“Seal Undead.” I raised my hand and cast, causing the movements of all of the dead in front of me to slow to nearly a stop. “Purify!”

I had been fighting so many different enemies of late, I had nearly forgotten just how well built a White Mage was at fighting undead creatures. The priest seemed to be designed more for dealing with spirits, but everything a White Mage had weakened, restrained, or damaged undead in some way.

I could use level 41’s Harm Undead to directly harm the enemy. I could stun the undead, seal their movements, sanctify the land so they were damaged every moment they were near me, and that’s when I didn’t go for directly healing them and causing massive damage.

At level 50, I had unlocked Great Heal, the next evolution of Weak Heal, Moderate Heal, and Strong Heal. It could wipe out just about any undead in a single hit. At level 60, I had unlocked Mass Heal, which was a more powerful version of Group Heal Plus, which could decimate a population in moments. Of course, these spells consumed a ton of mana, even more than that of Resurrection. Mass Heal also took some time to cast.

Then again, the simplest method was just to cut them down with Alysia. The armored undead was more trouble, but the vast majority had weak skin and her blade was able to cut through them with minimal effort. However, I could even sanctify water and make holy water, which I could then toss in their direction. There was no limit to how I could take care of these guys.

“They’re a bit small, aren’t they?” Alysia observed. “I’d say they were children, but those beards.”

“Deep dwarves.” I nodded slowly, looking at the recent undead who had just crumbled to the floor.

These guys were armored, but they had the bodies of young adults and massive beards on their faces. It was hard to see what color their hair had once been what with them being dead, but some of them appeared red or blonde.

The biggest difference between deep dwarves and surface dwarves was that deep dwarves had paler skin, blond or red hair, and a more youthful appearance. Garnet herself appeared as a young woman under fifteen unless you looked carefully.

“What does this mean?”

“We must be close to the deep dwarves territory.” I declared.