I opened up a portal, and stepped through. Immediately, my face was assaulted with heat. I was standing near the ledge of an open volcano. Glancing down, I could see red deep down at the bottom. Slapping my hands together, my body began to glow and I went through my dungeon points. I hadn’t earned any new points recently. The excess energy from the last two dungeons I took care of didn’t turn into a blessing. One was used to create a mass reincarnation spell, and the other was used to rebuild my dungeon. I opened up my store and selected a skill I hadn’t used too often Fire Immunity.


After dumping 6 points into Fire Resistance and then Fire Immunity, I noticed a new skill appear. Was there a tier beyond Fire Immunity? This one was called Heat Resistance. Weren’t they the same thing? This one cost 10 points. I dropped the points into it, and the heat I was feeling immediately dropped until it felt like it was a perfect day. Oh? So, it was like that? Fire Immunity protected me from taking burn damage, but heat exposure could still be a problem? I noticed that there was now another tier, Heat Immunity.

Given what I was about to do, I decided to select Heat Immunity as well. I had the skill Heat Tolerance through my Blacksmith job, which probably worked like a weak version of Heat Resistance. I wasn’t even going to attempt to depend on that though. I had been worried Fire Immunity wouldn’t cut it either, but with Heat Immunity, that made me more confident. It cost 25 points though. In other words, to be immune to heat completely in all its form cost 41 points in all. I only have 72, so that came uncomfortably close.

I wondered if the other immunities worked similarly. As I earned more blessings, the store had fleshed out more. Just like how the lore gathered from each dungeon allowed me to create new environments, drop new items, and create new mobs, it also opened up the shop to new skills and items.

“Deek, what are you planning?” Pait’s worried voice sounded out from my soul world.

“Y-you mean that time you made me turn into a bicycle and rode me?”

“Ahem...” I coughed awkwardly. “You’ve seen a drill before, right?”

“Master... y-you can’t be serious!”

“Off we go!”


I jumped off the ledge into the volcano.