Chapter 989: Different positions

"Yes! General! It has been determined that Mark and 12 soldiers have died... We have found their remains..."

"At the same time, the body of the demon cavalry who was in charge of persuading the surrender was discovered... Judging from the state of the corpse, he should not have participated in this surrender incident..."

"Yes! Yes! I can't make a judgment without evidence... I see..."

After hanging up the phone, the general who was in charge of directing the nearby battle looked at his powerful subordinates. He frowned and ordered: "The order issued by the Supreme Command of the Expeditionary Force... immediately wipe out all the neighbors who are still resisting. Demon troops! The rules are the same as before, don't take prisoners."

"Yes! Sir! Don't take prisoners!" Several officers immediately stood at attention and saluted, and then walked out of this temporary front-line command with their military caps.

Seventeen hours after Mark and others were killed, the human offensive in the northern region became more aggressive.

The number of take-offs and landings of various combat aircraft has tripled, and the number of take-offs of some bomber units has even increased by more than ten times!

Humans never sent any knights to persuade them to surrender, nor did they accept the surrender of any demon forces. The artillery fire stopped until no screams were heard, and the soldiers put down their butcher knives when they couldn't find any living mouth.

This battle became very weird because of a demon surrender. Human forces destroyed several demon towns and villages in succession, killing all the demons they found.


"Why can't our military do this?" Wagron asked with a blank face as he watched a group of businessmen who were pleading for more demon workers.

He put down the documents in his hand, looked at the profit-seeking guys standing in front of him, and emphasized word by word: "Vengeance... is the meaning of this war!"

Before, he asked to accept the prisoners of the demons, only because the demons released some human prisoners. His purpose is to allow more human beings to be protected in wars and to keep their fragile lives.

Now, the demons themselves broke the tacit understanding and caused 12 humans to pay the price of their lives. This was a loss that Wagron was unwilling to bear.

Therefore, Wagron, who was reciprocated by grace and revenge, immediately stood on the side of the revenge faction and decided to use **** revenge, warning the demons that they were not qualified to do whatever they wanted.

As for those merchants who have earned a lot of income in the demon world because of the demon labor, Wagron has always been despised and unwilling to pay attention.

He also knew that many military officers had contacts with these merchants, and in some details, they were also willing to cooperate with these merchants in exchange for more supplies and more support.

However, the question of principle is the question of principle, and he can still distinguish this point clearly. As the marshal of the empire, he knew that the foundation of his life was his infinite loyalty to the empire and to the emperor!

"Is it because I have made a lot of money, and I have forgotten the original meaning?" Although the imperial marshal was only middle-aged, he was very powerful when he became majestic.

After all, behind him is the regular army of the 10 million Ailan Hill Empire, an unbeaten iron army sweeping the world.

"We are here to take revenge! It is to make these **** pay the price!" His eyes swept over the wealthy businessmen who came with resentment, and he unconsciously staggered his gaze every time he swept over the other party.

The long-term cooperation with the military has made these merchants forget their position. It also left them with an illusion that an army is their eagle-dog illusion.

So Wagron must let these idiots know that the army is still the emperor's army, it is still the empire's army, not a dog in their family!

The army of the Airanhill Empire will not fight for the benefit of any one person, unless that person is Chris! This will never change, and this is also the norm that Wagron abides by.

So he continued: "This war...The army of the Ailanhill Empire is fighting for the empire, fighting for the emperor...not for your gold coins! Understand?"

He put his hands on the table and stood up: "The purpose of our coming here is to let them remember the crimes they committed, let them know that they provoke someone they shouldn’t provoke, and let them always remember whether they did it or not. What should be done!"

This is full of murderousness, so it makes the businessmen in the house a little uncomfortable.

As a result, some of these people loosened their necklines with their hands, some scratched their heads unnaturally, and some even pinched the corners of their clothes with their hands.

After all, these people are just businessmen. When they are proud, when they make money, they feel that they own the world.

But when they face the supreme power, they can only curl up and become conscientious.

That's why they are willing to use gold coins to influence politics. That's why they are willing to carry out a bourgeois revolution. That's why they are willing to control power. That's why they are more willing to play with the law.

