the ball the previous night, the Lorelei Mansion was in chaos. Soldika, who had stayed up all night, was now visibly angry with dark circles under her eyes.

“Ishael Lorelei! After causing such a mess…”

Sorbon, who had been her ally, was forced to move to a remote cabin.

But that wasn’t all.

People stopped coming around. Even the lady who promised to support her turned her back coldly.

[Soldika, I hope we never have any further contact.]

Soldika’s expression distorted as she read the final letter sent by the lady. Her dreams had been shattered, all because of Ishael.

“How could my sister disgrace me like this?”

Pedro murmured calmly.

“Ishael was really a beauty. I never knew she was a hidden gem in the mud! This Cassanova Pedro says so!”

She looked at Pedro, who was always infatuated with women, with disdain.

“Pedro, is that really important right now?”

“Yeah, it is important.”

That idiot who only brightens his face!

Soldika grabbed him by the collar, frustration evident.

“Then go catch Ishael. Make her have an affair or something!”

A gleam appeared in Pedro’s eyes.

“Do we just crash the wedding ceremony?”

Soldika stared at Pedro with a cold expression.

‘It seems like my sister has already tried to ruin Sir Dylan.’

Just the thought of Sir Dylan made strength surge through her body. Her mind felt cold and numb.

‘Sister, I’ll make you regret ever crossing me.’

She thought of her father from a distant land. Her father, who had always been strict with Ishael, wanted to become a noble without resorting to illegal activities.

[Father, are you doing well?

Please come back soon, I miss you!

But before that, I have something to tell you.

My sister betrayed us and married someone else.

I hope we can find a way to deal with her audacious actions together.]

Soldika relied on her strong father, who had always been tough on Ishael since childhood. For example, he used to hit her every time she misbehaved, leaving her unable to walk for a while.

If she could just receive a reply from her father, she would be able to trample Ishael. But before that, there was something she had to do.



“Isn’t today the day? The day you enter the Sage’s Tower and receive a noble title.”

The Sage’s Tower, located in the capital, was owned by the Saboia Duke. It was considered the most prestigious tower among the magicians.

Once a magician of the 3rd Circle or higher submitted their thesis to the Sage’s Tower and passed the examination, they would be recognized as true magicians and receive a noble title.

“Yeah, today is the day.”

Pedro spoke with a triumphant smile, his lips pursed.

“I’ll soon return as a noble.”

He imagined making the beautiful Ishael as his wife and indulging in a glamorous life with various beauties.

A bright future seemed to unfold before his eyes.

I walked towards the Sage’s Tower, fidgeting with the ‘something’ I had put in my pocket.

Today was the most miserable day of my past life.

It was the day Pedro stole my knowledge and became an overnight star.

“Ishael, I’m becoming a noble today.”

“Huh? Congratulations! If you become a noble, propose to me…”

“Haha, proposing isn’t the important thing!”


“The Grand Magician, Claude Saboia, loved my thesis!”

Claude Saboia, the Grand Magician.

He was the nephew of the Saboia Duke and a prominent figure expected to succeed the throne.

In the eyes of someone like Claude, Pedro, who had caught his attention, smoothly ascended the ranks of nobility.

In the past, I had been a foolish fool who gave away my knowledge to Pedro.

But now, I am different.

Fortunately, I arrived at the Sage’s Tower at the perfect time.

The problem was an unexpected friction that occurred in an unrelated place.

“I wanted to attend the thesis presentation, is it too late?”

“Only magicians can attend the thesis presentation.”

“I am a magician too! Well, a first-circle magician.”

“Unfortunately, attendance is already closed.”

Between the closing doors, I could catch glimpses of enthusiastic female magicians.

Their eyes were fixed on the blond hair at the back of Claude Saboia’s head.

A magician who saw me sighed softly.

“…Seems like you’re a fan of Claude. He rarely comes out of the tower, so many followers gathered today…”

What nonsense.

“I’m not a fan.”

“Oh? Then…”

I stared at the red mark on the paper he held that said ‘Closed.’

“Is there any other way to get in?”

It was Helic’s expression that momentarily showed surprise at my denial of being a fan, but then it turned into a calm expression.

“No, there isn’t. Please go back. Claude isn’t interested in female magicians.”

Well, fine.

It was true that Claude Saboia wasn’t interested in women.

He was only interested in one thing.

Tracking magic.

And something peculiar.

“If I can’t enter as an attendee, then I’ll find another way.”

Instead of feeling frustrated, I recalled my knowledge from before regression and smiled mischievously.

If I used ‘that method,’ there should be a way to make a scene.

I trembled my shoulders like a delicate bird and whispered softly.

“Excuse me, I have a small favor to ask…”

The feeling of wearing a well-tailored suit was satisfying.

The watch that Ishael had given me was meticulously adjusted as well.

With this appearance and the noble title, Ishael would surely return to me.

Satisfied, I entered the tower.

“I am Pedro, a third-circle magician.”

“Ah, yes.”

“You are here to request the title of viscount through a magic theory presentation. Please come in.”

The topic of the thesis he had prepared was “Tracking Magic: Enhancing Potions to Trace Missing Individuals.”

Honestly, I had no idea what it meant even after reading the title.

It gave me a tremendous headache.

But it didn’t matter.

All I had to do was mimic the script Ishael had written in the past like a parrot.

“I am Pedro.”

Pedro slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

“Do you all know about tracking potions? When you sprinkle the potion at the place where someone disappeared, it naturally reveals a very limited part of their whereabouts. This is the magical potion created by Claude Saboia here in the tower. It was a truly remarkable discovery!”

Pedro fluently recited the lines Ishael had written for him.

“But let me tell you something.”

He theatrically gestured towards the air.

“What if we could further develop this tracking potion?”

Some of the magicians became interested, and their eyes sparkled.


“How would you develop it?”

“For example, what if we could observe the detailed movements of the missing individual more precisely than before?”

Claude Saboia’s bored gaze suddenly became sharp.

Pedro quickly continued his lines.

“We can inscribe a tracking formula onto the tracking potion.”

“What…? Really?”

“It’s unbelievable!”

“Magic formula and magic potion are completely different domains.”

Their words were correct.

Magic formulas were primarily inscribed onto humans or objects, while magic potions were made using specific ingredients.

Pedro smirked and raised the corner of his mouth.

“It seems many of you are curious. That’s why I conducted an experiment.”

No, it was all Ishael’s doing.

“Every magical object has a ‘circuit.’ I discovered that magical potions also have a mana circuit. So, all we have to do is inscribe a magic formula onto this circuit.”


“Is there no risk for the magic formula and magic potion getting mixed up?”

The Grand Magician, Claude Saboia, raised his hand.

His secretary, Helic, interpreted his gestures.

“Claude wants an accurate explanation of what you mean.”

Pedro looked at Claude with an anxious gaze.

“Does Claude Saboia have an interest in my thesis?!”

Now, if I could explain the thesis properly, his future would be secured!

But right at that moment…



Dazzling light projectiles began pouring into the stage where Pedro stood.

“T-Terrorists! It’s an attack!”