It's a pity that when these poor guys who only have money left face a government that is richer than them, they have nothing to do.

Because their emperor is richer than them, and their slayer is richer than them...Compared with the entire empire, they are just a bunch of poor ghosts.

"We are here to kill people and set fires! To use their black blood to polish our boots!" Wagron didn't care what these merchants were thinking, he just told each other the facts.

Cruel and realistic facts.

Originally, the army of the Ailan Hill Empire expedition to the Demon Realm, in order to completely eliminate the Demon Race. The original intention of this war was to eliminate the threat of the magic continent.

It was only because of the changes that occurred during the war that the demons appeared compromising and surrendering factions, which allowed the high-levels of the Ailan Hill Empire to see the possibility of enslaving the demons and speeding up the end of the war.

That's why it became what it is now, and that's why the Ailan Hill Empire allowed the use of demons slaves to occur.

Now, the occurrence of the demon surrender has once again made the Ailan Hill Empire sensitive. Humans can raise a dog to take care of their own home, but they are not allowed to bite themselves.

Even Wagron, who showed a slight sympathy for the demons before, immediately revealed his tough stance. In fact, the tough stance has always existed in the high-levels of the Ailanhill Empire, but it is hidden.

At this moment, these tough senior officials no longer have to hide their positions.

They want to restore the original intention of this war and let the demons pay their due price. Wagron's meaning is very clear: to kill 12 of us, we must kill one thousand two hundred demons, and one thousand two thousand demons to vent their hatred!

"We want their children to not dare to cry when they hear our name, and we want their men to kneel and raise their hands when they hear our name!" Thinking of the murdered Mark and others, Wagron seemed violent. stand up.

He was a soldier, his fellow was killed by the enemy, and he was killed in a sneak attack by improper means. He felt that he was responsible.

If it weren't for the fact that he had previously thought of returning the favor of the Demon Race, if it weren't for him to stand in the position of allowing the Demon Race to surrender, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened.

As a soldier of the Airanhill Empire, he can tolerate hundreds of soldiers to die bravely in battle, but he cannot tolerate his soldiers being attacked by the enemy because of loopholes in decision-making.

"We have to help them develop the habit. When we see human beings, we will kneel down on the side of the road and wait for us to pass by!" An angry Wagron walked around the table and walked in front of the businessmen: "We want them to be there every time. When thinking of us, dreaming of us, and talking about us, we must have respect in our hearts, and there is no thought of resisting even the slightest in my heart!" Mobile phone terminal::

"Order to clean up all the surrounding demon forces that have not yet surrendered. Since they think that the source of magic is the only powerful master worthy of allegiance in this world, let them continue to serve it in hell! I will take the source of magic. Let's send it down to accompany them!" He glanced at Midas who was standing in the voice, and ordered.

"Marshal, we are already doing this!" Medias replied with his chin open.

Wagron nodded, and continued to command: "From today! Stop all food supply to the demons, and we will no longer send anyone to receive the demons who surrendered..."

"Yes! Marshal!" Mideas responded directly without hesitation.

"If there is another attack on humans, I will be a thousand, ten thousand times of revenge!" Wagron gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists: "Pray! Pray that no humans will sacrifice for the stupidity of the devil again. ...If something like this happens again...then the Demon Realm will never have peace!"

"If we knock on the door to check, they will shoot and kill if they don't open the door to cooperate with us!"

"If I lose a bone and they don't stick out their tongue, we will shoot and kill!"

"If I want to kill, then we will shoot and kill!"

After saying these words, Wagron waved his hand, unwilling to pay attention to the merchants in front of them who came to beg for the Demon Race: "If there is nothing else, I will see you off!"

"Gentlemen... Although this kind of thing is not under the control of our military... But I still have to kindly remind you." After leaving Wagron's office, Midas stopped and went to the command headquarters. At the door, the businessmen who came to complain were stopped.

He stared at the guys with different expressions, rich and powerful, and coldly warned: "But if you find out that you are deceived by the devil or have any improper association with the devil... Then you should be very clear about the consequences. ."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a please gesture: "Let's go, I won't send you off!"——

The other two nights I stayed up again in the middle of the night. Yes, I stayed up again again.